#26- Afflictions-As With Christ, So For All Christians

Isaiah 50:5. I was not rebellious. “It is the Lord who opens My ears.” So it is for Christ and so it is for all Christians, even if because of weakness and denseness they feel that all things are contradictions and hindrances and faults in sins, anxiety, poverty, blasphemy, etc. Nevertheless, to hear the Word in earnest and to bear all things for the sake of the Word, this is ultimately very difficult.

I turned not backward, that is, “I do not turn back to Egypt and become unbelieving, but I confess the Word with the mouth as well as in deed. I sing the praises of the power and might of that seemingly powerless and foolish Word.”

  1. I gave My back to the smiters, etc. Christ is the first to undergo a host of afflictions because of the Word, and thus it is for us disciples the supreme usefulness, strength, wisdom, and power which enables us to bear all things, however difficult, for its sake. This is a theme in the Book of Job. The wisdom of the world cannot be put to shame except through foolishness and weakness.

I hid not My face from shame and spitting. What does that spitting accomplish except extolling the wisdom of the world? Thus our face toward the world, if anyone will look at it with spiritual eyes, is so spit upon, so polluted by endless disgraces, that no profession is less imposing in the world than that of those who profess the Gospel. But for one disgrace a hundred glorious rays will one day appear, because the Lord Himself is present as our Helper. He strengthens, preserves, and liberates the hearers”  (Luther’s Works, v. 17, p. 194-195).

20A Creation: Zonkeys

“Zonkeys (from a male zebra bred with a female donkey) zorses (male zebra and female horse), and heras (male horse and female zebra) are all examples of hybrid animals.  …donkeys, zebras, and horses all belong to the horse kind…

After the flood natural selection, mutation, and other mechanisms allowed speciation within the kinds to occur…  This is especially well illustrated in the dog kind in which current members (e.g. coyotes, dingoes, and domestic dogs) are confirmed to be descended from an ancestral type of wolf” (The New Answers, Book 3 by Ken Ham, p.40-41).

“All of these animals’ ancestors that we have discussed above—horses, donkey, zebras, tigers, lions, whales, and dolphins—were created with genetic diversity within their various kinds (or by the older definition species). Through time, the processes of natural selection, mutation, and other mechanisms have altered that original information (decreased or degenerated) to give us even more various within a kind…. Great variety can be observed in the offspring of animal of the same kind, just as the same cake recipe can be used to make many different cakes with various flavors and colors…. What an amazing diversity of life God has created for us to enjoy!” (The New Answers, Book 3 by Ken Ham, p.46).


Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 4: The Important of Creation Doctrine

Having established that the Scriptures do teach a young earth, literal six-day creation, this study shows just how important this teaching is by answering two questions. Is adherence to this doctrine required for congregational membership?  And is adherence to this doctrine required for salvation?  Although church fellowship requires complete agreement in doctrine and practice, a person can be saved without an adherence to the doctrine of creation.  In order to explain this answer, this study examines the difference between fundamental and non-fundamental doctrines.

The denial of one doctrine will logically result in the denial of other doctrines.  When man does not logically follow this, it is a called a “Felicitous Inconsistency.” (Pronunciation: fi-lis-i-tuh s )

Note: The first 4 minutes are an explanation of the outdoor church sign which read:
Side One:  Brothers living in unity under Aaron’s oily Beard Ps. 133
Side Two: The Aaronic benediction bestows the blessing of life

Handout 1: Gospel-Reset-Class-Four-April-7-2019.pdf
Overhead 1: Creation-Search-Results.pdf

19A Creation: Evolution-Based Culture

“Many Greeks held to an evolution-based culture. They believe in a form of naturalism and opposed their fellow Greeks who were polytheistic. Darwin di not invent the concept of evolution—he just re-popularized a particular view of it with a supposed ‘scientific’ justification. Whenever we see people rejecting the Creator God of Scripture, there is usually some evolutionary view substituted in an attempt to explain origins, life, and the universe” (Gospel Reset by Ken Ham, p.63).

#25- Give Young People a Love To Enter the God-Pleasing Married Life

217 I say these things in order that our young people may be led to acquire a love for married life and know that it is a blessed and God-pleasing estate. Thus it may in due time regain its proper honor, and there may be less of the filthy, dissolute, disorderly conduct which now is so rampant everywhere in public prostitution and other shameful vices resulting from contempt of married life. 218 Therefore parents and magistrates have the duty of so supervising youth that they will be brought up to decency and respect for authority and, when they are grown, will be married honorably in the fear of God. Then God will add his blessing and grace so that men may have joy and happiness in their married life.


