Evening Prayer for Sunday

100. Now thank we all our God, Who, from our mother’s womb, has kept us alive and showered His benefits upon us. May He grant us joyful hearts and great peace in this our day, that His grace abide, and redeem us while we live. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with us evermore. Amen.

O Lord, Almighty God, Heavenly Father, I bless Thee for all the goodness and mercy which Thou hast this day so graciously bestowed upon me, and hast preserved me in joy and health from all evil. As Thy beloved, I pray Thee graciously to preserve me in Thy word, which alone is able to save, until my latest breath, and enlighten my soul with Thy Holy Spirit, that I may know what is good and what is evil. By Thy mercy blot out every transgression that I have committed this day, whether consciously or ignorantly, and every secret fault, and grant me this night the precious rest of Thy Christian people, that I may rise again refreshed and strong unto Thy praise. Grant also, Dear Father, that by Thy grace I begin a new life, acceptable unto Thee, unto the salvation of my soul; through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, our only help. Amen. (Seed-Grains of Prayer: A Manual for Evangelical Christians by William Loehe, Wartburg Publishing House, 1914, Pages 170-172).

Posted in 2020 Prayers.