#35 Signs of the Fruits of Faith Not as Reliable as Faith Itself

However, these signs cannot be regarded as being as reliable as those noted before since some heathen too practice these works and indeed at times appear holier than Christians; yet their actions do not issue from the heart purely and simply, for the sake of God, but they search for some other end because they lack a real faith in and a true knowledge of God. But here is the Holy Spirit, who sanctifies the heart and produces these fruits from “an honest and good heart,” as Christ says in the parable recorded in Matthew 13 [Luke 8:15]. Since the first table is greater and must be a holier possession, I have summarized everything in the second table. Otherwise, I could have divided it too into seven holy possessions or seven principal parts, according to the seven commandments.

Now we know for certain what, where, and who the holy Christian church is, that is, the holy Christian people of God; and we are quite certain that it cannot fail us. Everything else may fail and surely does, as we shall hear in part. Men should be selected from this people to form a council; that might be a council ruled by the Holy Spirit. Thus Lyra, too, writes that the church is not to be assessed by the high or spiritual vocations in it, but by the people who truly believe.  I am surprised that he was not burned at the stake for these words, for denying that popes, cardinals, bishops, and prelates compose the church; this amounts to abominable heresy, intolerable and offensive to the holy Roman church. More about this elsewhere.  (Luther’s Works, v.41, p.167)

Picture: The Good Shepherd window, middle frame

Book of Concord, Bible Class #29: Ap. XII. Penitence

This Bible study examines Apology, articles XII. Penitence (or Repentance)

Quiz #28 (blue sheet): Quiz-28-for-Apr-19-2020-Apology-IX-X-XI-and-XIII.pdf
Text of the Apology XII:  Apology-XII.pdf
Review for Quiz #28: Apology-IX-X-XI-and-XIII.pdf

Note 1: A Matins service was also video recorded and is available at trinityh.org, under the tab, Sermons
Note 2: This is the audio only post.  The vimeo video is also available.   Click here –> Vimeo Video for Class #29

Matins for Easter One – April 19, 2020

Service Bulletin:  Easter-One-Matins-for-Online-4-19-2020.pdf
Printed Sermon:  SRM1909-The-Absolution-Kingdom.pdf

0:00 Hymn TLH #207 “Like the Golden Sun Ascending” (Printed on PDF)
3:55 Order of Matins, p.208
4:45 Venite with Easter Invitatory, p.209
6:45 Hymn #130 “O Sons and Daughters of the King”
10:45 Psalm 81
15:00 Readings:  Ezekiel 37:1-14, 1 John 5:4-10, John 20:19-31
21:30 Responsory for Easter, p.213
22:55 Sermon “The Absolution Kingdom” John 20:21-23 (length: 17 minutes)
40:00 Te Deum, p.214
43:40 Prayers
47:50 Te Deum, p. 246
50:50 Hymn #127 “Jesus Christ is Risen Today”
53:30 Hymn #123 “Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands”
57:00 total time

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
This post is the audio, if you want the video CLICK HERE –>  Vimeo Video for Easter One Matins
Note: The Bible class was also recorded and will be available at trinityh.org.

#34 Other Outward Signs(Fruits of Faith) that Identify The Church

In addition to these seven principal parts there are other outward signs that identify the Christian church, namely, those signs whereby the Holy Spirit sanctifies us according to the second table of Moses; when he assists us in sincerely honoring our father and mother, and conversely, when he helps them to raise their children in a Christian way and to lead honorable lives; when we faithfully serve our princes and lords and are obedient and subject to them, and conversely, when they love their subjects and protect and guard them; also when we bear no one a grudge, entertain no anger, hatred, envy, or vengefulness toward our neighbors, but gladly forgive them, lend to them, help them, and counsel them; when we are not lewd, not drunkards, not proud, arrogant, overbearing, but chaste, self-controlled, sober, friendly, kind, gentle, and humble; when we do not steal, rob, are not usurious, greedy, do not overcharge, but are mild, kind, content, charitable; when we are not false, mendacious, perjurers, but truthful, trustworthy, and do whatever else is taught in these commandments—all of which St. Paul teaches abundantly in more than one place.

