#63 Appeal to Christ for Counsel and Help

We should therefore follow the example of the nobleman and apply to Christ for counsel and help in all our troubles. It is an easy matter for Him to help us in our distress; He needs but to speak the word and we are delivered. He is besides very willing to help us. The nobleman is in great haste and wants to avoid every delay, but the Lord is in still greater haste, and is not willing to leave the son of the nobleman in danger, until He and his father could reach him, but heals him at once even at a distance, and at the very moment when He said to the father: “Go thy way, thy son liveth.” Thus the Lord Jesus is no doubt willing to help us, if in all confidence we ask Him. He was sent upon earth for the purpose of delivering us from sin, death and the tyranny of the devil, and to translate us into the eternal kingdom of God. For this purpose the Father, our merciful God in heaven, has sent Him, and for this purpose alone did He come.

Whoever therefore desires and seeks help against sin and death, shall surely find it, as we here learn from the nobleman, who merely sought bodily help. How much more willing will not the Lord be to help us out of a far greater danger and when we are in far greater need of His help when our eternal salvation is at stake? (Luther’s House Postil, Sermon for the Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity, Volume 3, p. 855)

Posted in 2023 Doctrine & Practice.

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