Divine Service Trinity Eleven – August 20, 2023

Order of Divine Service I, p.136  Lutheran Worship
Hymn “Lord, Open Now My Heart to Hear” LW 197, TLH 5
Readings:  2 Samuel 22:21-29, 1 Corinthians 15:1-10, Luke 18:9-14
Hymn of the Day: 49. “All Mankind Fell in Adam’s Fall” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #49, LW 363, TLH 369)
Communion Hymns: “The Savior Calls; Let Every Ear” LW 350, TLH 281
“As Surely as I Live God Said” LW 235
“Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior” LW 236, TLH 311
“Our Father, Who from Heaven Above” ASBH #34, LW 430, TLH 458
Departing Hymn: “On What Has Now Been Sown” LW 217, TLH 46

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin:  Trinity-Eleven-Divine-Service-for-Online-8-20-2023.pdf

Picture:  The Luther Bible 1534: Obadiah 1 – The Prophet Obadiah, #306

Catechesis for Trinity Eleven – August 16, 2023

On Wednesday nights, Trinity Lutheran Church(Herrin, IL) offers to both children and adults an opportunity for teaching with Learn-by-Heart at 6:30 PM and a catechetical service at 7:00 PM.

This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service.  This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service.  The dialog sermon explains Jesus’ teaching on the Pharisee and the tax collector (St. Luke 18:9-14), which is the Holy Gospel for the Eleventh Sunday after Trinity.

Learn-by-Heart will include the hymn “All Mankind Fell in Adam’s Fall” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #49), Small Catechism, Eight Commandments and meaning, and Ephesians 2:8-9.

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Service Bulletin:  Catechesis-Trinity-11-8-16-2023.pdf
Insert for Hymn:  Trinity-Eleven-Insert-08-20-2023-ASBH.pdf
Recite Word by Word:  Recite-Word-by-Word.pdf



Divine Service Trinity 10 – August 13, 2023

Order of Divine Service I, p. 136 Lutheran Worship
Hymn “Come, My Soul, with Every Care” LW 433, TLH 459
Readings:  Jeremiah 7:1-7, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, Luke 19:41-48
Hymn of the Day: “My Jesus, As Thou Wilt” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #48, TLH 420)
Communion Hymns: “I Come, O Savior, to Your Table” LW 242, TLH 315
“For Jerusalem You’re Weeping” LW 390, TLH 419

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin:  Trinity-Ten-Divine-Service-for-Online-8-13-2023.pdf

Picture:  The Luther Bible 1534: Amos 1 – The Prophet Amos, #296  Biblia, das ist die gantze Heilige Schrift Deudsch Mart. Luth… Wittemberg: Hans Lufft, MDXXXIIII.

Divine Service Trinity Nine – August 6, 2023 Sermon by Bp. James Heiser

Order of Divine Service I, p. 136 Lutheran Worship
Hymn “Praise and Thanks and Adoration” LW 387
Readings:  1 Chronicles 10:6-13, 1 Corinthians 10:6-13, Luke 16:1-9
Hymn of the Day: “Oh, Blest the House, Whate’er Befall” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #47, LW 467, TLH 625)
Sermon by The Rt. Rev. James Heiser, Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America
Communion Hymns: “Draw Near and Take the Body of the Lord” LW 240, TLH 307
“One Thing’s Needful” LW 277, TLH 366
“Jesus, Still Lead On” LW 386, TLH 410
“Oh, that the Lord Would Guide My Ways” LW 392, TLH 416

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin:  Trinity-Nine-Divine-Service-for-Online-8-6-2023.pdf

Picture: The laying on of hands at the Ordination of Benjamin and Jacob Henson on July 2, 2023.

Catechesis on Trinity Nine (St. Luke 16:1-13) 2021

On Wednesday nights, Trinity Lutheran Church(Herrin, IL) offers to both children and adults an opportunity for teaching with Learn-by-Heart at 6:30 PM and a catechetical service at 7:00 PM.

This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service.  This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service.  The dialog sermon explains Jesus’ teaching on the shrewd manager (St. Luke 16:1-13), which is the Holy Gospel for the Ninth Sunday after Trinity.

