Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 17: The Law has No Place in Justification

Class #17:  St. Paul continues to emphasize the contrast between righteousness by(διά) faith in Christ and righteousness by (διά) law.   The Scriptural teaching of justification by faith cannot allow the introduction of even a drop of works-righteousness otherwise grace is frustrated and Christ died for nothing.

The law has no place in the doctrine of justification.  Of course, the law is to be used to show me my sin, so that I die to the law.  The law is no longer my master and I am no longer his servant.  Through faith in Christ, I live a new life of thankfulness toward God.

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Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 16: Christ isn’t a Minister of Sin, is He?

Class #16:  St. Paul declares that Jews know—because of the teaching of the Old Testament—that no flesh is justified by keeping the law(Ps 143:2).  Therefore, in order to be justified according to the promise of the Gospel(Mk 16:16), Christians have believed in Jesus Christ.

With Galatians 2:17-18, St. Paul shows the logical result of what happens when a Christian (who is seeking to be justified by faith) adds the requirement of keeping the law for his justification.  With verse 17, we learn that if faith in Christ alone is insufficient to save, then Christ has become a servant who lead us into sin.  Similarly in verse 18, we see that if believers in Christ need the law in order to be justified, then the church’s teaching of faith alone makes us lawbreakers.  We cannot rebuild the law as a requirement for justification, without turning Christ into a sin-causer and us back into a transgressor.  The truth of the Gospel is that important!

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Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 15: When Adiaphora is not Adiaphora

Class #15:  Concerning those things which are neither commanded nor forbidden by the Scriptures (called adiaphora), we are free to do or not do. However, when St. Peter by his pretense began to compel the Gentiles to keep the ceremonial food laws in order to be saved(2:14), the principle doctrine of Christianity was at stake.  St. Paul rightfully objected.  St. Peter knew that a man was saved by grace through faith and apart from works, but out of fear(2:12) he did not behave in keeping with the truth of the Gospel.

We must always distinguish between the law and the gospel.  The law is rightly used to curb the sinful nature, to show us our sins, and to guide the thankful heart as how to please God.  However, when it comes to justification (being declared righteous), the law has no place.  The conscience trusts in the Gospel message alone for salvation.

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Galatians Bible Study Class #16 will not be published until January 3.

Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 14: Practice and Doctrine

Class #14:  St. Peter had been taught by a revelation (Acts 10-11) that “God does not show favoritism” and “everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name.”  Later Peter had proclaimed that same Gospel message at the Apostolic Council (Acts 15:7-11) which Sts. Barnabas, Titus and Paul had attended (Galatians 2:11-21).  The Jerusalem church leaders gave Paul and the Antiochian delegation “the right hand of fellowship” (Gal 2:9), which means they had the same teaching and practice.

In today’s reading from Galatians 2:11ff, St. Paul needed to call St. Peter back to the truth of the gospel.  When the circumcision party showed up, St. Peter fearing to displease them, changed his practice to reflect their teaching that a person must believe AND observe the law to be saved.  The correction was public because Barnabas and the Jews were being led astray from the truth of the gospel.

There are three Scriptural uses for the law.  The law serves as (1) a curb to restrain the sinful nature, as a (2) mirror to convict man of his sins, and as (3) a guide to show how a believer is to live in thanking his God.  The law is not used as a means for acquiring salvation.

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Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 13: The Truth of the Gospel

Class #13:  When it comes to “the truth of the gospel” (Galatians 2:5, 2:14, 3:1) St. Paul is not willing to budge even a little.  In matters of life and weakness, he shows forth great love and bears all things(1 Cor 13:7).  He was not critical of St. Peter eating with the Gentiles (2:12), for even St. Paul himself said, “I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.” (1 Cor 9:22).  However, when it comes to the truth of the gospel–that man is saved faith in Jesus Christ without the works of the law–he stands firm. To admit any law requirements into the teaching of how man is saved (declared righteous, justified) is to have “another gospel” (1:9).  When the truth of the gospel is at stake, no human office is to be respected(2:6), “we must obey God, rather than man” (Acts 5:29)

