Since the papists know that in all these and other things we are like the ancient church and may truly be called the ancient church—for these things are not new or invented by us—it is amazing that they should deceive and damn us so shamelessly, calling us apostates and founders of a new church; for they cannot find anything in us which was not held in the ancient and true church at the time of the apostles. Thus I really think that this is the time of which Daniel 7 [:8–9] says, “One that was ancient of days took his seat” after the little horn had spoken blasphemously, and sat in judgment. For the original and ancient church shines forth once more (like the sun emerging from the clouds behind which it was shining, but where it could not be seen), and the horn which speaks blasphemies will perish and everything come to an end, as it is written and is evident in the result—but there is no time to speak of that now. (Luther’s Works, v.41, p.198)
Picture: A close-up of the Veronica window at History Trinity Lutheran Church, Souland Market, St. Louis MO