#64 Does The True Church Need to Fast?

Yet someone might say, “You lack one thing, namely, fasting, because you heretics do not fast” (they say). Lord God, if there is one thing we have from the ancient church, it is unfortunately fasting. If there is one thing the papists have from the new church, it is that they do not fast but live riotously and on fast days even more than on feast days. Indeed, we do not just fast, but (with St. Paul [I Cor. 4:11]) we suffer hunger. We see it daily in our poor ministers, their wives and children, and in many other poor people, whose hunger stares at you out of their eyes. They scarcely have bread and water, they go about naked as a jaybird, and they have nothing of their own. The farmer and the burgher give them nothing, and the nobility take, so that there are only a few of us who have something, and we cannot help everyone. This should be the purpose of monasteries and convents. If others are stingy, then Lazarus must die of starvation [Luke 16:19–31]. The papists laugh at this, but they only prove thereby that we are the ancient church suffering scorn and injury at the hands of the children of the devil.

Thus we have proved that we are the true, ancient church, one body and one communion of saints with the holy, universal, Christian church.  (Luther’s Works, v.41, p.198-199)

Picture: The pulpit at History Trinity Lutheran Church, Souland Market, St. Louis MO

Divine Service for Reformation Day – October 31, 2020

Service Bulletin:  Reformation-Divine-Service-for-Online-10-31-2020.pdf
Printed Sermon:  SRM1947-We-Will-Not-Fear.pdf

0:00  Hymn “God’s Word Is Our Great Heritage” LW 333, TLH 283
1:40   Service Begins
8:35 Readings:  1 Samuel 3:19-4:1a, Revelation 14:6-7, St. Matthew 11:12-15
11:50 Nicene Creed
13:30  Hymn “Salvation unto Us Has Come” LW 355, TLH 377
17:10  Sermon “We Will Not Fear” Psalm 46:2 (length 18:00 minutes)
35:10  “Create in Me…” LW p.143
36:00  The Prayer of the Church
42:00  Communion Liturgy
51:30 Communion Hymns:
“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” LW 298, TLH 262
0.58:00  Service ends

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
This post is the audio, if you want the video CLICK HERE –> CLICK HERE

Miriam’s Sunday School Study Class #1 November 1, 2020

This is an introduction to a new study entitled, “Miriam’s Sunday School.” I am preparing a two-year Sunday School curriculum, which will walk through the major stories of the Old and New Testament.

Note 1: A Divine Service was also video recorded and is available at trinityh.org, under the tab, Sermons
Note 2: This is the audio only post. The vimeo video is also available. Click here –> Vimeo Video for #1

–Pastor Michael D. Henson, Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)

Divine Service for All Saints’ Day – November 1, 2020

Service Bulletin:  All-Saints-Day-Divine-Service-for-Online-11-01-2020b.pdf
Printed Sermon:  SRM1948-Defeat-the-Enemy-with-Mercy.pdf

0:00  Service Begins with Introit and A Litany of the Saints
11:00 Readings:  Deuteronomy 33:1-3, Revelation 7:2-12, St. Matthew 5:1-12
18:00  Hymn “Behold a Host Arrayed in White” LW 192, TLH 656
22:10  Sermon “Defeat the Enemy with Mercy” St. Matthew 5:7 (length 21:00 minutes)
43:10  Reception of New Members David and Violet Taul
45:15  “Create in Me…” LW p.143
46:00 Remembrance of the Faithful Departed
50:50  The Prayer of the Church
51:55  Communion Liturgy
57:45 Communion Hymns:
“For All the Saints” LW 191, TLH 463
“I Am Trusting You, Lord Jesus” LW 408, TLH 428
“Brief Life Is Here Our Portion” TLH 428
1.10:16  Magnificat LW, p.228-230
1.12:45  Service ends

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
This post is the audio, if you want the video CLICK HERE –>  Vimeo Video for All Saints’ Day
Note: The Bible class was also recorded and will be available at trinityh.org.

For One’s Parents.

