#19 Part Four: Chapter VII. Prayer for the Afflicted and Those Suffering Hardship.

Omnipotent, eternal, and merciful God, You are the Savior of all men, especially those who believe [1 Tim. 4:10]. You have commanded through the apostle that prayers be offered for all men [1 Tim. 2:1]. I beg You, in behalf of all who are suffering under affliction and hardship, to uphold them with the consolation of Your grace, and support them with the help of Your might. Clothe with heavenly power and strength those who sweat in the most grievous agony of Satanic temptations. Make them partakers of Your victory, O Christ, most powerful Victor over the devil. May the refreshment of Your heavenly grace encourage those whose bones are dried up by the fire of sorrow. Uphold all those who fall and raise up all who are bowed down [Psa. 145:14]. Be gracious in allowing illness, so that physical sickness may be a spiritual medicine for those who are ill. May they recognize that sickness is an attendant of sin and a forerunner of death. Give to them strength of faith and patience, O truest Physician of souls and bodies. Restore them to their former health, provided that it is advantageous to their eternal salvation.

Protect those who are with child, support those giving birth. It is You who bring infants from the confines of their mother’s wombs, and enlarge the human race by Your blessing. Be with those who are in the pains of labor, O Lover and Giver of life, so they are not oppressed too heavily with excessive pain. Nourish orphans forsaken of all help. Protect widows, subject to the reproach of all, for You have called Yourself the kindest Father of the fatherless, and the most just Defender of the widowed [Psa. 68:5]. May the tears of widows, flowing down their cheeks, break through the clouds and not be quieted until they reach Your throne [Sir. 35:15 ff.].

Hear those who are in danger at sea and cry out to You, and who, being very near to shipwreck, cry out for Your help with ardent groans. Give freedom to the captive, so that with a grateful heart they may proclaim Your kindness. Make firm those who suffer persecution for righteousness’ sake [Mat. 5:10], so that they may be victorious over all their enemies, and receive the eternal crown of martyrdom. Help also all those who are suffering dangers and misfortunes, so that they may possess their souls by true patience [Luke 21:19] and, denying their own will, take up their cross [Mat. 16:24]. May they follow Him under the cross, in whom they believe and who died for us on the cross. And especially, kindest Father, do I entrust to Your care those who are poised at the very gates of death, who hover between time and eternity, and who wrestle with this last foe with all their powers. Make them firm, O most powerful Victor over death. Free them, O most glorious Ruler of life, so they are not drowned by the waves of temptations, but are brought through to the port of eternal tranquility. Have mercy upon all men, You who are the Creator of all. Have mercy upon all, You who are the Redeemer of all. To You be praise and glory into all eternity, Amen. (The Daily Exercise of Piety by Johann Gerhard, Repristination Press, p.91-93)

Posted in 2023 Doctrine & Practice.

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