Martin Luther, Doctor and Confessor Divine Service – November 10, 2022

Order of Divine Service I, p.136  Lutheran Worship
Hymn “How Lovely Shines the Morning Star” TLH 343, LW 73
Readings:  Prov 3:1-7, 2 Cor 4:7-10, Luke 22:24-30
Hymn “By All Your Saints in Warfare” LW 194, s. 17
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Service Bulletin:  Martin-Luther-Doctor-and-Confessor-November-10.pdf

Catechesis on 2nd Last Sunday (St. Matthew 25:31-46) 2021

On Wednesday nights, Trinity Lutheran Church(Herrin, IL) offers to both children and adults an opportunity for teaching with Learn-by-Heart at 6:30 PM and a catechetical service at 7:00 PM.

This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service. The dialog sermon explains “The Sheep and the Goats” (St. Matthew 25:31-46), which is the Holy Gospel for Second-Last Sunday in the Church Year (Trinity 26).

Learn-by-Heart will include Lutheran Worship #177, stanza 2 of “Wake, Awake, For Night is Flying,” Small Catechism, Lord’s Prayer, Third Petition and meaning, and 2 Corinthians 5:10.

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Service Bulletin:  Catechesis-2nd-Last-Sunday-11-14-2021-On-Line.pdf
Recite Word by Word:  Recite-Word-by-Word.pdf

Catechesis on Second-Last Sunday in the Church Year November 9, 2022

On Wednesday nights, Trinity Lutheran Church(Herrin, IL) offers to both children and adults an opportunity for teaching with Learn-by-Heart at 6:30 PM and a catechetical service at 7:00 PM.

This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service. The dialog sermon explains “The Sheep and the Goats” (St. Matthew 25:31-46), which is the Holy Gospel for Second-Last Sunday in the Church Year (Trinity 26).

Learn-by-Heart will include Lutheran Worship #477, stanza 3, “Lord, Help Us Ever to Retain,” (The Lutheran Hymnal #288), Small Catechism, Lord’s Prayer, Third Petition and meaning, and 2 Corinthians 5:10.

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Service Bulletin:  Catechesis-2nd-Last-Sunday-11-9-2022-online.pdf
Recite Word by Word:  Recite-Word-by-Word.pdf

#63 Do Not Prescribe to God the Time or the Method of using the World’s Things

Yet man does not find out or discover what God has done, etc. That is: Man cannot know, even if he torments himself, when God wants to do him good, when He wants to start or to stop, just as no one, regardless of how he works at it, can investigate or identify the hour when someone is to be born, to live, or to die. Therefore one should say: “Lord, it is up to Thee to give future things; meanwhile I shall enjoy the life that is present and that has already been given by Thee.” Thus also the other activities of life which he has just cataloged lie outside the power of man. For if this were placed in the hands of men, many would always be waging war, while others would always be playing or building; for there are many who labor at this. The whole world is ours. Only let us not prescribe to God the time or the method of using it. “I refuse to be measured by your counsels,” says God; “otherwise everything will belong to you, including Me.” (Luther’s Works, v.15 p.54)

Lutheran Bodies in North America, Class #19 – November 6, 2022

Today we look at how the American Lutheran Church of 1930 came into being, as well as the reaction from the other Lutheran church bodies in North America.

Handout 1:  After-1918-Lutheran-Synods-b.pdf
Handout 2:  Unity-and-Realignment-Part-3.pdf
Handout 3:  Law-and-Gospel-Lecture-24-Introduction-pages-348-351-Walther.pdf
Overhead 1: My-Diagrams-for-Lutheran-Bodies-in-NA.pdf

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Picture: Pastor Henson and Deacon Harroun at the All Saints’ Day Service on November 1, 2022.

Third-Last Sunday in the Church Year Divine Service, November 6, 2022

Order of Divine Service I, p.136  Lutheran Worship
Hymn “I Am Trusting You Lord Jesus” LW 408, TLH 428
Readings:  Ex 32:1-20, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Matt 24:15-28
Hymn “When In the Hour of Deepest Need”  LW 428, TLH 522
Communion Hymns: “Preserve Your Word, O Savior” LW 337, TLH 264
“When I Suffer Pains and Losses” LW 423
“The Man Is Ever Blessed” LW 388, TLH 414
Hymn “Lord, Help Us Ever to Retain” LW 477, TLH 288

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Service Bulletin:  Third-Last-Sunday-Divine-Service-for-Online-11-06-2022.pdf

Picture:  The Luther Bible 1534:   Genesis 30 – Jacob works for Laban. Page 55.

For Control of One’s Tongue.

O CHRIST, Son of the living God, Who for our sakes wast made the Bread of the universe: Grant that we may never be led away by the temptation of our enemy, but may follow Thee in the true government of our tongue; through the Same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen. (Oremus, 1925, p.49-50).

#69 Christendom

Scripture speaks about Christendom very simply and in only one way….

The first way, according to Scripture, is that Christendom means an assembly of all the people on earth who believe in Christ, as we pray in the Creed, “I believe in the Holy Spirit, the communion of saints.” This community or assembly means all those who live in true faith, hope, and love. Thus the essence, life, and nature of Christendom is not a physical assembly, but an assembly of hearts in one faith, as St. Paul says in Ephesians 4[:5], “One baptism, one faith, one Lord.” Accordingly, regardless of whether a thousand miles separates them physically, they are still called one assembly in spirit, as long as each one preaches, believes, hopes, loves, and lives like the other. So we sing about the Holy Spirit, “You have brought many tongues together into the unity of faith.” This is what spiritual unity really means, on the basis of which men are called a “communion of saints.” This unity alone is sufficient to create Christendom, and without it, no unity—be it that of city, time, persons, work, or whatever else it may be—can create Christendom.” (Luther’s Works, v.39, p.65)

Catechesis 3rd-Last Sunday (St. Matthew 24:15-28) 2021

On Wednesday nights, Trinity Lutheran Church(Herrin, IL) offers to both children and adults an opportunity for teaching with Learn-by-Heart at 6:30 PM and a catechetical service at 7:00 PM.

This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service. The dialog sermon explains “The Abomination of Desolation” (St. Matthew 24:15-28), which is the Holy Gospel for Third Last Sunday in the Church Year(Trinity 25).

Learn-by-Heart will include Lutheran Worship #177, stanza 1 of “Wake, Awake, For Night is Flying,” Small Catechism, Lord’s Prayer, Second Petition and meaning, and 1 Thessalonians 4:14.

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Service Bulletin:  Catechesis-3rd-Last-Sunday-11-07-2021-On-Line.pdf
Recite Word by Word:  Recite-Word-by-Word.pdf

For Control of One’s Tongue 3.

LET our lips be firm in Thee, O Lord, with the tidings of Truth, that they may never be loosed in the vain speech of error; and may ever speak Thy glory and may never cry aloud in the unseemly disputes of quarrelling; that as Thy martyr and forerunner, John the Baptist, did unswervingly herald Thy coming, so we may ever speak to Thy praise; Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen  (Oremus, 1925, p.50).