219 Let it be said in conclusion that this commandment requires everyone not only to live chastely in thought, word, and deed in his particular situation (that is, especially in the estate of marriage), but also to love and cherish the wife or husband whom God has given. For marital chastity it is above all things essential that husband and wife live together in love and harmony, cherishing each other whole-heartedly and with perfect fidelity. This is one of the chief ways to make chastity attractive and desirable. Under such conditions chastity always follows spontaneously without any command. 220 This is why St. Paul so urgently admonishes husbands and wives to love and honor each other. 221 Here you have another precious good work — indeed, many and great works — which you can joyfully set over against all “spiritual estates” that are chosen without God’s Word and commandment.”  (Large Catechism Sixth Commandment, Tappert, p. 394).

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 3: The Domino Effect

Denying the Scriptural doctrine of a Creator and His six-day creation will have a profound effect on the teachings of the rest of the Scripture.  In this class, we see walk through some of the Scriptural doctrines which are overturned when evolution is allowed to infect the Christian faith.

Handout 1: Gospel-Reset-class-Two-March-24-2019.pdf

18A Creation: Consequences

“How can you say there’s a loving God? But if they knew the holy, just God of the Bible, these things would be explained for them. The suffering and death we experience here are a result of man’s sin, not God’s cruelty. Senseless murders in our society can be traced back to Adam’s disobedience and the depravity of the sin nature, not to god. Even sickness, disease, and injustice are all a result of sin entering the world. And this same God that atheists argue against (and that, ironically, they don’t believe exists!) will one day right all wrongs and put an end to injustice, suffering, sin, and death. That’s far more than the atheist evolutionist has to offer!” (Gospel Reset by Ken Ham, p.68).

#24- Marriage A Necessary Estate For Mankind

211 In the second place, remember that it is not only an honorable estate but also a necessary one, and it is solemnly commanded by God that in general men and women in all conditions, who have been created for it, shall be found in this estate. Yet there are some (although few) exceptions whom God has especially exempted — some who are unsuited for married life and others whom he has released by a high supernatural gift so that they can maintain chastity outside of marriage. 212 Where nature has its way, as God implanted it, it is not possible to remain chaste outside of marriage; for flesh and blood remain flesh and blood, and the natural inclinations and stimulations have their way without let or hindrance, as everyone’s observation and experience testify. Therefore, to make it easier for man to avoid unchastity in some measure, God has established marriage, so that everyone may have his allotted portion and be satisfied with it — although here, too, God’s grace is still required to keep the heart pure. (Large Catechism Sixth Commandment, Tappert, p. 393-4).

17A Creation: Sacrifice

“Paul would later write that the preaching of the Cross was a stumbling block to the Jews but foolishness to the Greeks (1 Co 1:23). But exactly why was it foolishness to the Greeks? Because Greeks had no concept of a Creator God (one God) as the Jews did. They didn’t have the history about Adm and Eve or the Fall of man in the Garden and the entrance of sin and death. They did not understand the sacrificial system God instituted in Genesis 3:21 (the first blood sacrifice as a covering for their sin, a picture of what was to come in Jesus Christ, the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world). They had the wrong foundation, and because of this, they didn’t understand the message of the Cross. Therefore, it was foolishness to them (Gospel Reset by Ken Ham, p.62).

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 2: Inspiration and a Young Earth

First, we finished up the one-page handout (from last week) which gave an overview of the book “Gospel Reset: Salvation made Relevant,” (2018).  The book proposes the church engage in pre-evangelism, demolishing the wrong foundation of evolution, and teach apologetics.  We will examine these proposals as the study progresses.  We noted that the book’s terms are sometimes vague or not what we think.  I have often use the term pre-evangelism to refer to those gimmicks, which are used to get people to come to church.  He uses the term pre-evangelism for the teaching of the law which comes before (pre-) the Gospel (Evangel).

Second, we answered two questions.  1.  Does the Holy Scriptures teach a young earth, literal six-day creation?  and 2. Is God’s Word inerrant and truthful in every point (history, etc.)?  The answer to both of these questions is yes.  The book of Genesis (1:1-2:3) teaches the creation of the world in six normal days, followed by a rest day.  Holy Scripture is the sole source from which all doctrine is drawn. Not just in “spiritual” things, but whenever the Scripture speaks it is correct.

Note: The first three minutes are an introduction to our website Trinityh.org

Handout 1: Gospel-Reset-Overview.pdf
Handout 2: Gospel-Reset-class-Two-March-24-2019.pdf
Screenshots of our website: Web-site-pages.pdf