#6 Part Two: Chapter IV. Thanksgiving for the Incarnation of the Son

I give thanks to You, Jesus Christ, only Mediator and Redeemer of the human race, that in the fullness of time You united to Yourself, personally, a true human nature, and You deigned to be born of a virgin [Gal. 4:4]. How great is Your love of man that You laid hold not of angels, but of the seed of Abraham [Heb. 2:16]! How great is the mystery of godliness that You, being True God, deigned to become manifest in the flesh [1 Tim. 3:16]! How great the inclination of Your mercy that descending from heaven for my sake, You endured being born of a virgin [Isa. 9:6]. For me, a most worthless creature, You, the all-powerful Creator, became man. For my sake, an abject slave, You, the glorious Lord, in servile fashion, clothed Yourself with a body [Phil. 2:7], so that with flesh You might free flesh. For me You were born. Therefore, whatever heavenly goods You bring with You in Your birth will be mine.  (Text continues with Christ’s Mass Day)    (from The Daily Exercise of Piety by Johann Gerhard, Repristination Press, p.35-36)

Posted in 2023 Doctrine & Practice.