Divine Service on Laetare Sunday – March 30, 2025

Order of Divine Service, p.7   The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal
Hymn “When All Thy Mercies, O My God” LW 196, TLH 31
Readings:  Isaiah 49:8-13, Galatians 4:21-31, St. John 6:1-15
Hymn of the Day: “Christ the Life of All the Living” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #23, LW 94, TLH 151)
Offertory: “Create in Me…”         p.18
General Prayer………                    p.19-20
Hymn: “O Living Bread from Heaven” LW 244, TLH 316
Exhortation                                    p.21
Communion Service, p.144 (Lutheran Worship)
Communion Hymns: “By Grace I’m Saved, Grace Free and Boundless” LW 351, TLH 373
“In the Cross of Christ I Glory” LW 101, TLH 354
“In God, My Faithful God” LW 421, TLH 526

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin: Laetare-Cover-3-30-2025-Online.pdf

Picture: Ottheinrich Bible 1430  (IV:4)  Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand in John 6:1-15

Catechesis for Laetare/Lent Four – March 26, 2025

On Wednesday nights, Trinity Lutheran Church(Herrin, IL) offers to both children and adults an opportunity for teaching with Learn-by-Heart at 6:30 PM and a catechetical service at 7:00 PM.

This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service.  The dialog sermon explains the feeding of the five thousand (John 6:1-15), which is the Holy Gospel for Laetare (Lent 4) Sunday.

The teaching for Learn-by-Heart will include hymn “The Death of Jesus Christ, Our Lord” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #26), Small Catechism, Sacrament of the Altar, 5, and John 6:33.

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Service Bulletin: Catechesis-Laetare-3-26-2025-online.pdf
Responsive Prayer: Responsive-Prayer-for-Catechesis-2024-ASBH.pdf
Insert for Hymn: Maundy-Thursday-with-ASBH-26-THe-Death-of-Jesus-Christ-Our-Lord.pdf

Morning Prayer for Monday 2

  1. In Thy Name, O crucified Lord Jesus Christ, Who hast so preciously redeemed me with Thy blood, I do now arise. I beseech Thee, bless me and mine this day. Protect us, and grant that our course may be holy, and we live our lives unto Thy glory. Amen. (Page 182)

#24 Part 5 Patient Godliness As We Abstain From Worldly Lusts.

Whoever, against conscience, follows the lusts of his flesh with sin, does not properly confess God—even though he may exalt himself in whatever way he wishes (1 John 3:6) and with self-controlled patience (if one wants to dampen and kill off the evil lusts of the old man, it is hard for flesh and blood to take this on account of the fact that it is called a crucifixion and killing off of the flesh [Gal. 5:24, Col. 3:5].

If one no longer wishes to conform to this world nor run with it in the wasteland of inordinate ways (1 Pet. 4:4), then repulsiveness and hostility soon arise; consequently, for such self-control and abstinence from fleshly, worldly lusts, patience is necessary); and, in patient godliness (through which we lift up our heart, mind, and attitude to God, and inwardly call upon Him). For it does not lie within the realm of our powers and desires to offer up such things which He through His good Spirit wishes to implant, sustain, and multiply in our hearts—things such as faith, virtue, discernment, self-control, and patience; and, along with godliness, brotherly love: (Schola Pietatus-Volume 1 by Johann Gerhard, Repristination Press, p. 12-13)

Evening Prayer for Sunday: 2

  1. Lord Jesus, I confess my guilt, that I have not lived this whole day unto Thy praise and glory. I have lacked in gratitude toward Thee, and have not taken to heart Thy bitter sufferings and death as I should. O Lord, so many sins *(Here think what sins and omissions you have especially to lament and confess.) have I this day committed against Thy law. I have neglected so much †(Think upon the things which you have especially neglected to do.) and have not improved myself. Gracious Redeemer, forgive me for the sake of Thy blood which Thou didst shed for me. Defend me this night against all harm and sin. Let my heart find rest and awake again in Thee, unto Thy praise. This day and at all times I commit and commend unto Thee my body, soul, spirit, honor, possessions, and living, to do with me according to Thy good pleasure. When matters go contrary to my pleasure, grant me grace and patience. Let me realize how this life is a vale of sorrow, and have desire only for the blessed fatherland, that I may joyfully contemplate death and praise Thee at last, with all the elect in everlasting life, world without end. Amen. (Pages 172)

