Meditation on the needs of our neighbor has in view the common well-being of Church and Republic. This is the fruit of true and sincere love, which gathers us all into one mystical body under one Head, Christ, and commends to us serious care for the Church as a whole, and for all its members. If a member of the body does not strive, according to its share, to preserve the well-being of the whole bodily structure, or does not suffer when a fellow member is suffering, it is no true member. It is the same with the mystical body of Christ [Col. 1:24, 1 Cor. 12:12 ff]. And therefore, whoever is a true and living member of the Christian Church ought pray daily [Rom. 12:12, Eph. 6:18, Acts 3:1] for the preservation of the Word, for pastors and hearers [Col. 4:2-4, Eph. 3:14-21], for magistrates [1 Tim. 2:2], and those under authority, and for the household. These are the three hierarchies divinely instituted for well-being in this life and for the extension of the heavenly kingdom [1 Tim. 2:1-4, Rom. 13:1-6, Eph. 6:4]. He ought pray also for relatives and benefactors, to whom he is bound by some special tie, and for enemies and persecutors [Mat. 5:44, Rom. 12:14], whose conversion and salvation he ought earnestly desire, and for those afflicted and suffering hardship, whose misfortunes should move his soul. (The Daily Exercise of Piety by Johann Gerhard, Repristination Press, p.79)
Monthly Archives: January 2025
Catechesis for Epiphany Four – January 29, 2025
On Wednesday nights, Trinity Lutheran Church(Herrin, IL) offers to both children and adults an opportunity for teaching with Learn-by-Heart at 6:30 PM and a catechetical service at 7:00 PM.
This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service. The dialog sermon explains “Jesus Calms the Storm” (St. Matthew 8:23-27), which is the Holy Gospel for Fourth Sunday after Epiphany.
Learn-by-Heart will include “In Peace and Joy I Now Depart” ASBH #78, Small Catechism, Confession, question three, and Psalm 50:15.
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin: Catechesis-Epiphany-4-1-29-2025-online.pdf
Responsive Prayer: Responsive-Prayer-for-Catechesis-2024-ASBH.pdf
Insert for Hymn: The-Presentation-of-our-Lord-1-year-February-2-ASBH.pdf
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Divine Service for Epiphany Three – January 26, 2025
Hymn “Arise and Shine in Splendor” LW 85, TLH 126
Divine Service I, p.7 The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal
Readings: Jeremiah 33:6-9, Romans 12:16-21, St. Matthew 8:1-13
Hymn: “Why Art Thou Cast Down, My Soul?” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #12)
Offertory: “Create in Me…” p.18
General Prayer……… p.19-20
“From God the Father, Virgin-born” LW 74
Exhortation p.21
Communion Service, p.144 (Lutheran Worship)
Communion Hymns: “When I Suffer Pains and Losses” LW 423
“Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart” LW 413, TLH 429
“Sent Forth by God’s Blessing” LW 247
Closing Hymn: “Multitude Comes” LW 464
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin: Epiphany-Three-Cover-1-26-2025-Online.pdf
Picture: Ottheinrich Bible 1430 (III:30) Woman Healed on the Sabbath in Luke 13:10-17
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Bible Class #20 on Exodus 17:8-16 – January 26, 2025
We continue our study of the book of Exodus 17:8-16.
Overhead 1: Text-for-Exodus-17-Dec-2024.pdf
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
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Evening Prayer for Sunday
100. Now thank we all our God, Who, from our mother’s womb, has kept us alive and showered His benefits upon us. May He grant us joyful hearts and great peace in this our day, that His grace abide, and redeem us while we live. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with us evermore. Amen.
O Lord, Almighty God, Heavenly Father, I bless Thee for all the goodness and mercy which Thou hast this day so graciously bestowed upon me, and hast preserved me in joy and health from all evil. As Thy beloved, I pray Thee graciously to preserve me in Thy word, which alone is able to save, until my latest breath, and enlighten my soul with Thy Holy Spirit, that I may know what is good and what is evil. By Thy mercy blot out every transgression that I have committed this day, whether consciously or ignorantly, and every secret fault, and grant me this night the precious rest of Thy Christian people, that I may rise again refreshed and strong unto Thy praise. Grant also, Dear Father, that by Thy grace I begin a new life, acceptable unto Thee, unto the salvation of my soul; through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, our only help. Amen. (Seed-Grains of Prayer: A Manual for Evangelical Christians by William Loehe, Wartburg Publishing House, 1914, Pages 170-172).
