#55 The Precious Gospel Is To Be Praised!

The first point we notice is, that the Savior here lauds His precious Gospel, saying to His disciples: “Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see. For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear and have not heard them.”

In these words the Savior wishes to comfort us when we see that the precious Gospel is despised more than anything else in this world. For it is a fact that the wicked world can hear and suffer all false doctrine, lies of the devil, and all heresy rather than the Gospel, which it will neither hear nor see, but continues to revile and to persecute vehemently, and thus to cause great sorrow to those who preach it. Such deplorable examples we observe all over Germany and many other countries. This the Lord observes, and comforts His disciples, saying: The children of this world, yea, even my own people, to whom I have been promised and sent, all deride and blaspheme my Word. But he that is so favored as to have this Word and uses it for his comfort, is indeed blessed and has blessed ears. He has reason to thank God from all his heart that he possesses and is able to appreciate what the children of this world so much despise. You are indeed more blessed than Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah — yea more than David and other pious kings. The highest desire of all sainted patriarchs, prophets and kings was for the time when they should see and hear me. This time they have not reached; but you have been blessed to see it. Therefore rejoice and be comforted, and thank God with all your hearts for the inestimable blessing of seeing and hearing me. You are indeed blessed above all others.  (Luther’s House Postil, Sermon for the Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity, Volume 3, p. 774)

Posted in 2023 Doctrine & Practice.

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