Bible Studies

NEXT BIBLE STUDY on July 21, 2024 at 9:00 AM
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Handout 1:

Baptismal Life Bible Class – The Task of Faith: Slay the old Adam, Part 7

By mdhauz | February 23, 2016 | Comments Off on Baptismal Life Bible Class – The Task of Faith: Slay the old Adam, Part 7

God ways are not simply external changes which are brought about by sociological principles and behavior modification.  The Triune God works through the Word and Holy Spirit to give the gift of faith in the inner spirit.  The only way in which the believer can mortify the old Adam is through faith, which gives a […]

Baptismal Life Bible Class – Word, Faith and Holy Spirit put to death the old Adam, Part 6

By mdhauz | February 16, 2016 | Comments Off on Baptismal Life Bible Class – Word, Faith and Holy Spirit put to death the old Adam, Part 6

The Triune God works through the Word to give the gift of faith and the Holy Spirit by means of which He daily puts to death the Old Adam in us.  There are two ways in which others try to achieve a Christian life.  Some groups become antinomian in their teaching, when they refuse to […]

Baptismal Life Bible Class – Putting to death the old Adam, Part 5

By mdhauz | February 9, 2016 | Comments Off on Baptismal Life Bible Class – Putting to death the old Adam, Part 5

The definition for the Old Adam includes both a lack of righteousness (fear, love and trust in God) and the addition of concupiscence(the evil desires and inclinations toward carnal things).  The Old Adam does not cease to exist when a person is baptized.  Although the punishment (guilt) is removed in baptism, the concupiscence remains and […]

Baptismal Life Bible Class – Daily Baptism, Part 4

By mdhauz | January 31, 2016 | Comments Off on Baptismal Life Bible Class – Daily Baptism, Part 4

The baptismal life of a Christian involves a daily dying to sin and rising to live a new life. In this lesson we examine the “killing of the old Adam.” This daily baptism includes denying and refusing to follow the sinful thoughts, desires, and deeds of the sinful nature. This baptismal life of the Christian […]

Baptismal Life Bible Class – Daily Baptism, Part 3

By mdhauz | January 26, 2016 | Comments Off on Baptismal Life Bible Class – Daily Baptism, Part 3

In order to take a closer look at the daily signification of Holy Baptism in the life of the Christian, this lesson diagrams St. Paul’s one sentence found in Ephesians 4:20-24. Handout:  Ephesians 4 Lesson Three Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS

Baptismal Life Bible Class – Daily Baptism, Part 2

By mdhauz | January 19, 2016 | Comments Off on Baptismal Life Bible Class – Daily Baptism, Part 2

The singular act of God through Holy Baptism by which we become forgiven sons of God signifies the kind of new life Christians are to live.  We enter into a baptismal life of DAILY dying to sin and rising to live a new life.  This lesson expounds Ephesian chapter four to show us the DAILY […]

Baptismal Life Bible Class – Introduction, Part 1

By mdhauz | January 12, 2016 | Comments Off on Baptismal Life Bible Class – Introduction, Part 1

Holy Baptism is a singular action by which God forgives sin, gives the Holy Spirit and makes the baptized a son of God(Acts 2:37-42, Gal 3:26-27).  Through Holy Baptism, the newly made Christian enters into a baptismal life of daily dying to sin and rising to live a new life(Eph 4:22-24).  Holy Baptism indicates or […]

Natural Law Bible Class #16 – Wrap Up

By mdhauz | January 5, 2016 | Comments Off on Natural Law Bible Class #16 – Wrap Up

This is the concluding lesson for this series. Handout and Overheads: Final Class Wrap Up on Jan 2016p Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS

Natural Law Bible Class #15 – Applications Part 4

By mdhauz | December 29, 2015 | Comments Off on Natural Law Bible Class #15 – Applications Part 4

We continue to apply the Scriptural teachings we have learned to the situation of a government clerk who is required to issue marriage licenses.  In this Bible Study we deal with the issues of “unjust” laws.  There is only one more Bible Study left. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS

Natural Law Bible Class #14 – Applications Part 3

By mdhauz | December 22, 2015 | Comments Off on Natural Law Bible Class #14 – Applications Part 3

We continue to apply the Scriptural teachings we have learned to a government clerk who is required to issue marriage licenses.  In this Bible Study we deal with the issues of religious liberty.  Next time, we will address “unjust” laws. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS