#2 Part I, Chapter I. The Consideration of the Seriousness of Original Sin.

O holy God, just Judge, I know that I am conceived and born in sin (Psa. 51:7). I know that I was formed from unclean seed (Job 14:4) in the womb of my mother. The poison of sin has so corrupted and spoiled my entire nature that no powers of my soul are free from its infection. The holy gift of the divine image entrusted to me in the first parent of our race has perished in me. I now have no powers for initiating a saving recognition, fear, trust, and love of You. I have no capability to obediently perform Your commandments. My will is turned away from the law, and the law of sin in my members is opposed to the law of my mind [Rom. 7:23], so that my entire nature is corrupt and perverted. I am wretched and miserable and feel the assault of sin tenaciously clinging to every part of me. I feel the yoke of perverse desire weighing heavily upon me. I have been regenerated and renewed in the washing of baptism through the Spirit of grace [Tit. 3:5]. But I am not totally free from the yoke and captivity of sin, since that bitter root lurking in me always strives to shoot forth [Heb. 12:15]. The law of sin raging in my flesh fights to capture me. I am full of doubts, distrust, and the desire for my own honor. Depraved thoughts come forth from the heart [Mat. 15:19], which totally defile me in Your sight. From a poisoned spring flow forth poison streams.

Do not, O Lord, enter into judgment with Your servant [Psa. 143:2], rather be gracious to me according to Your great mercy [Psa. 51:3]. The depth of my wretchedness [Psa. 42:8] calls out for help to the depth of Your mercy. For this foulness of my unclean nature I place before You the most holy conception of Your Son. For me, He was born [Isa. 9:6], and so He was also conceived for me. For me, He was made sanctification and righteousness [1 Cor. 1:30], and so He also was made my purification and purity. Through and on account of this Your Son, have mercy upon me, O Most High, and do not place the hidden evil corruption of my nature in the light of Your face [Psa. 90:8]. Look to Your beloved Son, my Mediator! May His most holy and unpolluted conception be the remedy for my miserable conception. Amen. (The Daily Exercise of Piety by Johann Gerhard, Repristination Press, p.14-15)

Posted in 2023 Doctrine & Practice.