Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 45: The Conflict of Spirit and Sinful Nature

Class #45:  Before conversion there is nothing to oppose the lusts of the flesh, and therefore the sinful flesh has free reign.  After conversion, “the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another….”   Due to the remaining sinful nature, which wars against the Spirit, the Christian life is encumbered with much weakness.  We often fall short of our desire to do good, as described in Romans 7:14-19, “For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate that I do.”  When this happens we confess our sins and receive forgiveness.

It is also true as St. Paul assures us in Galatians 5:16-18, that believers “walk in the Spirit,” so that the Spirit prevents us from putting into practice the desires of the flesh–“…so that you do not do the {evil} things that you wish.”  Though we want to be free of those sinful desires and fight against them, we are comforted in our conflict that these sins are not imputed to believers.

Overhead: Galatians Class 45 Overhead
Handout 1: Gal 5 17 handout
Handout 2: Galatians Bible Study Chapter 5 16 thru 21

Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 44: Walking by the Spirit

Class #44:  What follows from St. Paul’s teaching of justification by grace through faith?  The Christian life becomes a gift of freedom to love the neighbor.  However, the Christian still carries within him the flesh which lusts against the Spirit, creating contradictory desires.  As a result, the Christian walks by the Spirit, so that he does not fulfill the sinful desires of the flesh.

The Christian is conscious of the sin within him, so that by confession he can resist the word/deed.  In great weakness, the Christian battles the rebellion and prayerfully desires to be free of sin.  We need neither despair, nor be surprised at the conflict within us.  Thankfully, those remaining sinful desires are not imputed to the believer.

Overhead: Galatians Class 44 Overhead
Handout: Galatians Bible Study Chapter 5 16 thru 21

Baptismal Life Bible Class – Daily Baptism, Part 4

The baptismal life of a Christian involves a daily dying to sin and rising to live a new life. In this lesson we examine the “killing of the old Adam.” This daily baptism includes denying and refusing to follow the sinful thoughts, desires, and deeds of the sinful nature. This baptismal life of the Christian cannot be performed by non-Christians. There is no living a life without a birth. According to Titus 3:5-8 we know that baptism provides not only a re-birth, but also a renewal. Although the sinful nature was crucified and killed in our baptism, he continues to raise his ugly head. Romans 6 teaches us how Christians are to reckon themselves to be dead to sin.

Handout: Lesson Four Romans 6 Put to death the Old Man