For The Church, For the Parish Church 1

ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, Whom the heaven of heavens cannot contain, yet Who art willing to have an house fashioned by man, wherein Thine honor dwelleth and where men may worship Thee: Of Thy love and mercy, we beseech Thee, vouchsafe Thy presence here that this Church which we have reared to the glory of Thy name, may by Thee be accepted and hallowed, to the end that souls may here be gathered, nourished in Thy love, and made fruitful in Thy service; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.   (Oremus, 1925, p.69.)

#11-The Star

123. Now, what is the “star”? It is nothing else than the new light, the oral and public preaching of the Gospel. Christ has two witnesses of his birth and kingdom; the one is the Scripture, the written Word; the other is the voice or the word preached orally. The same word Paul calls in 2 Cor. 4, 6, and Peter in 2 Pet. 1, 19, a light and lamp. 124. The Scriptures are not understood until the light is risen, for through the Gospel the prophets arose; therefore the star must first arise and shine. In the New Testament sermons must be preached orally, with living voices publicly, and that which formerly lay concealed in the letter and secret vision must be proclaimed in language to the ear. Since the New Testament is nothing else than a resurrection and revelation of the Old Testament, as Rev. 5, 9 testifies, where the Lamb of God opens the Book with its seven seals. We furthermore see that all the preaching of the apostles was nothing else than a presentation of the Scriptures upon which they built. Christ did not write his doctrines himself as Moses did, but he gave them orally, and commanded that they should be published abroad by preaching, and he did not command that they should be written. Likewise the Apostles wrote very little, except Peter, Paul, John, Matthew and a few others; from the rest we have nothing, for many do not consider the epistles of James and Jude apostolic writings. Those who have written do nothing more than direct us to the Scriptures of the Old Testament, just as the angel directed the shepherds to the manger and the swaddling clothes and the star led the wise men to Bethlehem. (Luther’s Church Postil, V. 1.1, #123-124, p. 371-372).

Picture:  The Good Shepherd Window

#10 A False Church Has a “Holiness” Greater than Christian Holiness

All this then has been said about Christian holiness, which the pope does not want. He has to have one that is much holier, namely, that found in the prescription of chasubles, tonsures, cowls, garb, food, festivals, days, monkery, nunning, masses, saint-worship, and countless other items of an external, bodily, transitory nature. Whether one lives under it without faith, fear of God, hope, love, and whatever the Holy Spirit, according to the first table, effects, or in misbelief, uncertainty of heart, doubts, contempt of God, impatience with God, and false trust in works (that is, idolatry), not in the grace of Christ and his merit, but in the atonement by works, even selling the surplus ones to others and taking in exchange all the goods and wealth of the world as well earned—all that is of no consequence because a man may be holier than Christian holiness itself.

Thus, in the second table it matters not that they teach disobedience toward parents and rulers, that they even murder, make war, set people against each other, envy, hate, avenge, are unchaste, lie, steal, are usurious, defraud, and indulge in every villainy to the utmost. Just throw a surplice over your head and you are holy in accordance with the Roman church’s holiness, and you can indeed be saved without the Christian holiness. But we will pay no attention to these filthy people, for any effort expended on them will be futile. “God’s wrath has come upon them at last,” as St. Paul says [I Thess. 2:16]. Instead, we shall discuss the church among ourselves. (Luther’s Works, v.41, p.147-148)

Picture:  The present organ was repaired and enlarged in 1928, with chimes added in 1932.  It has 26 ranks, 77 stops, and 1679 pipes ranging in size from less than an inch to 16 feet.

Before Study 2

O GOD, Who hast ordained that whatever is to be desired should be sought by labor, and Who, by Thy blessing, bringest honest labor to good effect: Look with mercy upon my studies and endeavors; grant me, O Lord, to design only what is lawful and right, and afford me calmness of mind, and steadiness of purpose, that I may so do Thy will in this short life, as to obtain happiness in the world to come; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen. (Oremus, 1925, p.29).

For The Church, In Time of Trial

LET the sorrows and woes of Thy suffering Church come before Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, and as Thou hast promised to be with her always, even unto the end of the world, hallow the trials by Thy loving, strengthening presence and strengthen her to endure affliction faithfully, enable her to carry her cross after Thee and to be faithful even unto death that she may come to the glory which Thou wilt reveal, where Thou livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.   (Oremus, 1925, p.68).