Matins on St. Titus, Pastor and Confessor – January 26, 2025
Order of Divine Service, p.7 The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal
Readings: Acts 20:17-35, Ephesians 3:14-21, St. Matthew 24:42-47
Hymn of the Day: “Lord of the Church, We Humble Pray” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #76, ELH 95, LW 261, TLH 489)
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin: January-26-St.-Titus-Matins-Psalms-2025-Online.pdf
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Vespers on The Conversion of St. Paul – January 25, 2025
Order of Divine Service, p.7 The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal
Readings: Jeremiah 1:4-10, Acts 9:1-22, St. Matthew 19:27-30
Hymn of the Day: “O Thou, Who Dost Accord Us the Highest Prize and Guerdon” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #75, ELH 356)
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin: January-25-The-Conversion-of-St-Paul-Vespers-Psalms-On-line.pdf
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Morning Prayer for Saturday.
231. Jesus Christ, Son of God, let me this day again commend unto Thee my body and soul, and, at last, when I depart from this vale of sorrow, grant me a blessed departure that I may appear faultless and pure in Thy holy sight, and permitted to hear Thy joyous voice saying, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”
Ever faithful Father in heaven, It lieth not in the compass of my power or might sufficiently to thank and praise Thee for all Thy goodness which Thou hast shown unto me all my life, even down to this moment, for I am mere flesh and blood which can do no good thing. Without measure, Thou causest Thy grace to abound to me daily, and if Thou hadst not been my stay and shield this night, Satan’s power had harmed me much, that I could not have risen again in health. By Thy gracious guardianship I have been wholly defended, and I beseech Thee most heartily to let Thy grace abound to me ward this day, and graciously defend me, Thy child, by the price of Christ’s blood, henceforth unto everlasting life. Amen. Lord Jesus, receive my soul into Thy hands, and let it be commended unto Thee. Amen. (Seed-Grains of Prayer: A Manual for Evangelical Christians by William Loehe, Wartburg Publishing House, 1914, Pages 387-388)
Divine Service on St. Timothy, Bishop and Confessor – January 24, 2025
Order of Divine Service, p.7 The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal
Readings: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 1 Peter 5:1-4, St. John 21:15-17
Hymn of the Day: “True Shepherd who in love most deep” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #74)
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin: St-Timothy-Pastor-and-Confessor-1-year-Jan-24-ASBH.pdf
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#13 Part III: Chapter V. Prayer for the Preservation and Increase of Humility
(Continued) You have placed a treasure chest of Your gifts in the shrine of my heart. You have placed in that treasure gifts, traits, and abilities of Your choosing and number. Far be it from me to take credit for them, or claim to have deserved them, for I am unworthy. Kindle by Your Spirit the flame of piety and charity in my heart. Grant, I ask, that I be able to cover my heart with the ashes of humility. How insignificant is that praise which one man glorifies another? The one who is great in Your sight, O greatest Creator, is truly great. He who is pleasing to You is pleasing to the One who assigns a value to all things. But no one is pleasing to You unless he is displeasing to himself.
You are the Life of my life. You are the Soul of my soul. Therefore I leave my life and soul in Your hands and cling to You completely, with a humble heart. May Your eminence regard my lowliness. May Your highness regard my worthlessness [Psa. 113:4–7]. Oh why do I so desire to be praised by the world, since nothing in it is pure? Why do I glorify myself so much, since the yoke of sin so oppressively weighs me down? May a holy fear pierce my heart like a spike, so it will not be puffed up with the most dangerous illness, spiritual pride. May my countless sins ever be before my eyes, but may my good works, whatever sort they are, be forgotten. I am troubled by the memory of my sins more than I am pleased by the glory of any impure or imperfect good work which I have done. In You alone I rejoice and glory. You are my joy and glory for eternity, Amen. (The Daily Exercise of Piety by Johann Gerhard, Repristination Press, p.62-63)