Quasimodogeniti Divine Service on Sunday, April 24, 2022

Order of Divine Service I, p.136  Lutheran Worship
Readings:  Ezekiel 37:1-14, 1 John 5:4-10, St. John 20:19-31
Hymn “O Sons and Daughters of the King” LW 130, TLH 208
Communion Hymns: “I Know that My Redeemer Lives” LW 264, TLH 200
“O Lord, We Praise You” LW 238, TLH 313
“That Easter Day with Joy Was Bright” LW 147
“Make Songs of Joy”  LW 132
Closing Hymn “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today; Alleluia” LW 137, TLH 193

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Service Bulletin:  Easter-One-Divine-Service-for-Online-4-24-2022b.pdf

Picture: Jacob’s Ladder  from Das Alte Testament Deutsch, M. Luther, Wittemberg, 1523.  The picture has Jacob sleeping, the angels on the ladder and Jesus with an open heaven.


Catechesis for Quasimodogeniti/Easter One (St. John 20:19-31) 2021

On Wednesday nights, Trinity Lutheran Church(Herrin, IL) offers to both children and adults an opportunity for teaching with Learn-by-Heart at 6:30 PM and a catechetical service at 7:00 PM.  This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service.

The dialog sermon explains the Institution of the Office of the Keys (St. John 20:19-31), which is the Holy Gospel for the first Sunday in Easter.  The teaching for Learn-by-Heart will include hymn #135, stanza 2 of “Welcome, Happy Morning,” Small Catechism, Table of Duties:  Of Bishops: Titus 1:9, and 1 Peter 2:2.
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Service Bulletin:  Catechesis-Quasimodogeniti-4-7-2021.pdf
Responsive Prayer: Responsive-Prayer-for-Catechesis-2020.pdf


For a Happy Death.

O GOD, Who art the Saviour of all the living, Who willest not the death of sinners, nor rejoicest in the perdition of those that die, I humbly entreat Thee to vouchsafe me pardon of my offences, that I may bewail what I have committed, and henceforth commit them no more; and that when my last day and the end of my life has arrived, Thy holy angels may receive me cleansed from all offences; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.  (Oremus, 1925, p.93).

#34 The Word and Work of God Brings Joy

Eccl. 2:1. I said to myself: Come now, I will make a test of pleasure; enjoy yourself. But behold, this also was vanity.

In the preceding chapter he showed that the anxiety and solicitude and planning of men, particularly when we want to be of aid and counsel to others, are vain and empty. He teaches that we should be content with the Word and work of God, so that we are not presumptuous about anything except what the Word of God prescribes or His work requires. Often this seems to be contrary to the Word, as when He oppresses us in some way even though we have acted correctly according to the Word. Then we need faith and patience, so that we do not seek our own counsels and try to evade what He has sent, but commit ourselves to Him and bear the hand of God in His work. Now he turns to the other side. (Luther’s Works, v. 15, p.29)

Divine Service Easter Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Order of Divine Service I, p.136  Lutheran Worship
Hymn “Welcome, Happy Morning” LW 135, TLH 202

Readings:  Daniel 3:8-28, Acts 13:26-33, St. Luke 24:36-49
Hymn “I Am Content! My Jesus Ever Lives”  LW 145, TLH 196

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Service Bulletin:   Easter-Tuesday-Divine-Service-for-Online-4-19-2022.pdf

In Commemoration of the Faithful Departed.

ALMIGHTY GOD, with Whom do live the spirits of them that depart hence in the Lord, and with Whom the souls of the faithful, after they are delivered from the burden of the flesh, are in joy and felicity: We praise and magnify Thy Holy Name for all Thy servants who have finished their course in Thy faith and fear; and we most humbly beseech Thee that, at the day of the general resurrection, we, and all they who are of the mystical body of Thy Son, may be set on his right hand, and hear that His most joyful voice, “Come ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” Grant this, O most merciful Father, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our only Mediator and Advocate; who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen. (Oremus, 1925, p.94).

#33 Rejoicing and Sadness

And here we can put these four things, as also above, namely:
Rejoicing at the words of God in the spirit,
Being sad according to the cross in the flesh,
Rejoicing at the reality of the world in the flesh,
Being sad at the cross in the conscience or spirit.
Joy inwardly over the Word.
Joy outwardly over the reality.
Sadness externally over the lack of the reality.
Sadness inwardly over the lack of the Word.
Therefore happy is the sadness of the faithful, which has such joy with it, and unhappy is the joy of the unbelievers, which has such sadness with it. This joy of the former is founded on the Word of the Lord, which abides forever, while the joy of the latter is founded on the flesh, which is grass because its flower has dried up and fallen (Is. 40:7). (Luther’s Works, v. 11, p.521)

Divine Service Easter Day Sunday, April 17, 2022

Order of Divine Service I, p. 136  Lutheran Worship
Hymn “I Know that My Redeemer Lives” LW 264, TLH 200
Readings:  Job 19:23-27, 1 Corinthians 5:6-8, St. Mark 16:1-8
Hymn of the Day “Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands”  LW 123, TLH 195
Communion Hymns: “Jesus Christ Is Risen, Today” LW 127, TLH 199
“Lo, Judah’s Lion Wins the Strife” LW 146, TLH 211
“At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing” LW 126
“The Day of Resurrection” LW 133, TLH 205
Closing Hymn “Good Christians Friends, Rejoice and Sing”  LW 129
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Service Bulletin:  Easter-Day-Divine-Service-for-Online-4-17-2022.pdf

Picture: The Flood from Das Alte Testament Deutsch, M. Luther, Wittemberg, 1523.  The picture from Luther’s 1524 edition was by Georg Lemberger.
