#1 Part One of The Exercise of Piety: Concerning Meditation on Sins.

Meditation on sins comprises these two parts, namely that we recognize the seriousness of original and actual sin. Actual sins are committed by thought, word, and deed. They are committed by the commission of evil and by the omission of good. They are committed against God, neighbor, and self. There are sins of youth and daily weaknesses. Every day we are tempted by the flesh and we will often succumb to these temptations. At times we participate in the sins of others, and fall into many of these same sins ourselves. And indeed, we are convicted guilty of our sins by all creation, and we contemplate the severity of divine wrath against our sins in the suffering and death of Christ. (The Daily Exercise of Piety by Johann Gerhard, Repristination Press, p.14)

Posted in 2023 Doctrine & Practice.