We continue our study of the book of Exodus seventeen.
Overhead 1: Text-for-Exodus-17-Dec-2024.pdf
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
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We continue our study of the book of Exodus seventeen.
Overhead 1: Text-for-Exodus-17-Dec-2024.pdf
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
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Order of Matins, p.208 Lutheran Worship
Readings: Acts 20:17-35, Ephesians 3:14-21, St. Matthew 24:42-47
Hymn of the Day: “Zion Stands By Hills Surrounded” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #74)
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin: January-19-St.-Henry-Matins-Psalms-2025-Online.pdf
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Order of Vespers, p.224 Lutheran Worship
Readings: Acts 2:22-24, 32-33, 1 Peter 1:1-9, St. Matthew 16:13-19
Hymn of the Day: “Christ Is Our Cornerstone” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #106)
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin: January-18-The-Confession-of-St-Peter-Vespers-Psalms-2025-On-Line.pdf
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206. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ Who has redeemed us with His precious blood, I do now arise. May He defend me against all evil, and preserve my body and soul; granting me also whatsoever shall prosper and confirm me in all good, unto eternal life. Amen. (Seed-Grains of Prayer: A Manual for Evangelical Christians by William Loehe, Wartburg Publishing House, 1914, Page 355-356)
Omnipotent and merciful God, You bitterly hate all arrogance. Help me to be a rose of charity and a violet of humility, so that I may spread a fragrant smell by works of love and think humbly of myself. What am I in Your sight, O Lord? Dust, ashes, a shadow, nothing. Therefore, since I am nothing in Your sight, grant that I consider myself nothing in my own eyes. Push back the inborn, swelling pride of my heart that I receive the dew of heavenly grace. For the rivers of Your grace do not ascend up lofty mountains; rather, they flow down to the low-lying valleys of the humble heart. I have nothing but weaknesses and transgressions. Whatever is good in me has come down to me from the font of Your goodness. I can claim for myself nothing whatsoever which is good, since in and of myself I have nothing good. The more highly I think of You, the more unworthy I must consider myself. Far, far be it from me, O kindest Lord, to be arrogant concerning the gifts You have given me and despise others because of them. (Continued on Epiphany Two) (from The Daily Exercise of Piety by Johann Gerhard, Repristination Press, p.62-63)
O holy and merciful God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, I beg You in the Holy Spirit, for the sake of Your Son, to powerfully work in me and put to death the old man. I need this every day so that I can be made strong in You according to the inner man. Sin dwells in my flesh [Rom. 7:17]. Give to me the strength of the Spirit, so I will not allow it to rule me [Rom. 6:12]. You set my hidden sins in the light of Your countenance [Psa. 90:8]. I ask that You place them in the light in my heart, so that I may recognize them and regret them, and humbly seek their forgiveness. I am not yet completely free from the indwelling of sin. Please be gracious, I ask, and grant me freedom from the guilt and condemnation of sin. The law of sin in my members is warring against the law of my renewed mind [Rom. 7:23]. Give me the grace of Your Spirit so that I may take captive the law of sin, and not be captive to the old law of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh [Gal. 5:17]. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak [Mat. 26:41]. Give to my spirit, therefore, great power and strength, so that it may overcome the depraved lusts which battle in my flesh. That whoring Delilah attacks me every day with her flatteries [Jud. 16:6]. Strengthen my inner man by Your Spirit [Eph. 3:16] so that she cannot break his powers. Oh how incredibly difficult and hard it is to fight against one’s self! When I fight the flesh I am fighting myself! How difficult and arduous it is to remove an enemy from one’s own home!
Unless You clothe me with heavenly strength in this war, I am afraid that I will certainly be defeated because of the hidden plots of the enemy. Strike down, burn, cut, and kill the old man, so that I can flee from his flattering fraud and seduction. Grant that daily I die unto myself, so the allurements of the flesh will not draw me away from the true life which is in Christ. Inflame the fire of the Spirit in my heart, so that I may offer to You as a sacrifice the beloved son of my soul, depraved lusts and my own will. Flesh and blood cannot receive the inheritance of the kingdom of God [1 Cor. 15:50]. May they die in me, so I will not be excluded from the kingdom of heaven! Those who live according to the flesh will die; those who by the Spirit kill the deeds of the flesh will live [Rom. 8:13]. Those who belong to Christ crucify the flesh with its desires [Gal. 5:24]. Pierce and crucify my flesh, O Christ pierced and crucified on the altar of the cross for me! Amen.
