Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 33: Sarah and the Promise

Class #33:  Not all of the sons of Abraham are sons of the promise.  In Genesis 15:1ff, God tell Abram that the heir(Savior) would come from Abram’s body.  Before God’s words made it clear that the line of the Savior would come from Sarah’s body as well, Sarah tried to provide children by means of Hagar.  Although Hagar’s son, Ishmael, and his descendants were sons of Abraham, they were not sons of the promise.

The promises of the law are conditional and always in doubt (Ex 19:15, Dr. 28:9, Ps 95:7).  The promises of the gospel are unconditional and are sure.  The gospel promise is that through faith in Jesus Christ you will be saved.

Overhead: Galatians Class 33 Overhead
Handout: Galatians Bible Study Chapter 4 21 thru 31

Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 32: Abraham’s Mother’s Day

Class #32:  St. Paul was not reading into the historical account of Genesis, chapters 16-21, when he declared that the children of Hagar and Sarah teach us about two covenants: the law and the promise.  The Scriptures themselves bear witness to Jesus (John 5:39) that all who believe in Him receive forgiveness of sins (Acts 10:43).

These Old Testament stories are not designed to teach simple morals (e.g. don’t make fun of others).  Instead, they show us believers, like ourselves, who struggle with life as they believe in the Savior.  Abraham and Sarah are beyond the age of child-bearing, but they know that God has promised a Savior-descendant.  The actions of Hagar and Ishmael reveal a disdain for the promise of God and rejection of the Savior.  Those who reject salvation by faith in the Savior are “cast out” of the Christian church.

Overhead: Galatians Class 32 Overhead
Handout: Galatians Bible Study Chapter 4 21 thru 31