#7-Not All Mangers Have Christ

He lies in the manger. Notice here that nothing but Christ is to be preached throughout the whole world. What is the manger but the congregations of Christians in the churches to hear the preaching? We are the beasts before this manger; and Christ is laid before us upon whom we are to feed our souls. Whosoever goes to hear the preaching, goes to this manger; but it must be the preaching of Christ. Not all mangers have Christ neither do all sermons teach the true faith. There was but one manger in Bethlehem in which this treasure lay, and besides it was an empty and despised manger in which there was no fodder. Therefore the preaching of the Gospel is divorced from all other things, it has and teaches nothing besides Christ; should anything else be taught, then it is no more the manger of Christ, but the manger of war horses full of temporal things and of fodder for the body. , 51. But in order to show that Christ in swaddling clothes represents the faith in the Old Testaments, we will here give several examples…” (Luther’s Church Postil, V. 1.1, #50-51, p. 151-152).

Picture:  The hand-carved wooden altar of Historic Trinity Evangelical Lutheran dates from 1896.

#6-Christ Was Born at Midnight-Into a Dark World

In the second place it is pointed out by the fact that Christ was born at midnight, by which he indicates that all the world is in darkness as to its future and that Christ cannot be known by mere reason, but that knowledge concerning him must be revealed from heaven.
38. In the third place, it is shown by the light that shined around the shepherds, which teaches that here there must be an entirely different light than that of human reason. Moreover, when St. Luke says, Gloria Dei, the glory of God, shone around them, he calls that light a brightness, or the glory of God, Why does he say that? In order to call attention to the mystery and reveal the character of the Gospel. For while the Gospel is a heavenly light that teaches nothing more than Christ, in whom God’s grace is given to us and all human merit is entirely cast aside, it exalts only the glory of God, so that henceforth no one may be able to boast of his own power; but must give God the glory, that it is of his love and goodness alone that we are saved through Christ. (Luther’s Church Postil, V. 1.1, #36-38, p. 147-148).

Picture:  Noah’s Ark resting on a hill as the waters of the deep break forth.

For The Church, General Prayer 4

O CHRIST, the Word of the Father, by Whom all things were created: Keep, we beseech Thee, Thy Church gathered together from the various nations of the Gentiles: that while we love Thee with a pure heart, we may come to the joys of Thine eternal Kingdom; Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.  (Oremus, 1925, p.67-68).

#5-The Supernatural Sermon and Light

Now it is clear that nature could not have discovered such a doctrine, nor could all the ingenuity, reason and wisdom of the world have thought it out. Who would be able to discover by means of his own efforts, that faith in Christ makes us one with Christ and gives us for our own all that is Christ’s? Who would be able to discover that no works are of any value except those intended to benefit our neighbor?  Nature teaches no more than that which is wrought by the law. Therefore it falls back upon its own work, so that this one thinks he fulfills the commandment by founding some institution or order, that one by fasting, this one by the kind of clothes he wears, that one by going on pilgrimages; this one in this manner, that one in that manner; and yet all their works are worthless, for no one is helped by them. Such is the case at the present time in which the whole world is blinded and is going astray through the doctrines and works of men, so that faith and love along with the Gospel have perished.
36. Therefore the Gospel properly apprehended, is a supernatural sermon and light which makes known Christ only. This is pointed out first of all by the fact that it was not a man that made it known to others, but that an angel came down from heaven and made known to the shepherds the birth of Jesus, while no human being knew anything about it. (Luther’s Church Postil, V. 1.1, #35-36, p. 147)

Picture:  This side of the baptismal font depicts Psalm 42, “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.”  We are satisfied with our Lord’s baptismal provisions.  When downcast, we hope in God!

