Natural Law Bible Class #15 – Applications Part 4

We continue to apply the Scriptural teachings we have learned to the situation of a government clerk who is required to issue marriage licenses.  In this Bible Study we deal with the issues of “unjust” laws.  There is only one more Bible Study left.

Natural Law Bible Class #14 – Applications Part 3

We continue to apply the Scriptural teachings we have learned to a government clerk who is required to issue marriage licenses.  In this Bible Study we deal with the issues of religious liberty.  Next time, we will address “unjust” laws.

Natural Law Bible Class #13 – Applications Part 2

We continue to apply the Scriptural teachings we have learned to a cake baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple.

Bible Study Overhead for December 13 2015

Natural Law Bible Class #12 – Applications Part 1

In this episode we begin to apply 11 classes of teaching to contemporary situations.

We referenced theses handouts, but did not use them extensively.
Three Estates Handout pdf:
The Christian in Two Kingdoms pdf

This is the first episode to be automatically published to Trinity’s facebook page.

Natural Law Bible Class #9 – Government and Applications

In this episode, we continued to examine Luther’s writing.  We also begin to apply some of the principles to present situations.

We used the same handout as last week:Handout 204 235 v47 pdf

Natural Law Bible Class #8 – Luther on Government

In this episode, we examine Luther’s writing as seeks to apply the teaching on Government.

We reviewed Pages 4-6 of last weeks handout and then used the following handout.

Handout 204 235 v47 pdf

Natural Law Bible Class #7 – Government

In this episode we examine the role of government according to the Scriptures.

We used page 4-6 from the following handout:
Marriage Homosexuality Government
(Hint: If you hold down “Ctrl” while clicking this link, it will open in a new tab)