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Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 12: St. Paul Swears

Class #12: In Gal. 1:20, St. Paul swears for the sake of the Gospel (Heb 6:16).  He transitions from his defense of his immediate divine call to a defense of the content of “the faith” (Gal. 1:23)—“the truth of the gospel” (2:5).  The gospel which St. Paul preached among the Gentiles was presented to the leaders in Jerusalem both privately and publicly when he went to the Apostolic Council recorded in Acts 15.  They were in complete agreement with St. Paul.  Furthermore, regarding the test case of his companion, the gentile Titus, they did not require him to be circumcised.  Faith in Jesus Christ alone saves, apart from any requirements of the law.

Handout: Galatians-study-overhead-nov-27-2016

Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 11: The Medium and the Message

Class #11:  St. Paul defends both his apostolic office and the gospel message which he had preached to the Galatians.  The message of the gospel is that man is saved by grace through faith alone apart from works.  The ultimate proof that salvation is apart from any merit or worthiness in man is the Scriptural teaching of God’s eternal foreknowledge and election.  (See Handout on Election.)

Similarly, even before his birth, St. Paul was predestined by God to serve as the Apostle to the Gentiles.  God’s eternal foreknowledge and election had determined “to reveal His Son” in St. Paul apart from any merit or worthiness in him.  When Galatians 1:15 says, “it pleased God,” those words show that it is the graciousness of God which is the cause of St. Paul conversion and his appointed mission to preach Jesus among the Gentiles.

God was not pleased with the faithless sacrifices of the Israelites(Ps 40:6-8), nor was He pleased with the unbelieving rabble(1 Cor 10:5).  However, the heavenly Father was well-pleased with the sacrifice of His Son (Mt 3:17, 17:5).  Furthermore, “God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe” (1 Cor 1:21).

Handout: Formula of Concord Ep XI

Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 10

Class #10:  The false judaizing prophets, who were troubling the Galatians, had denied St. Paul’s apostolic call and perverted the Gospel. St. Paul’s response was to defend his call and to intricately connect it with the true Gospel message. St. Paul was called immediately by Jesus (not by or through men) and the Gospel of salvation by grace through faith apart from works came “through the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

The Galatians are “brothers” in the faith, because they had received the the true Gospel taught by St. Paul.

Handout: Galatians Bible Study Handout-for-11-13-2016

Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 9

Class #9:  The work of a faithful pastor over many years can be ruined by a heretic so quickly.  Though we should rightly be concerned about falling into the gross outward sins(Jude 4) of immorality, there is a sneakier way in which we can fall away from the true Gospel.  In Galatians, the Judaizers are wanting the people to trust in Jesus AND the morality of their works righteousness(Acts 15:1ff).  When even one law requirement is added to the free gift of salvation through faith in Jesus, the Gospel is perverted and ceases to be the true Gospel.

The Holy Scriptures, which teach salvation by the Gospel apart from Law, are the norm by which the church and her teachers are judged.  St. Paul’s varying approach with regard to Timothy (Acts 16:1-3) and Titus (Galatians 2:3), makes it clear that circumcision is not necessary for salvation.  If St. Paul would give in to the Judaizer’s legalistic demands, he would be guilty of removing the offense of the cross (Galatians 5:1).

Handout: Galatians Bible Study Handout-for-11-6-2016

Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 8

Class #8:  St. Paul makes a distinction between the Galatians and the false teachers.  In attempting to restore (6:1) the people of the congregations, he is gentle even while he reveals their error.  However, when St. Paul speaks about the false teachers(1:9, 5:10, 5:12), he is rough and even condemning of those who are troubling the consciences of the Galatians.

Their error is two-pronged.  They have turned away from God Himself and the true Gospel, which is the good news about the forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus Christ.

Handout: Galatians Bible Study Handout for 10-31-2016