Book of Concord, Bible Class #35: The Small Catechism

This Bible study examines The Small Catechism.

Quiz #34 (blue sheet):  Quiz-34-for-May-31-2020-The-Treatise.pdf
Overhead: Preface to Small-Catechism.pdf
Overhead 2:  Preface to Large-Catechism.pdf

Note 1: A Divine Service was also video recorded and is available at, under the tab, Sermons
Note 2: This is the audio only post.  The vimeo video is also available.   Click here –>  Vimeo Video for Class #35

Book of Concord, Bible Class #34: The Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope

This Bible study examines The Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope.

Quiz #33 (white sheet):  Quiz-33-for-May-24-2020-The-Smalcald-Articles.pdf
Overhead:  Treatise-on-the-Power-and-Primacy-of-the-Pope-1.pdf

Note 1: A Divine Service was also video recorded and is available at, under the tab, Sermons
Note 2: This is the audio only post.  The vimeo video is also available.   Click here –>  Vimeo Video for Class #34

Book of Concord, Bible Class #33: Smalcald Articles

This Bible study examines the Smalcald Articles.

Quiz #32 (pink sheet): Quiz-32-for-May-17-2020-The-Term-Antichrist.pdf
Overhead:  Pope-in-Smalcald-Articles-and-Tractate-b-1.pdf
Review for Quiz:  The-Term-AntiChrist.pdf

Note 1: A Divine Service was also video recorded and is available at, under the tab, Sermons
Note 2: This is the audio only post.  The vimeo video is also available.   Click here –>  Vimeo Video for Class #33

Book of Concord, Bible Class #32: The Term Antichrist

This Bible study examines the term AntiChrist.

Quiz #31 (yellow sheet): Quiz-31-for-May-10-2020-Apology-XIV.pdf
Overhead:  The-Term-AntiChrist.pdf

Note 1: A Divine Service was also video recorded and is available at, under the tab, Sermons
Note 2: This is the audio only post.  The vimeo video is also available.   Click here –>  Vimeo Video for Class #32

Book of Concord, Bible Class #31: Ap. XIV. Ecclesiastical Order

This Bible study examines Apology, article XIV. Ecclesiastical Order

Quiz #30 (peach sheet): Quiz-30-for-May-3-2020-Apology-XVIII-XIX.pdf
Text of the Apology XIV: Apology-XIV-Ecclesiastical-Order.pdf

Review Text of the Apology XVIII for quiz 30:  Apology-XVIII-Free-Will.pdf
Review Text of the Apology XIX for quiz 30:  Apology-XIX-Of-the-Cause-of-Sin.pdf

Note 1: A Matins service was also video recorded and is available at, under the tab, Sermons
Note 2: This is the audio only post.  The vimeo video is also available.   Click here –>  Vimeo Video for Class #31

Book of Concord, Bible Class #30: Ap. XVIII. Free Will and XIX. Cause of Sin

This Bible study examines Apology, articles XVIII. Free Will and XIX. Cause of Sin

Quiz #298 (grey sheet): Quiz-29-for-Apr-26-2020-Apology-XII.pdf
Text of the Apology XVIII:  Apology-XVIII-Free-Will.pdf
Text of the Apology XIX:  Apology-XIX-Of-the-Cause-of-Sin.pdf

Note 1: A Matins service was also video recorded and is available at, under the tab, Sermons
Note 2: This is the audio only post.  The vimeo video is also available.   Click here –>  Vimeo Video for Class #30

Book of Concord, Bible Class #29: Ap. XII. Penitence

This Bible study examines Apology, articles XII. Penitence (or Repentance)

Quiz #28 (blue sheet): Quiz-28-for-Apr-19-2020-Apology-IX-X-XI-and-XIII.pdf
Text of the Apology XII:  Apology-XII.pdf
Review for Quiz #28: Apology-IX-X-XI-and-XIII.pdf

Note 1: A Matins service was also video recorded and is available at, under the tab, Sermons
Note 2: This is the audio only post.  The vimeo video is also available.   Click here –> Vimeo Video for Class #29

Book of Concord, Bible Class #28: Ap. IX, X, XI and XIII. The Number and Use of the Sacraments

This Bible study examines Apology, articles IX. Baptism, X. The Holy Supper, XI. Confession and XIII. The Number and Use of the Sacraments.

Quiz #27 (tan sheet): Quiz-27-for-Apr-12-2020-Apology-VII-and-VIII.pdf
Text of the Apology IX, X, XI and XIII:  Apology-IX-X-XI-and-XIII.pdf

Review for Quiz #27: Apology-VII-and-VIII-b.pdf

Note 1: A Matins service was also video recorded and is available at, under the tab, Sermons
Note 2: This is the audio only post.  The vimeo video is also available.   Click here –>  Vimeo Video for Class #28

Book of Concord, Bible Class #27: Ap. VII and VIII. The Church

This Bible study examines Apology, articles VII and VIII.  The Church.

Quiz #26 (tan sheet): Quiz-26-for-Apr-5-2020-Apology-IV-continued.pdf
Text of the Apology VII and VII:  Apology-VII-and-VIII-b.pdf

Review 1 for Quiz: Apology-IV-III-31-34-and-Luke-7.pdf
Review 2 for Quiz: Apology-IV-Continued-March-29-Reply-to-the-Opponents.pdf

Note 1: A Matins service was also video recorded and is available at, under the tab, Sermons
Note 2: This is the audio only post.  The vimeo video is also available.   Click here –>  Vimeo Video Class #27

Book of Concord, Bible Class #26: Ap. IV Justification, part 6

This Bible study examines the Lutheran’s “Reply to Arguments of the Adversaries” in Apology, article IV. Justification.

Quiz #25 (tan sheet): Quiz-25-for-Mar-29-2020-Apology-IV-continued.pdf
Chart for Apology IV numbering:  Chart-for-Apology-IV-Tappert-and-Monoglot.pdf
Overhead 1: Luke 7 and Apology IV-III-31-34.pdf
Overhead 2: Overheads-for-Mar-29-2020.pdf
Text of the Apology IV:  Apology-IV-Continued-March-29-Reply-to-the-Opponents.pdf

Note 1: After 15 minutes, one of my children closes the window to silence the chimes you hear.
Note 2: A Matins service was also video recorded and is available at, under the tab, Sermons
Note 3: This is the audio only post.  The vimeo video is also available.   Click here –>  Video of Class #26