First Vespers for Advent One – November 28, 2020

Service Bulletin:  Cover Bulletin and Psalms for Vespers
Sermon:  SRM1954-Weapons-of-Light.pdf

0:00  Hymn #13 “Savior of the Nations Come”  LW 13, TLH 95
3:00  Versicles, Lutheran Worship p. 224
4:15   Psalmody:  Psalm 24, 50, 85, 143, 145
27:15 Readings:  Romans 13:8-14
29:45   Office Hymn “Creator of the Stars of Night” WS98 #703
32:50  Sermon “Weapons of Light” Romans 13:12  (length 15:10 minutes)
48:00  Magnificat, LW p.228
50:50  The Prayers, p.231
54:00  Service ends

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
This post is the audio, if you want the video CLICK HERE –>   Vimeo First Vespers

Posted in Sermon, Services, Vespers.