#39 Man Cannot Truly Love Christ Unless He Believes in Him

This Gospel (John 14:23-31) is a part of the exhortation which Christ addressed to His disciples on the evening before His sufferings, and contains words of especial importance. Christ would teach us in these words how vain is the endeavor to obtain a knowledge of God and to come to Him without loving: the Saviour. Where this is wanting, our thoughts of God and our devotion are without assurance and we cannot apprehend Him. But if we love Christ we can come to the Father and He will love us.  How is it that Christ here speaks of love and does not say, as He is wont to say: “Believe in me?” Is love more efficacious than faith that He says: “If a man loves me?” We answer: The sense is the same; man cannot truly love Christ unless he believes in Him and is comforted in Him. The word “love” is in this case plainer and more forcible, because it indicates so nicely, how our hearts should turn from everything else in heaven and on earth, and should cling alone to this Man, Jesus Christ. For we know how love, according to its
very nature, concentrates all its energies upon the object of its devotion, and remains attached to it, regardless of aught else in the wide world. It is the Lord’s will that we should thus cherish and love Him with our whole heart. This we cannot do except through faith. Hence this declaration concerning love does not in the least detract anything from faith, but rather instructs us as to the true character and efficacy of faith. (Luther’s House Postil, Second Sermon for Pentecost, Volume 2, p. 598-599)

Posted in 2023 Doctrine & Practice.