Book of Concord Bible Class #15: AC Article 24 The Mass

This Bible study examines Augsburg Confession article XXIV. The Mass.

No Quiz this week
Overhead 1: AC-articles-24.pdf
Overhead 2: Sacrifice-of-the-Mass.pdf
Overhead 3: Roman-Mass.pdf

#9.5 – God Humiliates His Preachers To Be Fools

Therefore God was not concerned about the circumcision, but about the humiliation of proud nature and reason. 4. So we also have baptism in the New Testament, in order that we should be buried in the water, and believe that we are thereby cleansed from sins and saved; also, that Christ’s body \ is in the bread of the altar; also, that we worship the crucified man as Lord and God. All this is immeasurably far above, and contrary to, reason. So the works and words of God are all contrary to reason, and this, in turn, is also contrary to God and recoils at the sign that is spoken against. Before men it was a very foolish speech, when Noah built the ark and said, the world would be flooded. So Lot must needs have been a fool, when he said, Sodom and Gomorrah would perish. Moses and Aaron were fools before King Pharaoh. In short, God’s Word and his preachers must be fools, as St. Paul says, 1 Cor. 1, 21. In all this God seeks nothing but this humility, that man bring his reason into captivity and be subject to divine truth. Abraham and his seed received the foolish rite of circumcision, in order that by it they should give glory to God and suffer him alone to be wise.  (Luther’s Church Postil, V. 1.1, #3-4, p. 309-310).

#9 A False Church without Repentance, Faith or Renewal Denies Christ

For they, having rejected and being unable to understand the Ten Commandments, preach much about the grace of Christ, yet they strengthen and comfort only those who remain in their sins, telling them not to fear and be terrified by sins, since they are all removed by Christ. They see and yet they let the people go on in their public sins, without any renewal or reformation of their lives. Thus it becomes quite evident that they truly fail to understand the faith and Christ, and thereby abrogate both when they preach about it. How can he speak lightly about the works of the Holy Spirit in the first table—about comfort, grace, forgiveness of sins—who does not heed or practice the works of the Holy Spirit in the second table, which he can understand and experience, while he has never attempted or experienced those of the first table? Therefore it is certain that they neither have nor understand Christ or the Holy Spirit, and their talk is nothing but froth on the tongue, and they are as already said, true Nestoriuses and Eutycheses, who confess or teach Christ in the premise, in the substance, and yet deny him in the conclusion or idiomata; that is, they teach Christ and yet destroy him through their teaching.  (Luther’s Works, v.41, p.147)

Book of Concord Bible Class #14: Article 23

This Bible study examines Augsburg Confession article XXIII. The Marriage of Priests.

Quiz #14 (blue sheet): Quiz-14-for-Dec-22-Augsburg-Confession-Article-23.pdf
Overhead 1: AC-articles-22-23.pdf
Overhead 2: Cardinal-Sarah.pdf
Overhead 3: 1-Corinthians-7.pdf

#8-The Preachers Are God’s Messengers; The Shepherds the Learners

Here then we have these two, the faith and the Gospel, that these and nothing else are to be preached throughout Christendom. Let us now see who are to be the preachers and who the learners. The preachers are to be angels, that is, God’s messengers, who are to lead a heavenly life, are to be constantly engaged with God’s Word that they under no circumstances preach the doctrine of men. It is a most incongruous thing to be God’s messenger and not to further God’s message. Angelus means a messenger, and Luke calls him God’s messenger (Angelus Domini)….
55. There is no more terrible plague, misfortune or cause for distress upon earth than a preacher who does not preach God’s Word; of whom, alas, the world today is full; and yet they think they are pious and do good when indeed their whole work is nothing but murdering souls, blaspheming God and setting up idolatry, so that it would be much better for them if they were robbers, murderers, and the worst scoundrels, for then they would know that they are doing wickedly. But now they go along under spiritual names and show, as priest, bishop, pope, and are at the same time ravening wolves in sheeps’ clothing, and it would be well if no one ever heard their preaching. 56. The learners are shepherds, poor people out in the fields. (Luther’s Church Postil, V. 1.1, #54-56, p. 153-154).