On the festival of Epiphany you heard that it was so called on account of the manifestation of Christ, which occurred that the new-born Babe might not be unknown, but revealed; for if we had not heard of His birth, it would have been of no avail. Hence it is that during these days we preach also upon other Gospel lessons which refer to the manifestation of Christ. Thus we use the one relating to Christ’s Baptism in the Jordan by John, and also the one which speaks of His first miracle, performed at the marriage at Cana, where He manifested Himself as Lord over all. These manifestations took place not only that Jesus should be known among men, but also that He might be acknowledged and praised as One who is more than human, born to have dominion over everything; and also that we should recognize Him as our Savior, upon whom we can depend in every distress and anxiety, and from whom we can obtain our help.
(The Daily Exercise of Piety by Johann Gerhard, Repristination Press, p.56-57)
Hymn “Within the Father’s House” LW 80, TLH 133
Divine Service I, p.7 The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal
Readings: Isaiah 61:1-3, Romans 12:1-5, St. Luke 2:41-52
Hymn “Praise God the Lord, Ye Sons of Men” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #10, LW 44, TLH 105)
Offertory: “Create in Me…” p.18
General Prayer……… p.19-20
“O Jesus, Blessed Lord, My Praise” LW 245, TLH 309 *
Exhortation p.21
Communion Service, p.144 (Lutheran Worship)
“Jesus Has Come and Brings Pleasure” LW 78
“O Christ, Our Light, O Radiance True” LW #314
“The People That in Darkness Sat” LW 77, TLH 106
Closing Hymn: “Let Children Hear the Mighty Deeds” LW #472
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin: Epiphany-One-Cover-1-12-2025-Online.pdf
Picture: Ottheinrich Bible 1430 (III:10) Woman Anoints Jesus in Luke 7:36-50
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We continue our study of the book of Exodus with chapter sixteen.
Overhead 1: Text-for-Exodus-16-Dec-2024-1.pdf
–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
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Meditation on our need shows us that of ourselves we possess nothing which is spiritually good, and therefore, it teaches us to reject all faith in our own powers. It teaches us to flee to our only help, the divine mercy promised to us on account of Christ. When we consider all our many needs, our heart is raised to God. It asks Him to put to death the old man and to renew the new man. These works of God are needed daily by all those who have been reborn. This renovation consists of faith, hope, love, humility, patience, long-suffering, chastity, and the preservation and increase of all the other good qualities. We are to seek these from God with earnest prayers. Every day we are assaulted by the flesh, the world, and Satan. Every day our flesh incites us to love earthly things. Every day the world assaults us with its hatred, and Satan batters us with his plots. Therefore, we must pray daily to the Lord of Hosts, our highest Judge, to give us contempt for the world, denial of self, victory over the world, preservation in all difficult situations, true peace for the soul, victory in temptations, and preservation from the plots of the devil. Finally, since in the hour of death and judgment the help of God is needed by us above all else, we must humbly pray every day for a blessed end to this life and for a blessed resurrection unto eternal life. (The Daily Exercise of Piety by Johann Gerhard, Repristination Press, p.55)
183. Lord, hear my prayer and let my cry come unto Thee. Hide not Thy face from me for I am poor and needy. Incline Thine ear unto me. When I cry unto Thee, hear me and answer me.
Under Thy good pleasure, O Lord Jesus Christ, I submit all that I do or leave undone, my beginnings and my endings, and commend unto Thee my body and soul, my kin and acquaintances, together with all my possessions. By the guardianship of Thy holy angels Thou hast this night protected me; and, I beseech Thee, condescend this day also to guard and defend me from all evil. Vouchsafe unto me and all my relatives and friends whatsoever we need unto the maintenance of this temporal life; and, as a merciful father, care for us. Save us from war and pestilence, from famine and from evil trials, and, at last, receive us into Thy eternal kingdom, the heavenly paradise. Amen. (Seed-Grains of Prayer: A Manual for Evangelical Christians by William Loehe, Wartburg Publishing House, 1914, Pages 321-322)