Catechesis on Cantate/Easter Four 2017 (St. John 16:5-15)

On Wednesday nights, Trinity Lutheran Church(Herrin, IL) offers to both children and adults an opportunity for teaching with Learn-by-Heart at 6:30 PM and a catechetical service at 7:00.

In this video from May 10, 2017, we learned stanza 5 of “He’s Risen, He’s Risen” (Lutheran Worship, #138), the Table of Duties for Citizens (Mt 22:21, Ro 13:5-7, 1 Tim 2:1-3, Titus 3:1, 1 Peter 2:13-14) from the Small Catechism, and St. John 16:14.  This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service.  The dialog sermon explains Jesus’ promise to send the Holy Spirit to work through the preaching of the Word that Jesus might be proclaimed in the church.  St. John 16:5-15 is the Holy Gospel for Cantate (Easter 4) Sunday.

The service concludes with “Responsive Prayer for Catechesis 2017” (pdf link below).  [Length: 1 hour, 4 minutes]

Bulletins:  Catechesis-Cantate-5-10-2017-Online.pdf
Responsive Prayer: Responsive Prayer for Catechesis 2017

Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 29: The Holy Spirit Sent Into Our Hearts

Class #29:  “God has sent the Spirit of His Son into your hearts” (Galatians 4:6).  All who believe and are baptized have been given the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38), so that they know they are saved through faith in Jesus Christ and thus call God their Father.  On account of our great weakness, it is of great comfort for the believer to know that the Holy Spirit lives in him (1 Cor 6:19).  “This happens without a visible form, namely, when through the spoken Word we receive fire and light, by which we are made new and different, and by which a new judgment, new sensations, and new drives arise in us.  This change and new judgment are not the work of human reason or power; they are the gift and accomplishment of the Holy Spirit, who comes with the preached Word, purifies our hearts by faith, and produces spiritual motivation in us” (Luther’s Works, volume 26, p.375).

“But the external signs, as I have said earlier, are these: to enjoy hearing about Christ; to teach, give thanks, praise, and confess Him, even at the cost of property and life; to do one’s duty according to one’s calling in a manly way, in faith and joy; not to take delight in sin; not to invade someone else’s calling but to serve one’s own; to help a needy brother, comfort the sorrowful, etc.  By these signs we are assured and confirmed a posteriori that we are in a state of grace” (Luther’s Works, v. 26, p.379).

Overhead: Galatians Class 29 Overhead
Handouts: Galatians Class 29 Handout

Baptismal Life Bible Class – Third Use of the Law, Part 15

Knowing that the Law can only produce “works of the law”(Rom 3:28) while the Gospel creates faith, which brings forth “fruits of the Spirit” (Gal 5:2) 1 Timothy 1:5), we might wrongly decide that the Law is not to be preached to believers.  In this study, we examine the Scriptural teaching concerning the third use of the Law as it is found in the Formula of Concord, VI and Romans, chapters 3-8.  This concludes the Bible Study on the Baptismal Life.

Handout: Baptism Apr 24 2016 Lesson 14

Baptismal Life Bible Class – Word, Faith and Holy Spirit put to death the old Adam, Part 6

The Triune God works through the Word to give the gift of faith and the Holy Spirit by means of which He daily puts to death the Old Adam in us.  There are two ways in which others try to achieve a Christian life.  Some groups become antinomian in their teaching, when they refuse to use the Law, but only the gospel.  “There can be no true conversion or contrition where mortifying the flesh and good fruits do not follow” (Ap XII, 131).  Others attempt to put the old Adam to death by means and ways which are not designated by God.  These human ways all end up being human works, which can only change outward behavior, but do not put to death the sinful desires.  “You don’t put the old nature to death , as these prophets do, through works, but through the hearing of the gospel” (Luther’s Works, v.40, p.148).

Lesson Six Overheads Sources Feb 14 2016
Lesson Six The Ways and Means of God in Mortifying old Adam