NEXT Live Stream: Divine Service on Advent Four December 22, 2024 at 10:15 AM
Service Bulletin: Advent-Four-12-22-2024-Online.pdf
Service Bulletin: Easter-Four-Divine-Service-for-Online-5-10-2020.pdf Printed Sermon: SRM1913-The-Holy-Spirit’s-Implanted-Word.pdf 0:00 Hymn “Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands” LW 123, TLH 195 3:15 Service Begins 9:30 Readings: Isaiah 12:1-6, James 1:16-21, St. John 16:5-15 13:50 Nicene Creed 17:25 Hymn “Oh, Sing with Exaltation” TLH 217 18:30 Sermon “The Holy Spirit’s Implanted Word” James 1:21 (length 16:45 minutes) 35:15 “Create in […]
Service Bulletin: Easter-Three-Divine-Service-for-Online-5-3-2020-1.pdf Printed Sermon: SRM1912-Do-Not-Judge-by-Your-Feelings.pdf 0:00 Hymn “Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands” LW 123, TLH 195 3:35 Service Begins, p.136 10:05 Readings: Isaiah 40:25-31, 1 Peter 2:11-20, St. John 16:16-22 15:45 Nicene Creed, p.141 17:25 Hymn “With High Delight Let Us Unite” LW 134 20:15 Sermon “Do Not Judge by Your Feelings” John 16:20 […]
Service Bulletin: St-Philip-and-St-James-2016.pdf Printed Sermon: SRM1911-No-Separation-Between-Jesus-and-the-Father.pdf 0:00 Hymn “Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands” LW 123, TLH 195 3:00 Service Begins 9:10 Readings: Malachi 3:16-18, Ephesians 2:19-22, St. John 14:1-14 13:30 Nicene Creed 15:10 Hymn “You are the Way; to You Alone” LW 283 22:30 Sermon “No Separation between Jesus and Father” John 14:9 (length 11 […]
Service Bulletin: Easter-Two-Matins-for-Online-4-26-2020.pdf Printed Sermon: SRM1910-The-Risen-Jesus-is-Gathering-Gods-Sheep.pdf 0:00 Hymn #416 “The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want” 2:20 Order of Matins, p.208 3:10 Venite with Easter Invitatory, p.209 5:10 Hymn #300 “Do Not Despair, O Little Flock” 8:15 Psalm 23 10:40 Readings: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 1 Peter 2:21-25, John 10:11-16 14:05 Responsory for Easter, p.213 15:30 Sermon “The Risen […]
Service Bulletin: Easter-One-Matins-for-Online-4-19-2020.pdf Printed Sermon: SRM1909-The-Absolution-Kingdom.pdf 0:00 Hymn TLH #207 “Like the Golden Sun Ascending” (Printed on PDF) 3:55 Order of Matins, p.208 4:45 Venite with Easter Invitatory, p.209 6:45 Hymn #130 “O Sons and Daughters of the King” 10:45 Psalm 81 15:00 Readings: Ezekiel 37:1-14, 1 John 5:4-10, John 20:19-31 21:30 Responsory for Easter, p.213 22:55 […]
Service Bulletin: Easter-Sunday-Matins-for-Online-4-12-2020.pdf Printed Sermon: SRM1908-The-Forever-Festival.pdf 0:00 Hymn #127 “Jesus Christ is Risen Today” (with trumpet) 3:00 Order of Matins, p.208 3:45 Venite with Easter Invitatory, p.209 5:45 Hymn #124 “Christ Is Arisen”7:45 7:00 Psalm 118 14:30 Readings: Job 19:23-27, 1 Corinthians 5:6-8, Mark 16:1-8 17:15 Responsory for Easter, p.213 18:40 Sermon “The Forever Festival” 1 Cor […]
I UPDATED THIS VIDEO TO NORMALIZE THE AUDIO. –11 pm 4/10/20 Service Bulletin 1: Good-Friday-Vespers-for-Online-4-10-2020.pdf Printed Sermon: SRM1907-The-Deeply-Despised-Shall-Be-Highly-Exalted.pdf 0.00 Hymn LW #113 “O Sacred Head Now Wounded” 4:50 Order of Vespers, p.224 5:40 Psalm 22 13:45 Readings: Isaiah 52:13-53:12, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21, St. John 18:1-19:42 33:10 Responsory for Lent, p.226-227 34:15 Hymn LW #117 “Sing, My Tongue” […]
Service Bulletin: Maundy-Thursday-Matins-for-Online-4-9-2020.pdf Printed Sermon: SRM1906-The-Old-Has-Gone-the-New-Has-Come.pdf 0:00 Hymn LW #106 “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna” 2:05 Order of Vespers, p.224 3:00 Psalm 51 8:05 Readings: Exodus 12:1-14, 1 Corinthians 11:23-32, John 13:1-15 14:40 Responsory for Lent, p.226-227 15:45 Hymn #100 “On My Heart Imprint Your Image” 16:35 Sermon “The Old has Gone, the New has Come” 1 Corinthians 11:25 […]
Service Bulletin 1: Palmarum-Matins-for-Online-4-5-2020.pdf Printed Sermon: SRM1904-His-Humility-and-Patience.pdf 0.00 Hymn LW #106 “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna” 2:15 Order of Matins, p.208 3:10 Venite with Invitatory, p.209 5:20 Hymn LW #103 “The Royal Banners Forward Go” 7:45 Psalm 73 14:30 Readings: Zechariah 9:9-12, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26-27 37:15 Responsory for Lent, p.212 38:30 Sermon “His Humility and Patience” Mt 26:42 […]
Invocation Psalm 43 (chanted) Text: Psalm 43 and Hebrews 9.pdf Reading: Hebrews 9:11-15 “Jesus Your Blood and Righteousness” (LW 362, TLH 371) Sermon Title: “Eternal” Text: SRM1903-Eternal.pdf Apostles’ Creed Lord’s Prayer “In Time of Pestilence” (The Lutheran Liturgy, p.301) Text: Prayers-from-The-Lutheran-Liturgy.pdf “During Unemployment” (The Lutheran Liturgy, p.303) Blessing “Lord Jesus Christ, My Life, My Light” […]