Morning Prayer for Tuesday.

131. Hear, O Lord, the prayers of all who call upon Thee, according to the benediction of Aaron (Num. 6), upon Thy people, that all who dwell in the earth may acknowledge that Thou, Lord, art the everlasting God. (Sir. 36.) Let the people praise Thee, O God; let all the people praise Thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase. The Lord, our God shall bless us: the Lord shall bless us, and all the earth shall fear Him. Amen. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, I, a poor, miserable sinner, am about to rise in Thy name. Thou wast crucified and didst die for me, and with Thy precious blood didst redeem me upon the cross. Govern, sanctify, and defend me in body and soul, and strengthen me unto all good works. Be my defense against every evil, and after this life grant me the life eternal. Amen. (Seed-Grains of Prayer: A Manual for Evangelical Christians by William Loehe, Wartburg Publishing House, 1914, Pages 233-234)

Posted in 2020 Prayers.