Common Service #1 Hymnody, September 25, 2022

Today we will examine the Hymn of the Day and hymnody in general.
We are taking a one Sunday break from our study, “Lutheran Bodies in North America.”

Handout 1:  Hymns-for-Bible-Class-Sep-25-2022.pdf
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Picture: During the summer, Trinity Early Childhood Learning Center has a school class. Here they are being taught about the beginning chapters of Genesis.

Lutheran Bodies in North America, Class #13: September 18, 2022

Today we will look at the polity of the Lutheran church bodies in North America.

Handout 1: Rast Demagoguery or Democracy.pdf
Handout 2:  Church-Polity-and-Ministry.pdf
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Picture: During the summer, Trinity Early Childhood Learning Center has a school class. Here they are attending daily chapel.

Lutheran Bodies in North America, Class #12: September 11, 2022

In this class on the Lutheran church bodies in North America, we will wrap the discussion of the Office of the Ministry and move on to an explanation of church polity.

Handout 1: Lutheran-Confessions-with-Ministry-and-Polity-Yellow-Marking.pdf
Handout 1: Ministry-Word-and-Sacrament.pdf
Handout 2: Church-Polity-and-Ministry.pdf
Handout 3: Moving-Frontiers-Summary-by-Schaff.pdf
Handout 4: Rast Demagoguery or Democracy.pdf

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Picture: During the summer, Trinity Early Childhood Learning Center has a school class.

Lutheran Bodies in North America, Class #11:  September 4, 2022

In this class on the Lutheran church bodies in North America, we will clear up the confusion regarding the Saxon Immigration questions regarding Church and Ministry.  The Scriptural and Confessional answer will render Walther’s transfer theory unnecessary.

Handout 1: Lutheran-Confessions-with-Ministry-and-Polity-Yellow-Marking.pdf
Handout 2:  Are-We-Church.pdf
Handout 3: Ministry-Word-and-Sacrament.pdf
Handout 4: Three-Kinds-of-Lutherans-b.pdf

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Picture: St. Patrick Lutheran Church (Chipley, FL) hosted our Eldona Family Camp this Summer.  Here is a picture of the retreat center where we stayed in Panama City Beach, FL.

Lutheran Bodies in North America, Class #10: August 28, 2022

In this class on the Lutheran church bodies in North America, we will take a second look at the disagreements over the teaching of Church and Ministry.

Handout 1:  Lutheran-Confessions-with-Ministry-and-Polity.pdf
Handout 2:  Office-and-Ministry-Pictures-to-Hand-Out.pdf
Handout 3:  Apology-XIV-Ecclesiastical-Order.pdf
Handout 4: Theses-on-Church-and-Ministry.pdf
Handout 5: Demagoguery or Democracy? by Rast.pdf
Handout 6: Moving-Frontiers-Summary-by-Schaff.pdf

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Picture: St. Patrick Lutheran Church (Chipley, FL) hosted our Eldona Family Camp this Summer.  Here is Pr. Brandon Warr leading the closing Divine Service.


Lutheran Bodies in North America, Class #9:  August 21, 2022

In this class on the Lutheran church bodies in North America, we will look at the disagreements over the teaching of Church and Ministry.

Handout 1:  Lutheran-Confessions-with-Ministry-and-Polity.pdf
Handout 2: Church-Polity-and-Ministry.pdf
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Picture: St. Patrick Lutheran Church (Chipley, FL) hosted our Eldona Family Camp this Summer.  Here is the group at the closing Divine Service.

Lutheran Bodies in North America, Class #8: August 14, 2022

In this fourth class on the Lutheran church bodies in North America, we will look at the history of the coordination of the Lutherans following the great immigrations.

Handout 1:  America-Timeline-for-Lutherans-Pages-3-4.pdf
Handout 2: Lutheran-Bodies-in-North America-4-Pages.pdf
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Picture:  The 2022 Diocesan Family Camp was July 25-29, 2022 at Surfside Christian Retreat Center in Panama City Beach, hosted by St. Patrick Ev. Lutheran Church (Chipley, FL).  This is the winning sand castle by Ryan and Kyle from Peoria, IL.

Lutheran Bodies in North America, Class #7: August 7, 2022

In this third class on the Lutheran church bodies in North America, we will look at the history of the great immigrations of Lutherans in Prussian, Saxoy, and Scandinavian lands.

Handout 1:  America-Timeline-for-Lutherans-Pages-3-4.pdf
Handout 2: Lutheran-Bodies-in-North America-4-Pages.pdf
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Picture:  The 2022 Diocesan Family Camp was July 25-29, 2022 at Surfside Christian Retreat Center in Panama City Beach, hosted by St. Patrick Ev. Lutheran Church (Chipley, FL).

Lutheran Bodies in North America, Class #6: July 31, 2022

In this second class on the Lutheran church bodies in North America, we will look at the history of Lutherans beginning with the founding of the General Synod up to the great immigrations.

Handout 1: America-Timeline-for-Lutherans-Page-2.pdf
Handout 1: America-Timeline-for-Lutherans-Page-1.pdf
Handout 2: Lutheran-Bodies-in-North America-4-Pages.pdf
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).



Lutheran Bodies in North America, Class #5: July 24, 2022

Having completed a four Sunday look at Pietism, we now begin our study of the Lutheran church bodies in North America.  In this class we will look at the early history of Lutherans on American soil and stop right before the founding of the General Synod.

Handout 1: America-Timeline-for-Lutherans-Page-1.pdf
Handout 2: Lutheran-Bodies-in-North America-4-Pages.pdf
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).