This sermon was preached at the Divine Service on Holy Wednesday on April 12, 2017. It is based on Psalm 102 and is entitled, “The Remembrance of the Name Endures.”
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This sermon was preached at the Divine Service on Holy Wednesday on April 12, 2017. It is based on Psalm 102 and is entitled, “The Remembrance of the Name Endures.”
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Every weekday the children from our Early Childhood Learning Center walk over to Trinity Lutheran Church for chapel (an abbreviated order of Matins from p.208 in Lutheran Worship) at 10:00 AM, led by Pastor Henson.
In this video from March 1, 2017, the Bible readings were from St. Matthew 21 (Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem) and St. Matthew 4 (Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness). We used the following hymns: #212 “We All Believe in One True God, Father” #94 “Christ, the Life of All the Living,” #102 “All Glory, Laud, and Honor,” and “Jesus Loves Me.” [Length: 18 minutes]
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This sermon was preached at the Divine Service on St. Matthias, Apostle on February 24, 2017.
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This sermon was preached at the Divine Service on the minor festival of St. Timothy, Pastor and Confessor on January 24, 2017.
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This video includes the entire order of Matins for Christmas Dawn.
The office hymn is “From East to West” (Lutheran Worship #43)
The psalms are 98, 2, 111, Benedicite, and 99.
The sermon is entitled “The Heir and the Inheritance” from Hebrews 1:1-4 and begins at 30:00.
Order of Service: Christmas Dawn Matins 12-25-2016
This year’s ember day sermons are based on the Apostles’ Creed. This third sermon is on the Third Article of the Apostles’ Creed and is entitled, “The Sanctifier And The Sanctified.” (Note: Based on Luther’s Sermons on the Catechism, 1528 — See pages 162-169 of Luther’s Works, volume 51)
“1] Thus far we have heard the first part of Christian doctrine, in which we have seen all that God wishes us to do or to leave undone. Now, there properly follows the Creed, which sets forth to us everything that we must expect and receive from God, and, to state it quite briefly, teaches us to know Him fully. 2] And this is intended to help us do that which according to the Ten Commandments we ought to do. For (as said above) they are set so high that all human ability is far too feeble and weak to [attain to or] keep them. Therefore it is as necessary to learn this part as the former in order that we may know how to attain thereto, whence and whereby to obtain such power. 3] For if we could by our own powers keep the Ten Commandments as they are to be kept, we would need nothing further, neither the Creed nor the Lord’s Prayer. 4] But before we explain this advantage and necessity of the Creed, it is sufficient at first for the simple-minded that they learn to comprehend and understand the Creed itself.
5] In the first place, the Creed has hitherto been divided into twelve articles, although, if all points which are written in the Scriptures and which belong to the Creed were to be distinctly set forth, there would be far more articles, nor could they all be clearly expressed in so few words. 6] But that it may be most easily and clearly understood as it is to be taught to children, we shall briefly sum up the entire Creed in three chief articles, according to the three persons in the Godhead, to whom everything that we believe is related, so that the First Article, of God the Father, explains Creation, the Second Article, of the Son, Redemption, and the Third, of the Holy Ghost, Sanctification. 7] Just as though the Creed were briefly comprehended in so many words: I believe in God the Father, who has created me; I believe in God the Son, who has redeemed me; I believe in the Holy Ghost, who sanctifies me. One God and one faith, but three persons, therefore also three articles or confessions. 8] Let us briefly run over the words.” (THE LARGE CATECHISM By Dr. Martin Luther, Part Second. OF THE CREED.)
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This year’s ember day sermons are based on the Apostles’ Creed. This second sermon is on the Second Article of the Apostles’ Creed and is entitled, “The Redeemer And The Redeemed.” (Note: Based on Luther’s Sermons on the Catechism, 1528 — See pages 162-169 of Luther’s Works, volume 51)
“Thus we have, in all, five parts covering the whole of Christian doctrine, which we should constantly teach and require young people to recite word for word. Do not assume that they will learn and retain this teaching from sermons alone. 25 When these parts have been well learned, you may assign them also some Psalms and some hymns,[1] based on these subjects, to supplement and confirm their knowledge. Thus our youth will be led into the Scriptures so they make progress daily.
26 However, it is not enough for them simply to learn and repeat these parts verbatim. The young people should also attend preaching, especially at the time designated for the Catechism, so that they may hear it explained and may learn the meaning of every part. Then they will also be able to repeat what they have heard and give a good, correct answer when they are questioned, and thus the preaching will not be without benefit and fruit. 27 The reason we take such care to preach on the Catechism frequently is to impress it upon our youth, not in a lofty and learned manner but briefly and very simply, so that it may penetrate deeply into their minds and remain fixed in their memories.”[2]
[1] Luther himself wrote six hymns based on the parts of the Catechism.
[2] Preface of 1529, Large Catechism, (Tappert, T. G. 2000, c1959. The Book of Concord : The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Fortress Press: Philadelphia).
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This year’s ember day sermons are based on the Apostles’ Creed. This first sermon is on the First Article of the Apostles’ Creed and is entitled, “The Creator And The Created.” (Note: Based on Luther’s Sermons on the Catechism, 1528 — See pages 162-169 of Luther’s Works, volume 51)
“The material in the Large Catechism originated as sermons by Martin Luther on the basic texts of Christian teaching. Already in the Middle Ages, some regional synods in Germany had called for regular preaching on the “catechism” (usually defined as the Ten Commandment, Apostles’ Creed, Lord’s Prayer and, sometimes, the Ave Maria). The Ember Days, four time of fasting spread throughout the church year {The Wednesday, Friday and Saturday after 1st Sunday in Lent, Pentecost, Holy Cross Day(Sep 14), and St. Lucia’s Day(Dec 13)}, were often designated for this purpose. Even before the Reformation, Wittenberg’s city church, St. Mary’s also seems to have followed this practice. Luther himself preached on various portions of the catechism as early as 1518” (The Book of Concord, Kolb, preface to Large Catechism, p.377)
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A video of the Thanksgiving sermon, “Pray for All in Authority” (1 Timothy 2:1-2).
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