- ETERNAL, Omnipotent God and Father, I give Thee hearty thanks that throughout the night now past, as throughout all my days, Thou hast, through Thy holy angels, so graciously preserved me from all evil to body and soul; and hast caused me to live on in health and peace to see this blessed sabbath day, in which not only Thou didst create the light, but didst raise up my Savior for my righteousness’ sake. I beseech Thee, most heartily, pardon all my sins by which I have merited Thy wrath, and kindle my heart with Thy Holy Spirit so that I may daily increase before Thee in knowledge and in grace. Vouchsafe unto me Thy grace, that throughout this happy day I may fall into no sin or shame; but keep the day reverently, according to Thy will; and so to walk, that I, together with the loved ones whom Thou hast given me, may be defended from every evil of body and soul, ever remembering Thee in heart and mind. When at last my hour shall come, that I must depart hence, grant me to fall asleep blessed in the true knowledge of Thy Son unto eternal life. Amen. (Pages 98)
Morning Prayer for Sunday. 2
Posted in 2020 Prayers.