#2-Marriage for Humankind, Not Animals

For the sage says that parents provide goods and houses for their children, but a wife is given by God alone [Prov. 19:14], everyone according to his need, just as Eve was given to Adam by God alone. And true though it is that because of excessive lust of the flesh lighthearted youth pays scant attention to these matters, marriage is nevertheless a weighty matter in the sight of God. For it was not by accident that Almighty God instituted the estate of matrimony only for man and above all animals, and gave such forethought and consideration to marriage. To the other animals God says quite simply, “Be fruitful and multiply” [Gen. 1:22]. It is not written that he brings the female to the male. Therefore, there is no such thing as marriage among animals. But in the case of Adam, God creates for him a unique, special kind of wife out of his own flesh. He brings her to him, he gives her to him, and Adam agrees to accept her. Therefore, that is what marriage is.

A woman is created to be a companionable helpmeet to the man in everything, particularly to bear children. And that still holds good, except that since the fall marriage has been adulterated with wicked lust. And now [i.e., after the fall] the desire of the man for the woman, and vice versa, is sought after not only for companionship and children, for which purposes alone marriage was instituted, but also for the pursuance of wicked lust, which is almost as strong a motive” (Luther’s Works, vol. 44, p.8).

Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 44: Walking by the Spirit

Class #44:  What follows from St. Paul’s teaching of justification by grace through faith?  The Christian life becomes a gift of freedom to love the neighbor.  However, the Christian still carries within him the flesh which lusts against the Spirit, creating contradictory desires.  As a result, the Christian walks by the Spirit, so that he does not fulfill the sinful desires of the flesh.

The Christian is conscious of the sin within him, so that by confession he can resist the word/deed.  In great weakness, the Christian battles the rebellion and prayerfully desires to be free of sin.  We need neither despair, nor be surprised at the conflict within us.  Thankfully, those remaining sinful desires are not imputed to the believer.

Overhead: Galatians Class 44 Overhead
Handout: Galatians Bible Study Chapter 5 16 thru 21

#1- Marriage is From God

“God created Adam and brought all the animals before him. Adam did not find a proper companion among them suitable for marriage, so God then said, “It is not good that Adam should be alone. I will create a helpmeet for him to be with him always.” And he sent a deep sleep upon Adam, and took a rib from him, and dosed his side up again. And out of this very rib taken from Adam, God created a woman and brought her to him. Then Adam said, “This is bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called a woman, because she was taken from her man. This is why a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and the two shall be one flesh” [Gen. 2:18–24].

All of this is from God’s word. These words teach us where man and woman come from, how they were given to one another, for what purpose a wife was created, and what kind of love there should be in the estate of marriage.

If God himself does not give the wife or the husband, anything can happen. For the truth indicated here is that Adam found no marriageable partner for himself, but as soon as God had created Eve and brought her to him, he felt a real married love toward her, and recognized that she was his wife. Those who want to enter into the estate of marriage should learn from this that they should earnestly pray to God for a spouse.” (Luther’s Works, vol. 44, p.7-8).

Catechesis on Second-Last Sunday (Matthew 25:31-46)

On Wednesday nights, Trinity Lutheran Church(Herrin, IL) offers to both children and adults an opportunity for teaching with Learn-by-Heart at 6:30 PM and a catechetical service at 7:00.

In this video from November 15, 2017, we learned stanza 2-3 of “O Bride of Christ, Rejoice” (The Lutheran Hymnal, #57), the fourth petition of the Lord’s Prayer and meaning from Luther’s Small Catechism.  This service is designed to prepare God’s people for the theme of the upcoming Sunday Divine Service.  The dialog sermon explains Jesus’ teaching on the sheep and the goats (St. Matthew 25:31-46, which is the Holy Gospel for the Second-Last Sunday in the Church Year.

The service concludes with “Recite Word by Word” (pdf link below).  [Length: 1 hour, 4 minutes.   Note: the video caption says “Third-Last…,”
but it really is “Second-last….”]

Bulletin: Catechesis 2nd Last Sunday – 11-15-2017
Hymn: TLH 57
Responsive Prayer: Recite Word by Word