We need the Decalogue not only to apprise us of our lawful obligations, but we also need it to discern how far the Holy Spirit has advanced us in his work of sanctification and by how much we still fall short of the goal, lest we become secure and imagine that we have now done all that is required. Thus we must constantly grow in sanctification and always become new creatures in Christ. This means “grow” and “do so more and more” [II Pet. 3:18].  (Luther’s Works, v.41, p.166)

Picture: The Baptismal Font

Adoration. 2

BLESSED be God, the Only God, Three Persons in one Eternity of Love.
Blessed be God, the Lover of men, their Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier.
Blessed be God, the Fount of human love, Whence all earthly intercourse is fructified.
Blessed be God for all that He is.
Blessed be God for all that He has done.
Blessed in His Church on earth, and blessed in the height of Heaven: blessed in the Fellowship of the Redeemed; and blessed amid all the Celestial Host; blessed by all the chorus of humanity, and blessed by the whisper of each single soul.
Blessed from everlasting, blessed now, and blessed for evermore.
Blessed be God. Amen.  (Oremus, 1925, p.21).

#33 The True Seven Principle Possessions of The Church

These are the true seven principal parts of the great holy possession whereby the Holy Spirit effects in us a daily sanctification and vivification in Christ, according to the first table of Moses. By this we obey it, albeit never as perfectly as Christ. But we constantly strive to attain the goal, under his redemption or remission of sin, until we too shall one day become perfectly holy and no longer stand in need of forgiveness. Everything is directed toward that goal. I would even call these seven parts the seven sacraments, but since that term has been misused by the papists and is used in a different sense in Scripture, I shall let them stand as the seven principal parts of Christian sanctification or the seven holy possessions of the church.

  1. The Holy Word of God
  2. The Holy Sacrament of Baptism
  3. The Holy Sacrament of the Altar
  4. The Office of the Keys
  5. The Ministers Who Administer
  6. Prayer, Praise and Thanksgiving
  7. The Sacred Cross of Affliction

(Luther’s Works, v.41, p.165-166)

Picture:  The Victorious Savior Window

Book of Concord, Bible Class #28: Ap. IX, X, XI and XIII. The Number and Use of the Sacraments

This Bible study examines Apology, articles IX. Baptism, X. The Holy Supper, XI. Confession and XIII. The Number and Use of the Sacraments.

Quiz #27 (tan sheet): Quiz-27-for-Apr-12-2020-Apology-VII-and-VIII.pdf
Text of the Apology IX, X, XI and XIII:  Apology-IX-X-XI-and-XIII.pdf

Review for Quiz #27: Apology-VII-and-VIII-b.pdf

Note 1: A Matins service was also video recorded and is available at trinityh.org, under the tab, Sermons
Note 2: This is the audio only post.  The vimeo video is also available.   Click here –>  Vimeo Video for Class #28

Matins for Easter Sunday April 12, 2020

Service Bulletin:  Easter-Sunday-Matins-for-Online-4-12-2020.pdf
Printed Sermon:  SRM1908-The-Forever-Festival.pdf

0:00 Hymn #127 “Jesus Christ is Risen Today” (with trumpet)
3:00 Order of Matins, p.208
3:45 Venite with Easter Invitatory, p.209
5:45 Hymn #124 “Christ Is Arisen”7:45
7:00 Psalm 118
14:30 Readings:  Job 19:23-27, 1 Corinthians 5:6-8, Mark 16:1-8
17:15 Responsory for Easter, p.213
18:40 Sermon “The Forever Festival” 1 Cor 5:7-8  (length: 16 minutes)
34:40 Benedictus, p.217
37:10 Prayers
42:30 Paschal Blessing, p.244
47:50 Te Deum, p. 246
Hymn #123 “Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands”
51:10 total time

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
This post is the audio, if you want the video CLICK HERE –>  Vimeo Video for Easter Matins
Note: The Bible class was also recorded and will be available at trinityh.org.

For Confirmands.

O GOD, Whose Spirit multiplies and rules the whole body of the Church, conserve in those who have dedicated themselves to Thy service, the grace of sanctification, which Thou alone dost impart; so that, renewed in body and mind, they may serve Thee zealously in the unity of the faith; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.  (Oremus, 1925, p.76).

For Peace

O GOD, our Refuge and Strength, be present with us in all our troubles, that every adverse sword may be sheathed and every heart may be enriched with the blessings of peace; so that in tranquility we may behold Thee, and beholding Thee may possess Thee forever; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.  (Oremus, 1925, p.63).