Bible Class #28 on Exodus 32 – March 23, 2025

We continue our study of the book of Exodus with chapter thirty-two.
Overhead 1: The-Trips-up-the-Mountain-UPDATED.pdf
Overhead 2: Text-for-Exodus-25-31-April-2025.pdf
Overhead 3: Text-for-Exodus-32-March-2025.pdf

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).


Divine Service of Oculi Sunday – March 23, 2025

Order of Divine Service, p.7   The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal
Hymn “Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word” LW 202, TLH 16
Readings:  2 Samuel 22:1-7, Ephesians 5:1-9, St. Luke 11:14-28
Hymn of the Day: “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #22, LW 298, TLH 262)
Offertory: “Create in Me…”         p.18
General Prayer………                    p.19-20
Hymn: “O Lord, We Praise You” LW 238, TLH 313
Exhortation                                    p.21
Communion Service, p.144 (Lutheran Worship)
Communion Hymns: “Jesus, Priceless Treasure”  LW 270, TLH 347
“Renew Me, O Eternal Light” LW 373, TLH 398
“Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus” LW 381, TLH 409

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin: Oculi-Cover-3-23-2025-Online-b.pdf

Picture: Ottheinrich Bible 1430  (III:26) Jesus and Beelzebub in Luke 11:14-26

Catechesis on Oculi(St. Luke 11:14-28)

On Wednesday nights, Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL) offers to both children and adults an opportunity for teaching with Learn-by-Heart at 6:30 PM and a catechetical service at 7:00 PM.  This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service.

In this video from February 28, 2024, we learned the hymn “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #22, LW 298, TLH 262), Small Catechism, Sacrament of the Altar, 4-5, and Hebrews 10:26.
The dialog sermon explained the casting out of the demon from the mute man and the various responses (Luke 11:14-28), which is the Holy Gospel for Oculi (Lent 3) Sunday.

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Service Bulletin: Catechesis-Oculi-2-28-2024.pdf
Responsive Prayer for Catechesis:    Responsive-Prayer-for-Catechesis-2023.pdf
Insert for Hymn: Oculi-Insert-3-12-2023b.pdf


#23 Part 4 The General Use of the Term Godliness includes Faith and Virtue.

In this sense, the word “godliness” summarily includes all Christian striving and all those things that are called for in a holy and God-pleasing life, which St. Peter in 2 Pet. 3:11, summarily calls a holy sojourn and a godly essence. For this, it is not sufficient for one to boast about his faith in Christ; rather, one is also to publicly indicate the same with the testimony of good works, as James states in 2:18: Show me your faith with your works. And immediately before that in v. 17: Faith itself is dead if it does not have good works. But especially these golden chains, by which true faith and all Christian strivings are inextinguishably intertwined with each other and summarily belong to the golden treasure of true godliness, are indeed beautifully and artistically channeled together by St. Peter in 2 Pet. 1:5-7. He states there: Direct all your zeal towards this and thereby obtain your faith’s virtue—do not think that it is sufficient for godliness and true Christianity to boast of one’s faith; rather, in such a faith, true virtue must be achieved, for true, proper, living faith is active in love (Gal. 5:6). A person ushers this in through good works and all kinds of Christian virtues (Jam. 2:18) and with virtuous humility (Confession of the true God according to His essence and will—which confession is, at the same time, the light and guide for all Christian virtue, for as usual, zeal without the knowledge of God is not acceptable [Rom. 10:2]. Thus also, virtue without knowledge and humility cannot be acceptable.) and with humble moderation (Where there is true life-giving knowledge of God, there one also will find the ἐγκράτεια, i.e., maturity, so that a person refrains from fleshly lusts which fight against the soul [1 Pet. 2:11]).

(Schola Pietatus-Volume 1 by Johann Gerhard, Repristination Press, p. 11-12)