Divine Service for Trinity 14 on Sunday, September 5, 2021

Order of Divine Service I, p.136  Lutheran Worship
Hymn “From God Can Nothing Move Me” LW 409, TLH 73
Readings:  Proverbs 4:10-23, Galatians  5:16-24, Luke 17:11-19
Hymn “I Will Sing My Maker’s Praises” LW 439, TLH 25
Communion Hymns: “Blest the Children of Our God” LW 370
“How Lovely Shines the Morning Star” TLH 343, LW 73
“Oh, that I Had a Thousand Voices” LW 448, TLH 243
“Now Thank We All Our God” LW 443, TLH 36

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin:  Trinity-Fourteen-Divine-Service-for-Online-9-5-2021.pdf

Above is the video, below is the audio.

Picture: “Das Neue Testament Deutzsch: Wittenberg” – Title Page of Luther’s first edition of the New Testament in September 1522. (“Luther’s Bible Translations – 1522,” The Gruber Rare Books Collection, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. https://gruber.lstc.edu/luthers_bible/1522.php

Luther’s Bible Translations – 1522  Das Neue Testament Deutzsch

The “September Testament” / “December Testament”

In September, 1522, Luther published the first edition of his translation of the New Testament. He had begun that during his stay at the Wartburg, in eleven weeks from December 1521 to February 1522, but it was revised in collaboration with Melanchthon and others after he had returned to Wittenberg. Some 3-5,000 copies were printed and by December, 1522, a second edition, called the December Testament had to be published. The price was one guilder, which corresponded to two months’ salary for a schoolmaster. By the time Luther published the complete Bible in 1534, 87 editions of his New Testament had been published in High German and some 19 in Low German. More than 200,000 copies had been sold.

Luther’s translation was based on the second edition of the Greek text edited by Erasmus in 1519. He put Hebrews and James at the end of the testament, with Jude and Revelation, to underline what he considered as the secondary character of these books. A marginal note at Matt 5:19 refers to those who break the commandments rather than following them as “Papisten hauff” (a heap of papists). 21 illustrations from the workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder show that the language of the book of Revelation is to be taken metaphorically. The whore of Babylon (the anti-Christ) is equated with the Pope.

Posted in Divine Service, Sermon, Services.