Bible Studies

NEXT BIBLE STUDY on July 21, 2024 at 9:00 AM
No Live Stream on July 14, 2024.
Handout 1:

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 20: Moving Forward 3

By luther | August 20, 2019 | Comments Off on Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 20: Moving Forward 3

“Of all the religious beliefs in the world, past or present, none have more thoroughly based themselves on history than Judaism and Christianity.  the divine-human encounter in the biblical faith always involves claims about real people, living in real places, who acted in real events in the past, many of which are also cited in […]

Book of Concord Bible Study Starts September 1, 2019

By luther | August 16, 2019 | Comments Off on Book of Concord Bible Study Starts September 1, 2019

Dust off your Book of Concord and start reading.  Sunday, September 1, we will begin a new 9-month Bible study on the Book of Concord. You keep saying that you are going to read through it.  Well, here is your chance. I have provided a reading guide, so your new Adam can whack that recalcitrant […]

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 19: Moving Forward 2

By luther | August 15, 2019 | Comments Off on Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 19: Moving Forward 2

With this class, we continue looking at the “Four Points Raised in John Warwick Montgomery’s article, ‘Christian Apologetics in the Light of the Lutheran Confessions.’”  Today’s class looks at points three and four. 3. After the fall, man has a bound will in spiritual matters (Ephesians 2:1, “dead in trespasses and sins.”)  Nevertheless, man still […]

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 18: Apologetics Moving Forward

By luther | August 13, 2019 | Comments Off on Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 18: Apologetics Moving Forward

In previous classes we have defined Apologetics as the scientific validation of the truth and absoluteness of the Christian religion against unbelief on the basis of human reason and science.  We previously looked at 1 Peter 3:15 and Jude 1:3, but these came up short as proof texts to support apologetics.  It would seem that […]

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 17 Apologetics 2

By luther | August 1, 2019 | Comments Off on Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 17 Apologetics 2

Another passage used to support the task of apologetics is Jude 1:3, “…Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly (ἐπαγωνίζεσθαι) for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.”  In context, the […]

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 16 Apologetics

By luther | July 30, 2019 | Comments Off on Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 16 Apologetics

Those who encourage apologetics almost always cite First Peter 3:15,  “… always be ready to give a defense{ἀπολογίαν} to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you….”  The Greek word, apologia {ἀπολογία}, simply means to give a defense against objections.  In context, there is nothing to suggest anything other than a […]

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 15: Not Confusing the Estates

By luther | July 17, 2019 | Comments Off on Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 15: Not Confusing the Estates

The several descriptions of American culture given in the book, Gospel Reset, imply that the former cooperation between public schools and the church (e.g. the Bible, prayer and Christian worldview, see page 17) gave American society a foundational knowledge for understanding morality and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.  Page 14 says, “… many in […]

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 14: Worldview vs. Three Estates

By luther | July 15, 2019 | Comments Off on Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 14: Worldview vs. Three Estates

Usually we speak of the Ten Commandments as the law of God which shows us our sin.  Furthermore, we know that only believers can do good works, because without faith nothing is pleasing to God (Heb. 11:6).  Good works flow from faith.  Nevertheless, when Luther describes the Ten Commandments as the fountainhead of all good […]

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 13: The Three Estates

By luther | June 25, 2019 | Comments Off on Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 13: The Three Estates

Although others have explained the three estates (church, family, and state) exclusively, the Word of God teaches these estates theologically and ethically.  Each and every person, believer or unbeliever, finds themselves to be a member of each estate.  The church was instituted in the Garden of Eden, before Eve was created and before the fall […]

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 12: Not a Christian Nation

By luther | June 18, 2019 | Comments Off on Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 12: Not a Christian Nation

Although the American culture has indeed changed, we need to be careful how we describe this change.  The illustration on pages 53 and 82 seems to teach that the United States formerly had God’s Word as her foundation, but now the foundation is man’s word.  Let’s be clear:  The United States has never been a […]