#4 Christian Holiness by Faith also Gives A New Life to the Body(Sanctification)

In accordance with the second table, He also sanctifies the Christians in the body and induces them willingly to obey parents and rulers, to conduct themselves peacefully and humbly, to be not wrathful, vindictive, or malicious, but patient, friendly, obliging, brotherly, and loving, not unchaste, not adulterous or lewd, but chaste and pure with wife, child, and servants, or without wife and child. And on and on: they do not steal, are not usurious, avaricious, do not defraud, etc., but work honorably, support themselves honestly, lend willingly, and give and help wherever they can. Thus they do not lie, deceive, and backbite, but are kind, truthful, faithful, and trustworthy, and do whatever else the commandments of God prescribe. That is the work of the Holy Spirit, who sanctifies and also awakens the body to such a new life until it is perfected in the life beyond. That is what is called “Christian holiness.” And there must always be such people on earth, even though it may be but two or three, or only children. Unfortunately, only a few of them are old folks. And those who are not, should not count themselves as Christians; nor should they be comforted with much babbling about the forgiveness of sins and the grace of Christ, as though they were Christians—like the Antinomians do. (Luther’s Works, v.41, p.146-147)

Picture:  This side of the baptismal font includes Jesus and the little children from Mt 19:13-15, “Let the little children come to me….”

Book of Concord Bible Class #13: Article 22-23

This Bible study finishes up Augsburg Confession article XXII. Both Kinds in the Sacrament, and begins Augsburg Confession article XXIII. The Marriage of Priests.

Quiz #13 (white sheet): Quiz-13-for-Dec-15-Augsburg-Confession-Article-22.pdf
Back of Quiz:  The-Adoration-of-the-Sacrament-1523-by-Martin-Luther.pdf
Overhead 1: AC-articles-22-23.pdf
Handout 1:  Communion-under-one-kind-Roman.pdf

For The Church, General Prayer 3

O GOD, Whose throne endureth forever: Grant that Thy Church may be enriched by the excellent beauty of all virtues; while, nevertheless, she is far more glorious, through the indwelling of Thy ever-present Spirit; Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.  (Oremus, 1925, p.67).

#3 Christian Holiness Consists of Faith in Christ (Justification)

For Christian holiness, or the holiness common to Christendom, is found where the Holy Spirit gives people faith in Christ and thus sanctifies them, Acts 15 [:9], that is, he renews heart, soul, body, work, and conduct, inscribing the commandments of God not on tables of stone, but in hearts of flesh, II Corinthians 3 [:3]. Or, if I may speak plainly, he imparts true knowledge of God, according to the first table, so that those whom he enlightens with true faith can resist all heresies, overcome all false ideas and errors, and thus remain pure in faith in opposition to the devil. He also bestows strength, and comforts timid, despondent, weak consciences against the accusation and turmoil of sin, so that the souls do not succumb or despair, and also do not become terrified of torment, pain, death, and the wrath and judgment of God, but rather, comforted and strengthened in hope, they cheerfully, boldly, and joyfully overcome the devil. He also imparts true fear and love of God, so that we do not despise God and become irritated and angry with his wondrous judgments, but love, praise, thank, and honor him for all that occurs, good or evil. That is called new holy life in the soul, in accordance with the first table of Moses. It is also called tres virtutes theologicas, “the three principal virtues of Christians,” namely, faith, hope, and love; and the Holy Spirit, who imparts, does, and effects this (gained for us by Christ) is therefore called “sanctifier” or “life-giver.” For the old Adam is dead and cannot do it, and in addition has to learn from the law that he is unable to do it and that he is dead; he would not know this of himself. (Luther’s Works, v.41, p.145-146)

Picture:  John the Baptist brings a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.

Book of Concord Bible Class #12: Article 22

This Bible study examines Augsburg Confession article XXII. Both Kinds in the Sacrament.

Quiz #12 (yellow sheet):   Quiz-12-for-Dec-8-Augsburg-Confession-Summary.pdf
Overhead 1: AC-articles-22-23.pdf
Overhead 2:  https://trinityh.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Winceslaus-Hollar-Illustration-of-first-21-articles.pdf
Handout 1: Handout-Articles-of-the-Augsburg-Confession-Overview-Nov-3.pdf

The picture by Winceslaus Hollar from Wikipedia on the The Augsburg Confession and is located at University of Toronto.

For The Church, General Prayer 2

ALMIGHTY God, Who hast sent Thine Only-Begotten Son, and hast revealed Him as Creator of all things, look upon this Vine, which Thy right hand hath planted, prune away the thorns from it, bring forth its branches in might, and give them the fruit of truth; through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.  (Oremus, 1925, p.67).