21A Creation: Dinosaurs

“Land animals (which includes dinosaurs) and man were made on day 6 of the creation week. So we lived at the same time” (A Flood of Evidence, p.157)

“So why did dinosaurs die out?  The simple answer is sin.  When Adam and Eve sinned (Gen 3) death came into the world… Some specific reasons for their extinction likely include environments (e.g. the ice age that followed the Flood, the destruction of swamp lands by man, and so on), predation by man (cf. Genesis 10:9), diseases, genetic problems, catastrophic events, etc” (The New Answers Book 4, p.42)

20A Creation: Zonkeys

“Zonkeys (from a male zebra bred with a female donkey) zorses (male zebra and female horse), and heras (male horse and female zebra) are all examples of hybrid animals.  …donkeys, zebras, and horses all belong to the horse kind…

After the flood natural selection, mutation, and other mechanisms allowed speciation within the kinds to occur…  This is especially well illustrated in the dog kind in which current members (e.g. coyotes, dingoes, and domestic dogs) are confirmed to be descended from an ancestral type of wolf” (The New Answers, Book 3 by Ken Ham, p.40-41).

“All of these animals’ ancestors that we have discussed above—horses, donkey, zebras, tigers, lions, whales, and dolphins—were created with genetic diversity within their various kinds (or by the older definition species). Through time, the processes of natural selection, mutation, and other mechanisms have altered that original information (decreased or degenerated) to give us even more various within a kind…. Great variety can be observed in the offspring of animal of the same kind, just as the same cake recipe can be used to make many different cakes with various flavors and colors…. What an amazing diversity of life God has created for us to enjoy!” (The New Answers, Book 3 by Ken Ham, p.46).


19A Creation: Evolution-Based Culture

“Many Greeks held to an evolution-based culture. They believe in a form of naturalism and opposed their fellow Greeks who were polytheistic. Darwin di not invent the concept of evolution—he just re-popularized a particular view of it with a supposed ‘scientific’ justification. Whenever we see people rejecting the Creator God of Scripture, there is usually some evolutionary view substituted in an attempt to explain origins, life, and the universe” (Gospel Reset by Ken Ham, p.63).

18A Creation: Consequences

“How can you say there’s a loving God? But if they knew the holy, just God of the Bible, these things would be explained for them. The suffering and death we experience here are a result of man’s sin, not God’s cruelty. Senseless murders in our society can be traced back to Adam’s disobedience and the depravity of the sin nature, not to god. Even sickness, disease, and injustice are all a result of sin entering the world. And this same God that atheists argue against (and that, ironically, they don’t believe exists!) will one day right all wrongs and put an end to injustice, suffering, sin, and death. That’s far more than the atheist evolutionist has to offer!” (Gospel Reset by Ken Ham, p.68).

17A Creation: Sacrifice

“Paul would later write that the preaching of the Cross was a stumbling block to the Jews but foolishness to the Greeks (1 Co 1:23). But exactly why was it foolishness to the Greeks? Because Greeks had no concept of a Creator God (one God) as the Jews did. They didn’t have the history about Adm and Eve or the Fall of man in the Garden and the entrance of sin and death. They did not understand the sacrificial system God instituted in Genesis 3:21 (the first blood sacrifice as a covering for their sin, a picture of what was to come in Jesus Christ, the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world). They had the wrong foundation, and because of this, they didn’t understand the message of the Cross. Therefore, it was foolishness to them (Gospel Reset by Ken Ham, p.62).

16A Creation: The Fall into Sin

“This is the battle that began in the Garden 6,000 years ago, a war between God’s Word and man’s word. It’s a battle over two starting points that puts people on two different roads. The starting point of God’s Word puts one on the road that leads up to the message of the Cross.  The starting point of man’s word puts one on a road that leads only to destruction (Mt 7:13). One is narrow and the other is wide (Mt 7:13-14)” (Gospel Reset by Ken Ham, p.99).

God’s Word is questioned and ignored:  The serpent said to the woman, “Has God really said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden” (Gen 3:1).  The woman took of the fruit and did eat, and also gave to her husband with her, and he did eat  (Gen 3:6).

15A Creation: Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

“Through the Answers in Genesis ministry, we are challenging generations today by helping them understand that many of them are on the wrong road {evolution- based}, and we want to do our best to get them on the right road.” (Gospel Reset by Ken Ham, p.102).

14A Creation: Adam in the Garden of Eden

“Once we go through the anthropological, astronomical, biological, and geological history in the Bible, we explain how this history is true and confirmed by science. We then present the message of Christ, Cross, and Consummation that’s founded in that history” (Gospel Reset by Ken Ham, p.101).

#13A Creation: The Right Starting Point

So, the Jews had the right beginning. They had the right history. They had the right starting point of God’s Word (the writing of Moses, beginning in Genesis). They were on the correct ‘road’ and heading to an accurate understanding of the gospel. That ‘road,’ beginning with creation, the Fall of man, and the promise of the Seed and the Messiah (Genesis 3:15, Daniel 9:24-27; etc.), is the right foundation to understanding the message of who Jesus is and why He died and rose from the dead.  This ‘road’ they were on led up to the message of the Cross, even though many Jews rejected the idea that Jesus is the Messiah” (Gospel Reset by Ken Ham, p.54-55).

#12A Creation: A Great Divide

These passages tell us of a great divide—a divide between God’s Word and man’s word the temptation for man to be his own god—‘you will be like God’). It’s a divide between two religions, two worldviews, two starting points.  Simply put, there are only two ways to build your thinking. You can start with the One who knows everything, who has always been there, and who has revealed to us what we need to know. Beginning with Him, we can guild a solid and accurate worldview based on God’s Word. The only other starting point is with sinful man’s fallible word. But by adding man’s word to God’s Word (e.g., adding evolution/millions of years to Genesis), you end up compromising God’s Word, and your starting point is flawed from the beginning.  It’s no longer God’s infallible truth. Your starting point then is man’s inherently fallible word” (Gospel Reset by Ken Ham, p.53).