#6 Study His Name with Diligence

The angel Gabriel gives the reason why Christ should bear this name when he announces to Joseph, Matt. 1:21: “Thou shalt call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins.” This name we must study with diligence, and carefully remember that this Child is called Jesus because He is a Savior who delivers from the severest and greatest misery, namely, from sin, and not from the insignificant troubles and petty anxieties which this life has in store for this or that individual, and which can but affect our body, our possessions, or some other temporal matter. God has instituted other means by which such perplexities as these are solved or averted. He has given us rulers and authorities to protect and defend their subjects against lawlessness; He has appointed parents to support and to educate their children; He has given physicians to advise us and assist us in our bodily infirmities, etc. These, however, are all miserable helpers compared with Him who is a Savior and can save His people from sin. He who would possess this Child as his Savior, as Jesus, must ever remember that He is a Helper, not chiefly in the concerns of this life, which are otherwise provided for, as we have stated, but above all a Savior from sin and death unto eternal life. For where sin no longer rules, there death must also yield up his power. (Luther’s House Postil, Sermon for the 2nd Sermon for New Year, Volume 1, p. 142-143)

In the Sacristy 4.

WE beseech Thee, the Father of the Only-Begotten, the Lord of the universe, the Creator of the creatures, the Maker of things that have been made; clean hands do we stretch out, and our thoughts do we unfold to Thee. We pray Thee, have compassion, spare, benefit, improve, multiply us in virtue and faith and knowledge. Visit us, O Lord; to Thee we display our own weaknesses. Be propitious and have pity on us all in common. Have pity, benefit this people. Make it gentle and sober-minded and clean; and send angelic powers in order that all this Thy people may be holy and reverent. I beseech Thee, send the Holy Spirit into our mind and give us grace to learn the Divine Scriptures from Thy Spirit, and to interpret cleanly and worthily that all the flock present may be helped, through Thy Only-Begotten Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit through Whom to Thee be the glory and the strength both now and unto all the ages of the ages. Amen.  (Oremus, 1925, p.128-129).

Divine Service on The Holy Innocents – December 28, 2023

Order of Divine Service, p.7   The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal
Readings:  Jeremiah 31:15-17, Revelation 14:1-5, St. Matthew 2:13-18
Hymn “Sweet Flowerets of the Martyr Band” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #72 LW 188, TLH 273)

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin: The-Holy-Innocents-December-28-ASBH-Final.pdf

Picture: The Poinsetia Tree at Trinity Lutheran Church in Altenburg, MO. Our congregation participated in a Christmas Country Church Tour on December 14, 2023.

Divine Service on St. John, Apostle – December 27, 2023

Order of Divine Service, p.7   The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal
Readings:  Hosea 11:1-9, 1 John 1:1-10, John 21:19-24
Hymn “Word Supreme, Before Creation” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #71, TLH 271)

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin: St-John-Apostle-December-27-ASBH-Final.pdf

Picture: The Christmas Tree at Trinity Lutheran Church in Altenburg, MO. Our congregation participated in a Christmas Country Church Tour on December 14, 2023.

Catechesis on Circumcision of our Lord – December 27, 2023

On Wednesday nights, Trinity Lutheran Church(Herrin, IL) offers to both children and adults an opportunity for teaching with Learn-by-Heart at 6:30 PM and a catechetical service at 7:00 PM.

This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service.  The dialog sermon explains that Jesus completely kept the law for us in this the first shedding of His precious blood to save us (St. Luke 2:21), which is the Holy Gospel for The Circumcision of our Lord.

Learn-by-Heart will include “To The Name of Our Salvation” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #7, TLH 116), the third question of Holy Baptism with its meaning from Luther’s Small Catechism, and Galatians 3:26.

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Service Bulletin:  Catechesis-Circumcision-of-Our-Lord-12-27-2024-Final.pdf
Responsive Prayer for Catechesis: Responsive-Prayer-for-Catechesis-2024-ASBH.pdf
Insert for Hymn: Circumcision-and-Name-of-Jesus-Insert-12-31-2023-Final.pdf

