Matins on Christmas Dawn – December 25, 2022

Order of Matins, p.208  Lutheran Worship
Versicles, Venite
Office Hymn “From East to West” LW 43
Psalm 93, 100, 63, Hymn #9 Benedicite, omnia opera, Psalm 148 (See Insert)
Readings:  Micah 5:2-4, Titus 3:4-7
Te Deum, LW p.214
The Prayers
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin:  Christmas-Dawn-Matins-Cover-2022-Online.pdf
Psalms for Matins:  Christmas-Dawn-Psalms-2022.pdf

Picture: The Luther Bible 1534: Joshua 1 – The initial letter “N” in the Book of Joshua, p.1.

Posted in Matins, Sermon, Services.