Ember Wednesday in Pentecost – May 31, 2023

Order of Matins, p. 208 Lutheran Worship
Pre-Service Hymn: “Prayer Is the Soul’s Sincere Desire” TLH 454
Office Hymn “Eternal Spirit of the Living Christ” LW 432
Psalmody:  Psalm 104, 68
Readings:  Acts 2:14-21, John 6:44-52
Catechism:  Lord’s Prayer

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin:  Pentecost-Ember-Days-Psalms-On-Line-2023.pdf
Insert for Readings:  Ember-Wednesday-Insert-5-31-2023.pdf

Pentecost Tuesday Divine Service – May 30, 2023

Order of Divine Service I, p.136  Lutheran Worship
Hymn of the Day: “Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #37, LW 154, TLH 224)
Readings:  Isaiah 57:15-21, Acts 8:14-17, St. John 10:1-10
Hymn “Do Not Despair, O Little Flock” LW 300, TLH 263

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin:  Pentecost-Tuesday-Insert-5-30-2023.pdf

Divine Service Pentecost – May 28, 2023

Order of Divine Service I, p.136  Lutheran Worship
Hymn “O Holy Spirit, Enter In” LW 160, TLH 235
Readings:  Joel 2:28-32, Acts 2:1-13, St. John 14:23-31
Hymn of the Day: “Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #37, LW 154, TLH 224)
Communion Hymns: “Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior” LW 237, TLH 311
“Holy Spirit, Light Divine” LW 166, TLH 234
“Songs of Praise the Angels Sang” LW 447, TLH 35
“O Day Full of Grace” LW 163
Closing Hymn “Forth in the Peace of Christ” LW 459

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin:  Pentecost-Divine-Service-for-Online-5-28-2023.pdf

Picture:  The Luther Bible 1534: 2 Kings 25 – Fall of Judah, #538

History of the Common Service, Class #10 – May 28, 2023

We continue our study of the Common Divine Service in the Lutheran Bodies in North America.  Today we look at the decline of the Common Service beginning with the Service Book and Hymnal of 1958.

Handout 1: The-Decline-of-the-Common-Service-by-James-Heiser-May-2023.pdf
Handout 2:  Common-Service-Common-Liturgy-Comparison.pdf

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Adoration 4

SPIRIT of Life, Who fillest all the world, I worship and adore Thee.
Spirit of Light, Who teachest all the Truth, I worship and adore Thee.
Source of all gifts of nature and of grace, of knowledge natural and supernatural, I worship and adore Thee.
As Thou hast made and endowed me, taught and reproved me, borne with me, recovered me, restored me; now with the ardor of a quickened soul, with the devotion of an humble mind, with the best homage of a thankful heart,
Lord and Giver-of-Life, I worship and adore Thee. Amen. (Oremus, 1925, p.22).

Divine Service Pentecost Eve – May 27, 2021

Order of Divine Service I, p.136  Lutheran Worship
Hymn “Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid” LW 167, TLH 236
Readings:  Joel 3:1-5. Romans 8:12-17, St. John 14:15-21
Hymn “Come Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire” LW 157

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin:  Pentecost-Eve-Insert-5-27-2023.pdf

Picture: The Luther Bible 1534: Psalm 1 – The Psalter, #712


For the Holy Ghost

Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, and the brightness of Thy Spirit illumine our inward souls, that He may kindle our cold hearts and light up our dark minds, Who abideth evermore with Thee in glory. (Oremus, 1925, p.26).

Catechesis on Pentecost (St. John 14:23-31) 2021

On Wednesday nights, Trinity Lutheran Church(Herrin, IL) offers to both children and adults an opportunity for teaching with Learn-by-Heart at 6:30 PM and a catechetical service at 7:00 PM.

This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service.  The dialog sermon explains how the Holy Spirit teaches from the Word all things about Jesus” (St. John 14:23-31), which is the Holy Gospel for Pentecost.

In this video from May 19, 2021, we learned hymn #154, stanza 1 of “Come Holy Ghost, God and Lord,” Small Catechism, Table of Duties: To Parents:  Eph 6:4  To Children:  Eph 6:1-3, and St. John 14:23.

The service concludes with “Responsive Prayer for Catechesis.”

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Service Bulletin:  Catechesis-Pentecost-5-19-2021.pdf


Divine Service Exaudi – May 21, 2023

Order of Divine Service I, p.136  Lutheran Worship
Hymn “Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor” LW #281
Readings:  Ezekiel 36:25-27, 1 Peter 4:7-11, St. John 15:26-16:4
Hymn of the Day: “Had God Not Come, May Israel Say” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #36)
Communion Hymns: Hymn “We Thank Thee Dearest Jesus” TLH 223
“How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds” LW #279, TLH #364
“When in the Hour of Deepest Need” LW #428, TLH 522
Closing Hymn “Come, Gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove” LW 161

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin:  Exaudi-Divine-Service-for-Online-5-21-2023.pdf

Picture:  The Luther Bible 1534: 2 Kings 17 – Assyrian Exile, #526

History of the Common Service, Class #9 – May 21, 2023

Today we continue our study of the age of the Common Divine Service in the Lutheran Bodies in North America.

Handout 1: Age-of-the-Common-Service-by-James-Heiser-May-2023.pdf
Handout 2: All-Synods-with-Common-Service.pdf

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).