#5 Preaching and Baptism Give this Christ

This now is our King, the dear Lord Jesus Christ, and this is His kingdom and office. It deals not with golden crowns and kingdoms, or with great worldly pomp; no, but when we must die, and cannot retain this life any longer, then it is His office and work to deliver us from sin, death and the power of hell; and through the preaching of the gospel He announces to us that we shall certainly receive this gift or benefit from Him, so that when we are in trouble on account of our sins, or in danger of death, we can comfort ourselves by faith and say: Now help is afforded me through my dear King, Jesus Christ, the Just One and Savior; to this end He came, so lowly and poor, and suffered Himself to be nailed to the cross, that He might justify and sanctify me; in Himself He hath destroyed my sin and death, gives me His own righteousness and victory over death and hell, and gives me also His Holy Spirit, that I might have in my heart a sure seal and witness of His help. See now, whoever believes this as he hears it, and as it is preached in the gospel, he also has it. For to this end holy baptism was instituted by our Savior that He might clothe you with His righteousness, and that His holiness and innocence should be yours. For we are all poor sinners, but in baptism, and afterwards in our whole life, if we turn unto Christ, He comforts us, and says: Give me your sins and take my righteousness and holiness; let your death be taken from you, and put on my life. This is, properly speaking, the Lord Jesus’ government. For all His office and work is this, that He daily takes away our sin and death, and clothes us with His righteousness and life. (Luther’s House Postil, Sermon for the 1st Sunday in Advent, Volume 1, p. 21)

#5A Find Consolation in This Christ

Hence the Evangelist says, as already mentioned: “Tell ye the daughter of Zion.” And the prophet says: “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion, behold thy King cometh unto thee,” as if he would say: This is told to you and God wishes to have it proclaimed to you, that you may find consolation in Him by faith, and be defended by such faith against doubt and despair on account of your unworthiness and sins. What is it that is told, and on account of which she is to rejoice? It is this: “Behold thy King cometh unto thee.” What kind of a king? A holy and just King, a Physician and Savior, or Helper, who would heal and save you. He would give His glory and righteousness to you, that you may be free from your sins; His life also He would lay down for you, that through His death you may be delivered from eternal death. Therefore be not offended at His lowly and humble form, but thank Him for it, and comfort yourself in Him. For all that He does and accomplishes in His coming, is done for your good; thus He would deliver you from your sins and from death, and justify and save you.  (Luther’s House Postil, Sermon for the 1st Sunday in Advent, Volume 1, p. 20-21)

Christ’s Mass Day Divine Service – December 25, 2023

Hymn “Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful” LW #41
Divine Service I, p.7   The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal
Readings:  Isaiah 7:10-14, Hebrews 1:1-12, St. John 1:1-14
Hymn of the Day “Of The Father’s Love Begotten” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #66, LW 36, TLH 98)
Offertory: “Create in Me…”                          p.18
Prayer of the Church………                    p.19-20
Hymn: “Come, Your Hearts and Voices Raising” LW 48, TLH 90
Communion Service, p.144 (Lutheran Worship)
Communion Hymns: “Joy to the World” LW 53, TLH 87
“Now Sing We, No Rejoice” LW 47, TLH 92
“Once in Royal David’s City” LW 58,
Closing Hymn: “Angels We Have Heard on High” LW 55

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin: Feast-of-the-Nativity-Divine-Service-for-Online-12-25-2023.pdf

Picture: The Luther Bible 1534: The Book of Romans, #791.

Matins at Christmas Dawn – December 25, 2023

Order of Matins, p.208  Lutheran Worship
Versicles, Venite
Hymn of the Day “The Newborn Child This Early Morn” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #8)
Psalm 93, 100, 63, Hymn #9 Benedicite, omnia opera, Psalm 148 (See Insert)
Readings:  Micah 5:2-4, Titus 3:4-7, Matthew 1:18-25
Te Deum, LW p.214
The Prayers

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin: Christmas-Dawn-Matins-Cover-2023-Online.pdf
Psalms: Christmas-Dawn-Psalms-2023-Online.pdf

Picture: The Luther Bible 1534: The Foreword to the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, #781.

Divine Service Vigil of the Nativity – December 24, 2023

Hymn “From East to West”  LW #43
Divine Service I, p.7   The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal
Gloria in Excelsis Deo is omitted
Readings:  Isaiah 9:2-7, 1 John 4:7-16, Luke 2:1-14
Hymn “O Jesus Christ, All Praise to Thee” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #5, LW #35, TLH 80)
Offertory: “Create in Me…”                          p.18
Prayer of the Church………                    p.19-20
“To Bethlehem Hasten”  (choir)
Communion Service, p.144 (Lutheran Worship)
Communion Hymns: “Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness” LW 239
“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” LW 49, TLH 94
“From Heaven Above to Earth I Come” LW 37 TLH 85
“Angels from the Realms of Glory” LW 50
Closing Hymn: “A Great and Mighty Wonder” LW 51

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin:  Vigil-of-the-Nativity-Divine-Service-for-Online-12-24-2023.pdf

Picture: The Luther Bible 1534: The Gospel of St. John, #701