#34 The Word and Work of God Brings Joy

Eccl. 2:1. I said to myself: Come now, I will make a test of pleasure; enjoy yourself. But behold, this also was vanity.

In the preceding chapter he showed that the anxiety and solicitude and planning of men, particularly when we want to be of aid and counsel to others, are vain and empty. He teaches that we should be content with the Word and work of God, so that we are not presumptuous about anything except what the Word of God prescribes or His work requires. Often this seems to be contrary to the Word, as when He oppresses us in some way even though we have acted correctly according to the Word. Then we need faith and patience, so that we do not seek our own counsels and try to evade what He has sent, but commit ourselves to Him and bear the hand of God in His work. Now he turns to the other side. (Luther’s Works, v. 15, p.29)

Posted in 2022 Rejoice.