Bible Studies

NEXT BIBLE STUDY on July 21, 2024 at 9:00 AM
No Live Stream on July 14, 2024.
Handout 1:

Book of Concord Bible Class #9: Article XX

By luther | November 19, 2019 | Comments Off on Book of Concord Bible Class #9: Article XX

In this Bible study we finish up article twenty of the Augsburg Confession. Quiz #9 (blue sheet): Quiz-9-for-Nov-17-Augsburg-Confession-Art-18-20.pdf Handout 1: Handout-Articles-of-the-Augsburg-Confession-Overview-Nov-3.pdf Overhead: AC-articles-18-21.pdf (Picture is of Salem Lutheran Church, Malone, TX) Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Book of Concord Bible Class #8: Articles 18-20

By luther | November 7, 2019 | Comments Off on Book of Concord Bible Class #8: Articles 18-20

This Bible study is an overview of Augsburg Confession, articles eighteen through part of article twenty. Quiz #8 (grey sheet): Quiz-8-for-Nov-3-Augsburg-Confession-Art-6-17.pdf Handout 1: Handout-Articles-of-the-Augsburg-Confession-Overview-Nov-3.pdf Overhead: AC-articles-18-21.pdf Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS

Book of Concord Bible Class #7: Augsburg Confession-Art. 6 -17

By luther | October 29, 2019 | Comments Off on Book of Concord Bible Class #7: Augsburg Confession-Art. 6 -17

This Bible study is an overview of Augburg Confession, articles six through seventeen. Quiz #7 (blue sheet): Quiz-7-for-Oct-27-Augsburg-Confession.pdf Handout 1 (from October 13): Handout-Articles-of-the-Augsburg-Confession-Overview.pdf Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS

Book of Concord Bible Class #6: Starting the Augsburg Confession

By luther | October 24, 2019 | Comments Off on Book of Concord Bible Class #6: Starting the Augsburg Confession

The Augsburg Confession is divided into “Articles of Faith and Doctrine” and “Articles Concerning Dissension, and Corrected Abuses.”  In order to better understand the two-fold structure of the Augsburg Confession, this study began with a quick review of the historical events from 1517 to 1530 (page 3 of last week’s handout).  Due to the conciliatory […]

Book of Concord Bible Class #5: Confessional Subscription

By luther | October 11, 2019 | Comments Off on Book of Concord Bible Class #5: Confessional Subscription

“The Word of God alone should be and remain the only standard and rule of doctrine” (FC SD Rule and Norm 9).  Concerning the church fathers and  church councils, we accept them in so far as they agree with the Word of God, “to which everything should be subjected” (9).   However, the church does need […]

Book of Concord Bible Class #4: Councils and the Prefaces

By luther | September 26, 2019 | Comments Off on Book of Concord Bible Class #4: Councils and the Prefaces

The Lutheran theologians explain, in the preface to the entire Book of Concord, that they never intended teach anything new, but only hold “to the ancient consensus which the universal and orthodox church of Christ has believed, fought for against many heresies and errors, and repeatedly affirmed” (Preface, 3). First, “We believe, teach, and confess […]

Book of Concord Bible Class #3: The Scriptures and the Creeds

By luther | September 19, 2019 | Comments Off on Book of Concord Bible Class #3: The Scriptures and the Creeds

Simply put, this Bible class examines the Scriptures to see the newly-formed Christian church engage in creed-like statements of faith.  There are both professions of who Jesus is and His work on our behalf.  We the profession of faith used with baptism, the pledging of men into the Pastoral Office, and the rejection of heresy. […]

Book of Concord Bible Class, Pt. 2: The Creeds

By luther | September 12, 2019 | Comments Off on Book of Concord Bible Class, Pt. 2: The Creeds

This Bible class presented an overview of the historic and ecumenical creeds of the Christian church.  The Apostles’ Creed is the oldest of the creeds.  Although it is first quoted at the end of the fourth century (390 and then 404), it has its roots in the old Roman Creed of the second century.  The […]

Book of Concord Bible Class, Pt. 1: Introduction

By luther | September 5, 2019 | Comments Off on Book of Concord Bible Class, Pt. 1: Introduction

This Bible class is the beginning of a 9-month course on the Book of Concord, the confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.  A creed is a summary statement of the religious belief of a certain group of people. We begin this course by responding to five common reasons which groups give for being non-creedal (or […]

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt.21: The Wrap-up

By luther | August 29, 2019 | Comments Off on Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt.21: The Wrap-up

In the beginning there was a distinction between the Creator and His Creation.  Yet at a point in time “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (Jn 1:14).  The divine second person of the Trinity took up a human nature and manifested Himself to our human senses.  This God-Man appointed Apostles to be His […]