#27 Greatest Wrongs Are Associated with Church and Religion

… In the midst of these very blasphemies and infamous deeds they claim the right to the name and designation “the saintliest”; they boast that they are the vicars of Christ, the successors of Peter, etc.

Accordingly, the greatest wrongs are associated with the designation of holiness, church, true religions, etc. If anyone should express disapproval, he is immediately clubbed with the curse of excommunication and is condemned as a heretic and an enemy of God and the church. Next to the Roman popes and their confederates there is no people that prides itself more on its godliness and righteousness than the Turks, who despise Christians as idolaters but regard themselves as the saintliest and wisest of men. And yet what else is their life and godliness than endless murder, robbery, depredation, and other awful crimes?

The examples of the present time, therefore, show how those two incompatibles can exist side by side: the utmost godliness is paired with the greatest abominations, the utmost violence with the appearance of righteousness. This is also the reason why men become so hardened and smug, and do not look for the punishment they have deserved because of their sins. (Luther’s Works, v.2 p.158)

#26 Violence Follows After the Word has been Lost

Moreover, by his addition—“And the earth was filled with violence”—he indicates that this is the unvarying sequence of events: after the Word has been lost, and faith has ceased to exist, and tradition and ἐθελοθρχει̂ια, as Paul calls them (Col. 2:23), flourish in place of the true forms of worship, acts of violence and a shameful life follow.

The word חָמָס properly denotes violence, force, and harm, with disregard of all law and equity, when anyone may do what he pleases, and whatever things are done are done not by law but by force. If this was their kind of life, someone may say, how could they maintain an outward reputation for saintliness and righteousness? As though indeed one did not have similar examples before one’s eyes today! What has the world ever seen that is crueler than the Turks? Nevertheless, they adorn all their brutality with the name of God and godliness. (Luther’s Works, v.2 p.158)

#25 Those Without the Word think that Christians are Corrupt in Word and Action

The verb שִׁחֵת {corrupt} is very common in Holy Scripture, and it is striking. Moses also employs it in Deut. 31:29: “I know that after my death you will surely act corruptly; and turn aside from the way”; and David, in Ps. 14:3: “All are corrupt and have become detestable.” Furthermore, both passages are really speaking of sins against the First Table; that is, they charge those who are saintliest in appearance with false worship of God and with false doctrine. It is impossible for an ungodly life not to follow in the wake of false doctrine.

When Moses states that the earth was corrupt in the sight of God, he clearly points out the contrast, namely, that the hypocrites and tyrants were of the opinion that what Noah taught and did was wrong, but that they taught and did everything in the saintliest manner. But, says Moses, the opposite was true. The earth, that is, the entire world, or all human beings, was corrupt, namely, so far as the First Table is concerned, they did not have the true Word or the true worship. This distinction in regard to the First and Second Table is very much to my liking and has undoubtedly been pointed out by the Holy Spirit. (Luther’s Works, v.2 p.158)

#24 Ungodliness in the First and Second Table of the Law

Here Moses expressly adds the clause, “The earth was corrupt in God’s sight,” (Genesis 6:11) in order to indicate that in the sight of his age Noah was treated and regarded as a stupid and worthless person. In contrast, the world appeared to itself most holy and most righteous; it assumed that it had adequate reasons for persecuting Noah, especially so far as the First Table and the worship of God were concerned. To be sure, the Second Table likewise gives rise to pretense and hypocrisy; but there is no comparison with the First. An adulterer, a thief, and a murderer can remain hidden for a time, but not forever. But the sins against the First Table usually remain hidden under the guise of saintliness until God reveals them. Ungodliness never wants to be considered and actually to be ungodliness; it strives to be praised for piety and godliness. It embellishes its forms of worship to such a degree that in comparison with them the true forms of worship and true godliness are filthy.  (Luther’s Works, v.2 p.158)

#23 Bold Confession By the Persecuted Gives Joy to the Christian

Oh, how I have been carried away and how I overflowed with words! It is due to my faith in Christ which thus gave vent to my joy over your faith and bold confession.  John also had to leap in his mother’s womb when Christ came to him.  Thus you see him coming to me through your letter. I hope to God that he will also come to you through this missive of mine and fill not only your John but also Elizabeth and the entire house with joy and spirit, and remain with you not just for three months but forever. May God the Father of all mercy grant that. Amen.  (Luther’s Works, v.43, p.69)



#22 Luther Prays For His German People’s Unrepentance

For I fear that the German nation is going too far, so that it will finally meet the fate described in the last chapter of the Fourth Book of Kings.  Those people killed the prophets so long that God forsook them and they found themselves beyond help. Thus I am afraid that the German nation will also receive its just deserts in the end. It condemned the gospel first in Constance, where it shed the innocent blood of Huss and Jerome; then in Worms and in Heidelberg, that of Dramsdorf and several others; also in Mainz and Cologne.  The entire Rhine is bloody and will not be cleansed of the blood, but unceasingly fetes the murderers of Christians, the inquisitors, until God intervenes, and then the time of help will be past. The nation is tempting God too often. At present it again stands condemned at Worms in me. Even if they did not shed my blood, they did not lack the will and determination to. In their hearts they are continually murdering me. You unhappy nation! Why must you more than others be the Antichrist’s jailer and his hangman of God’s saints and prophets?  (Luther’s Works, v.43, p.69)

Art. XIIII  Das in der kirchen niemand offentlich ohne beruff lehren od Sacrament reichen sol.
“That no one in the church should provide the sacraments or teach publicly without a calling.”
Rom. 10, v. 15 ; And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!”
Heb. 5, v. 4 ; And no man takes this honor to himself, but he who is called by God, just as Aaron was.

