#24 Part 5 Patient Godliness As We Abstain From Worldly Lusts.

Whoever, against conscience, follows the lusts of his flesh with sin, does not properly confess God—even though he may exalt himself in whatever way he wishes (1 John 3:6) and with self-controlled patience (if one wants to dampen and kill off the evil lusts of the old man, it is hard for flesh and blood to take this on account of the fact that it is called a crucifixion and killing off of the flesh [Gal. 5:24, Col. 3:5].

If one no longer wishes to conform to this world nor run with it in the wasteland of inordinate ways (1 Pet. 4:4), then repulsiveness and hostility soon arise; consequently, for such self-control and abstinence from fleshly, worldly lusts, patience is necessary); and, in patient godliness (through which we lift up our heart, mind, and attitude to God, and inwardly call upon Him). For it does not lie within the realm of our powers and desires to offer up such things which He through His good Spirit wishes to implant, sustain, and multiply in our hearts—things such as faith, virtue, discernment, self-control, and patience; and, along with godliness, brotherly love: (Schola Pietatus-Volume 1 by Johann Gerhard, Repristination Press, p. 12-13)

Posted in 2023 Doctrine & Practice.

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