In this video from July 28, 2021, we learned hymn #478, stanza 3-4 of “Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun,” Small Catechism, Sixth Commandment and meaning, and St. Luke 16:9.

The service concludes with “Recite Word by Word.”

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Service Bulletin:  Catechesis-Trinity-Nine-7-28-2021.pdf
Recite Word by Word:  Recite-Word-by-Word.pdf

Catechesis for Trinity Nine – August 2, 2023

On Wednesday nights, Trinity Lutheran Church(Herrin, IL) offers to both children and adults an opportunity for teaching with Learn-by-Heart at 6:30 PM and a catechetical service at 7:00 PM.

This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service.  This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service.  The dialog sermon explains Jesus’ teaching on the shrewd manager (St. Luke 16:1-13), which is the Holy Gospel for the Ninth Sunday after Trinity.

Learn-by-Heart will include the hymn “Oh, Blest the House, Whate’er Befall” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #47), Small Catechism, Sixth Commandment and meaning, and St. Luke 16:9.

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Service Bulletin: Catechesis-Trinity-9-08-02-2023.pdf
Insert for Hymn:  Trinity-Ninth-Insert-08-6-2023.pdf
Recite Word by Word:   Recite-Word-by-Word

Divine Service Trinity 8 – July 30, 2023 Sermon by The Rev. Jacob Henson

Order of Divine Service I, p. 136 Lutheran Worship
Hymn “Lord, Open Now My Heart to Hear” LW 196, TLH 5
Readings:  Jeremiah 15:19-21, Romans 8:12-17, Matthew 7:15-23
Hymn of the Day: “The Will of God Is Always Best” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #46, LW 425, TLH 517)
Sermon by The Rev. Jacob Henson
Communion Hymns: “In God, My Faithful God” LW 421, TLH 526
“Renew Me, O Eternal Light” LW 373, TLH 398
“For Me to Live Is Jesus” LW 267, TLH 597
“Grant, Holy Ghosts, that We Behold” LW 336

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin:  Trinity-Eight-Divine-Service-for-Online-7-30-2023.pdf

Catechesis/Vespers on Trinity Eight with Pr. Benjamin Henson- July 26, 2023

On Wednesday nights, Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL) offers to both children and adults an opportunity for teaching with Learn-by-Heart at 6:30 PM and a catechetical service at 7:00.  Tonight we will have a vespers service at 7 PM with a sermon by Pr. Benjamin Henson.

This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service.  This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service.  The dialog sermon explains “False Prophets and False Fruits” (St. Matthew 7:15-23), which is the Holy Gospel for Trinity Eight.

Learn-by-Heart will include the hymn “The Will of God Is Always Best” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #46), Small Catechism, Fifth Commandment and meaning, and St. Matthew 5:19.  The service concludes with “Recite Word by Word.”

Bulletins:  Catechesis-Trinity-8-07-26-2023-Vespers.pdf
Hymn for Insert:  Trinity-Eighth-Insert-07-30-2023.pdf

Vespers led by The Rev. Benjamin Henson – July 26, 2023

The Rev. Benjamin Henson lead service and preached on July 26, 2023 at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1000 North Park Avenue, Herrin, IL.

After graduating from St. Ignatius Seminary with a Masters of Divinity degree, Benjamin Henson received a call to be pastor at Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church in East Peoria, IL.  They are currently using the building at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 526 E. Washington St., East Peoria, IL 61611.  Benjamin will be installed on Saturday, July 29 at 10 AM at Holy Cross Ev. Lutheran Church.  Trinity and Holy Cross are associated with the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America ELDoNA.

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

St. James the Elder Divine Service – July 25, 2023

Order of Divine Service I, p.136  Lutheran Worship
Hymn of the Day: “Wondrous King, All-Glorious” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #45, TLH 41)
Readings:  Romans 8:28-39, St. Matthew 20:20-33
Hymn “Oh, What Their Joy” HS98 #838

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin:  July-25-St-James-Apostle-Insert-2023-online.pdf