[All of the pictures for this year’s posts are from an etching entitled “Augsburg Confession” by Wenceslaus Hollar (1607-1677) and found in the Royal Collection Trust.]

#21 Help Us Bear the Common Guilt and Confess Christ Faithfully Amid Persecution

Thus we must pray first of all that God may impart more and more strength to us and our friends and let his dear child Jesus grow in our hearts from day to day that we may praise, glorify, and confess him with a zealous and happy heart before the hardened and blind shepherds of this coarse and stilt-necked sect of papists. And then we must help to bear the common guilt of the German nation, asking God not to regard the vices of the base multitude; nor to make the poor souls suffer for their wickedness; not to withdraw the saving word, so long suppressed, again; nor to permit the reinstatement of the Antichrist;19 but, in accord with the prayer of King Hezekiah, that there be peace and truth in our time. Indeed, such a prayer and such concern are necessary.  (Luther’s Works, v.43, p.68)

Art. XIII  Das die Sacramëta zeugnus seyë durch welche der Glaub in unß erwecket und gestarckt wirt.
That the Sacraments are testimony through which faith is awakened and strengthened.
Marc 16, v. 16 ; “He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.”
1st Cor. 11, v. 28 ; “But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup.”

[All of the pictures for this year’s posts are from an etching entitled “Augsburg Confession” by Wenceslaus Hollar (1607-1677) and found in the Royal Collection Trust.]

#20 We Are Thankful For God’s Working Through Our Witness During Persecution

Therefore our concern now must be to be grateful to the Father of all mercy and consolation and to see to it that our faith henceforth does not consist in words but in power. For St. Paul says in I Corinthians 3 [4:20], “The kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power.” Our ability to speak or write eloquently about it is not sufficient; rather must our lives and our deeds testify to the truth, as we demonstrate our love and bestow our works of kindness on friend and foe.  (Luther’s Works, v.43, p.68)

Art. XII  Das wahre Büß bestehe in rew und leyd über die sünde und Glauben an Christum.
“To preserve penance is contrition and sorrow for sin and faith in Christ.”
Mar. 1, v. 13 ; “And He was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan, and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered to Him.”
Luc. 24, v. 47 ; “and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

[All of the pictures for this year’s posts are from an etching entitled “Augsburg Confession” by Wenceslaus Hollar (1607-1677) and found in the Royal Collection Trust.]

#19 We Thank God For Not Withdrawing His Word About Christ

Still we must thank God with all our heart that he still permits us to see him, as though he did not yet contemplate the withdrawal of his word, so that he has given you and others a spirit not offended by his word and a love for it. This is attested by the fact that you do not believe because of men but because of the word itself. There are many who believe because of me. However, only those are true Christians who would adhere to the word even if they heard that I myself (God forbid) had denied and forsaken it. These are the ones who are not affected by whatever base, horrible, and shameful things they hear about me or about our associates, for they believe not in Luther but in Christ himself. The word has them, and they have the word. They pay no heed to Luther, whether he be a knave or a saint. God can speak through Balaam as well as Isaiah, through Caiaphas as well as through Peter, yes, even through an ass.  I subscribe to their opinion. I myself do not know Luther either, nor do I want to know him, nor do I preach anything about him, but about Christ. The devil may take him [Luther] if he is able to, but if he keeps his hands off Christ, all is well with us.  (Luther’s Works, v.43, p.67-68)

Art. XI  Das die Beicht nötig : die Zehlung aber aller Sünden unmöglich sey. 
“That confession is necessary: that it is impossible to tell all sins.” 
Psal. 51, v. 7 ; Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
Ps. 19, v. 15 ; “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.” (v. 14)

[All of the pictures for this year’s posts are from an etching entitled “Augsburg Confession” by Wenceslaus Hollar (1607-1677) and found in the Royal Collection Trust.]

#18 Allow Anything but The Hardening of Heart

God is my witness that my heart is filled with concern and anxiety that unless Judgment Day intervenes God will withdraw his word and visit the German nation with such blindness and hardening of the heart that the thought of it makes me shudder.
Lord, heavenly Father, if we must fall into sin, let us fall into any other sin, but deliver us from a hardening of the heart, and keep us in and with him whom you appointed Lord over sin and innocence. If we do not deny him or lose sight of him, all sin, death, and hell will not harm us. Yes, what is there that might harm us?  (Luther’s Works, v.43, p.67)

Art. X  Das mit Brot und wein im H. Abendmahl der ware leib und Blut emfangë werde.
With bread and wine in the Lord’s Supper, the body and blood are received.
Matt. 26, v. 26 ; “And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, ‘Take, eat; this is My body.’”
1st Cor. 11, v. 23 ; “For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you: that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread;

[All of the pictures for this year’s posts are from an etching entitled “Augsburg Confession” by Wenceslaus Hollar (1607-1677) and found in the Royal Collection Trust.]