- Lord Jesus, I confess my guilt, that I have not lived this whole day unto Thy praise and glory. I have lacked in gratitude toward Thee, and have not taken to heart Thy bitter sufferings and death as I should. O Lord, so many sins *(Here think what sins and omissions you have especially to lament and confess.) have I this day committed against Thy law. I have neglected so much †(Think upon the things which you have especially neglected to do.) and have not improved myself. Gracious Redeemer, forgive me for the sake of Thy blood which Thou didst shed for me. Defend me this night against all harm and sin. Let my heart find rest and awake again in Thee, unto Thy praise. This day and at all times I commit and commend unto Thee my body, soul, spirit, honor, possessions, and living, to do with me according to Thy good pleasure. When matters go contrary to my pleasure, grant me grace and patience. Let me realize how this life is a vale of sorrow, and have desire only for the blessed fatherland, that I may joyfully contemplate death and praise Thee at last, with all the elect in everlasting life, world without end. Amen. (Pages 172)
Evening Prayer for Sunday: 2
Posted in 2020 Prayers.