ALMIGHTY God, Who hast strictly commanded us to honor our father and our mother next unto Thee: Grant me of Thy goodness and grace so to love and honor my parents, to fear and to obey them, to help and to pray for them, as Thou in Thy Holy Word hast directed and charged me to do; that both in their life and at their death their souls may bless me, and by Thy fatherly mercy I may obtain that blessing which Thou hast promised to those that honor their father and their mother; and that Thou, seeing my unfeigned heart and reverence toward them, mayest become my loving Father, and number me among those Thy children who are heirs of Thy glorious Kingdom; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen. (Oremus, 1925, p.79).

#63 We Are Like The Ancient True Church

Since the papists know that in all these and other things we are like the ancient church and may truly be called the ancient church—for these things are not new or invented by us—it is amazing that they should deceive and damn us so shamelessly, calling us apostates and founders of a new church; for they cannot find anything in us which was not held in the ancient and true church at the time of the apostles. Thus I really think that this is the time of which Daniel 7 [:8–9] says, “One that was ancient of days took his seat” after the little horn had spoken blasphemously, and sat in judgment. For the original and ancient church shines forth once more (like the sun emerging from the clouds behind which it was shining, but where it could not be seen), and the horn which speaks blasphemies will perish and everything come to an end, as it is written and is evident in the result—but there is no time to speak of that now. (Luther’s Works, v.41, p.198)

Picture: A close-up of the Veronica window at History Trinity Lutheran Church, Souland Market, St. Louis MO

For One’s Children. 1

ALMIGHTY God, the Father and Maker of us all, Who of Thy blessing and goodness hast vouchsafed to make me a father of children: Be pleased also to accept my hearty thanksgiving and devout praise for the same; and grant me Thy heavenly grace and assistance so to train them up in Thy godly nurture, virtue, religion and discipline, that they may continually serve, honor, and obey Thee, their heavenly Father; and that Thou, acknowledging them and blessing them as Thy children here, mayst bring them to the blessing prepared for Thy children hereafter; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen. (Oremus, 1925, p.79-80).

#62 The True Church Has Not Sought Revenge

Tenth, nobody can deny that we have not shed blood, murdered, hanged, or avenged ourselves in return, as we could often have done and could still do. But as Christ, the apostles, and the ancient church did, we endure, admonish, and pray for others. And, indeed, we do this publicly in church, in the litany and in sermons, just as Christ our Lord did and taught and as the ancient church also did, so that in this we all act according to the ancient practice of the ancient church. (Luther’s Works, v.41, p.198)

Picture: The stained glass in the narthex where the baptismal font is located; History Trinity Lutheran Church, Souland Market, St. Louis MO

Divine Service for Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles – October 28, 2020

Service Bulletin:  Sts.-Simon-and-Jude-October-28-NKJV-2019.pdf
Printed Sermon:  SRM1946-The-Teaching-is-the-Power-of-God.pdf

0:00  Hymn “Christ is Our Cornerstone” LW 290, TLH 465
2:35   Service Begins
9:15 Readings:  Deuteronomy 32:1-4, 1 Peter 1:3-9, St. John 15:17-25
16:00  Hymn “I Am Trusting You, Lord Jesus” LW 408, TLH 428
18:30  Sermon “The Teaching is the Power of God” 1 Peter 1:5 (length 12:45 minutes)
31:15  “Create in Me…” LW p.143
32:25  The Prayer of the Church
35:30  Communion Liturgy
0.48:20  Service ends

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
This post is the audio, if you want the video CLICK HERE –>  CLICK HERE

Catechesis on All Saints’ Day (St. Matthew 5:1-12)

On Wednesday nights, Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL) offers to both children and adults an opportunity for teaching with Learn-by-Heart at 6:30 PM and a catechetical service at 7:00.

In this video from October 28, 2020, we learned stanza 1 of “I Am Trusting You, Lord Jesus” (Lutheran Worship, #408, The Lutheran Hymnal #428), the second petition of the Lord’s Prayer and its meaning, and Matthew 5:3.  This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service.  The dialog sermon explains Jesus’ teaching on the beatitudes (St. Matthew 5:1-12), which is the Holy Gospel for All Saints’ Day.

The service concludes with “Recite Word by Word. ” (pdf link Recite-Word-by-Word.pdf).
Bulletin:  Catechesis-All-Saints-Day-10-28-2020-Gospel.pdf
Vimeo:  Vimeo All Saints for 2020