For The Church, For the Parish Church 7

O GOD, Who dost call all men to Thee, and Who dost graciously receive all them that come: Vouchsafe Thy pardon to all those who here confess their sins; bestow the comfort of Thy Spirit on those who humbly and faithfully bring Thee their needs and sorrows; accept the praise and worship that are offered here; and grant that many may find Thee in this place, and finding Thee, be filled in soul and body with all things needful; and finally with all Thine own, be united in that communion with Thee which is eternal in the heavens, where Thou livest and reignest ever One God, world without end. Amen.  (Oremus, 1925, p.71).

#16 Where The Word of God is Believed, Professed and Lived is the True Church

Now, wherever you hear or see this word preached, believed, professed, and lived, do not doubt that the true ecclesia sancta catholica, “a Christian holy people” must be there, even though their number is very small. For God’s word “shall not return empty,” Isaiah 55 [:11], but must have at least a fourth or a fraction of the field. And even if there were no other sign than this alone, it would still suffice to prove that a Christian, holy people must exist there, for God’s word cannot be without God’s people, and conversely, God’s people cannot be without God’s word. Otherwise, who would preach or hear it preached, if there were no people of God? And what could or would God’s people believe, if there were no word of God?

This is the thing that performs all miracles, effects, sustains, carries out, and does everything, exorcises all devils, like pilgrimage-devils, indulgence-devils, bull-devils, brotherhood-devils, saint-devils, mass-devils, purgatory-devils, monastery-devils, priest-devils, mob-devils, insurrection-devils, heresy-devils, all pope-devils, also Antinomian-devils, but not without raving and rampaging, as is seen in the poor men mentioned in Mark I [:23–26] and 9 [:17–29]. No, he must depart with raving and rampaging as is evidenced by Emser, Eck, Snot-nose, Schmid, Wetzel, Bumpkin, Boor, Churl, Brute, Sow, Ass, and the rest of his screamers and scribes. They all are the devil’s mouths and members, through whom he raves and rampages. But it does them no good. He must take his leave; he is unable to endure the power of the word. They themselves confess that it is God’s word and Holy Scripture, claiming, however, that one fares better with the fathers and the councils. Let them go their way. It is enough for us to know how this chief holy possession purges, sustains, nourishes, strengthens, and protects the church, as St. Augustine also says, “The church is begotten, cared for, nourished, and strengthened by the word of God.” But those who persecute and condemn it identify themselves by their own fruits. (Luther’s Works, v.41, p.150-151)

Picture: The sheaf of wheat is a symbol of the unleavened wheat bread used in the Lord’s Supper.

Our Family Daily Prayers Part II – begins Feb 3, 2020

Daily Devotional Material

is available at our Web site and specifically at the tab “Daily Life,” Congregational Life.

Our Family Daily Prayers – include weekly recommendation for psalm, hymn, AM/PM readings, a quotation(usually from Luther), catechism, upcoming collect, a picture, and a prayer from Oremus.

Our Family Daily Prayers for Gesima/Lent/Easter One 2020 One-sided – Print one-sided, easier to view on screen

Our Family Daily Prayers for Gesima/Lent/Easter One 2020 – Booklet – Print two- sided to form booklet

Lutheran Herald, Feb 2 through 29, 2020 – includes -recommended daily reading, devotion and prayer, Bishop’s Address, and Doctrine and Practice from The Lutheran Liturgy.

Lutheran Herald February 2020.pdf.  You can also sign up for devotions at

For The Church, For the Parish Church 6

ALMIGHTY God, Everlasting Father, Who dost refresh us as we have need, and dost strengthen our faith with heavenly food, so that we go from strength to strength: Vouchsafe to all who receive at this altar the holy sacrament of the body and blood of Thy dear Son, to approach this holy mystery with pure hearts, believing desire and devout thanksgiving, that, comforted with Thy eternal love and goodness, they may be nourished and strengthened in faith, live in love and to the praise of Thy holy name and finally attain to Thy presence in eternity, through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.  (Oremus, 1925, p.70-71).

#15 The Word of God is the True Holy Ointment

Yet this holy possession is the true holy possession, the true ointment that anoints unto life eternal, even though you cannot have a papal crown or a bishop’s hat, but must die bare and naked, just like children (in fact, all of us), who are baptized naked and without any adornment. But we are speaking of the external word, preached orally by men like you and me, for this is what Christ left behind as an external sign, by which his church, or his Christian people in the world, should be recognized. We also speak of this external word as it is sincerely believed and openly professed before the world, as Christ says, “Every one who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father and his angels” [Matt. 10:32]. There are many who know it in their hearts, but will not profess it openly. Many possess it, but do not believe in it or act by it, for the number of those who believe in and act by it is small—as the parable of the seed in Matthew 13 [:4–8] says that three sections of the field receive and contain the seed, but only the fourth section, the fine and good soil, bears fruit with patience. (Luther’s Works, v.41, p.149-150)

Picture:  The Sickle Rake and Sheaf refers to Mt 13:24ff where the believers are gathered like wheat and brought into God’s barn.

For The Church, For the Parish Church 5

MOST Merciful Father, Who in Thy dear Son hast given us the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and through Him dost call all men to give Thee heart and soul and strength .and life: Vouchsafe to all who, here before this altar, confess the Lord Jesus before men, the blessing of Thy Holy Spirit, that in Thy Church they may be living stones, elect and precious; through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.  (Oremus, 1925, p.70).

#14 First, the Church Has Possession of The Holy Word of God

First, the holy Christian people are recognized by their possession of the holy word of God. To be sure, not all have it in equal measure, as St. Paul says [I Cor. 3:12–14]. Some possess the word in its complete purity, others do not. Those who have the pure word are called those who “build on the foundation with gold, silver, and precious stones”; those who do not have it in its purity are the ones who “build on the foundation with wood, hay, and straw,” and yet will be saved through fire. More than enough was said about this above. This is the principal item, and the holiest of holy possessions,385 by reason of which the Christian people are called holy; for God’s word is holy and sanctifies everything it touches; it is indeed the very holiness of God, Romans 1 [:16], “It is the power of God for salvation to everyone who has faith,” and I Timothy 4 [:5], “Everything is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.” For the Holy Spirit himself administers it and anoints or sanctifies the Christian church with it rather than with the pope’s chrism, with which he anoints or consecrates fingers, garb, cloaks, chalices, and stones. These objects will never teach one to love God, to believe, to praise, to be pious. They may adorn the bag of maggots, but afterward they fall apart and decay with the chrism and whatever holiness it contains, and with the bag of maggots itself. (Luther’s Works, v.41, p.148-149)

Picture:  The Alpha and the Omega are from Revelation