Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 9: Acts 2 and Acts 17

In this Bible study, we compare and contrast Peter’s address in Acts 2 with St. Paul’s address in Acts 17.

The “sermon” in Acts 2 is made to Jews who already knew the Old Testament.  By means of the revealed knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, they knew that the one true God was the Creator of all things.  They knew about the fall into sin and the consequence of death.  They knew that God had promised to send a Savior to redeem the world.  Peter’s sermon simply identified Jesus as the Messiah and fulfillment of God’s promise.

The “sermon” in Acts was made in the Athenian marketplace to a gathering of Epicurean and Stoic philosophers.  These Gentiles knew that there was a god, but their attempt at identifying and worshiping Him, was a miserable failure.  We looked at the basic teachings of Greek philosophy from the Epicureans and Stoics.  At the beginning of his speech, St. Paul refers to their natural knowledge, but he also calls their religion ignorance.  St. Paul needs to introduce to them the one true God as the Creator of heaven and earth.  He needs to explain that the required worship for righteousness was not the service of men’s hands.  Instead, the greatest worship is to receive the righteousness which comes by the man Jesus Christ through faith.  St. Paul preached the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Handout 1: Gospel-Reset-Class-Eight-May-19-2019.pdf
Overheads: Gospel-Reset-Overheads-May-26-2019b.pdf

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 8: Two Religions and Man’s Word

There are only two religions in the world:  the true religion of Christianity based on the true and inerrant Word of God and every other false religion which is based on man’s sinful and fallible word.  God’s Word presents the Triune God as the Creator of all things and teaches that when man fell into sin, God promised to send a Messiah.  That promise comes true in Jesus Christ and His work on the cross.  Through faith in Christ and His work of forgiveness, we are saved.  Every other religion comes from the father of lies.

However, we need to distinguish the natural knowledge of creation, conscience and human reason from the corrupting desires and thoughts of our sinful nature.  If by man’s word we mean natural knowledge, then man’s word is not sinful and fallible.  It is, in fact, useful and necessary for the governance of the state.  God’s Word does not condemn the right and proper use of natural knowledge.  Nevertheless, in the church natural knowledge is completely insufficient to identify the one true God or to determine His will toward us.  If by man’s word, we mean the corruption of the sinful nature, then man’s word is to be rejected both in the state and the church.

Due to the present weakness of modern education, most people are not able to rationally defend the truths presented by natural knowledge.  The Scriptural distinction of the two kingdoms means that science doesn’t need the Bible in order to come to the right conclusions.  Due to our sinful nature, even our human reason becomes unknowingly corrupted.

Handout 1: Gospel-Reset-Class-Eight-May-19-2019.pdf
Overheads: Gospel-Reset-Class-Eight-Overheads-May-19-2019.pdf

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 7: The Left-hand Kingdom and the Right-hand Kingdom

The Triune God has entrusted the teaching of natural knowledge to the state/government (called the left-hand kingdom) for the protection of body and possessions and to maintain order in this world.  He has entrusted the teaching of revealed knowledge to the church (called the right-hand kingdom) to impart salvation.  In theses VII-VIII, we have already seen that the teaching of the Bible alone is sufficient to create and sustain faith in Christ, who has won our salvation.  With this study, we learn that the Holy Scriptures do not always put down man’s natural knowledge.  As long as it is being used rightly, natural knowledge is to be praised and used in the left-hand kingdom.  Natural knowledge is rejected when it is used for religious purposes to supplement or to deny revealed knowledge.

Handout 1: Gospel-Reset-Class-Seven-May-5-2019.pdf

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt.6: The Purposes of Natural and Revealed Knowledge

In order to proceed in a systematic way, we need to distinguish the natural knowledge which comes from the creation and the conscience, from the revealed knowledge of God’s Holy Word.  God writes the law upon the heart of all men as a curb to control gross outbursts of sin (1 Tim 1:8-10, Romans 2:14-15).  God also uses the natural knowledge of creation(Ps 19:1, Rom 1:19-20) to incite men to seek Him (Acts 14:15-17, Acts 17:26-27).  By means of natural knowledge, man knows that there is a God and knows that He demands certain things and prohibits other things, but he doesn’t know the identity of that God, nor does He know how to find a gracious God.  Natural knowledge creates the need in the hope that through the revealed knowledge of God in Holy Scripture, man would come to know the Triune God and come to believe in the will of God to save man through the suffering and death of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Handout 1: Gospel-Reset-Class-Six-April-28-2019.pdf

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 5: The Bible’s Purpose

The purpose of the Bible is the salvation of man. The law reveals a knowledge of sin and eternal damnation.  The Gospel reveals the person and work of Jesus Christ.  The Word of God not only presents the foundational content, but also creates the faith which trusts in the free salvation earned by Jesus Christ.

The Bible is able to accomplish this purpose!  Divine Authority-The Word of God is entitled to the same faith and obedience that is due God.  Divine Efficacy-the Word of God produces contrition, faith and good works.  Sufficiency(Perfection)-The Scripture presents everything a man must know to obtain salvation without the need for an outside source.  Perspicuity-The Scripture is clear in its teaching of salvation. An outside interpreter is not needed.

Handout 1: Gospel-Reset-Class-Four-April-7-2019.pdf

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 4: The Important of Creation Doctrine

Having established that the Scriptures do teach a young earth, literal six-day creation, this study shows just how important this teaching is by answering two questions. Is adherence to this doctrine required for congregational membership?  And is adherence to this doctrine required for salvation?  Although church fellowship requires complete agreement in doctrine and practice, a person can be saved without an adherence to the doctrine of creation.  In order to explain this answer, this study examines the difference between fundamental and non-fundamental doctrines.

The denial of one doctrine will logically result in the denial of other doctrines.  When man does not logically follow this, it is a called a “Felicitous Inconsistency.” (Pronunciation: fi-lis-i-tuh s )

Note: The first 4 minutes are an explanation of the outdoor church sign which read:
Side One:  Brothers living in unity under Aaron’s oily Beard Ps. 133
Side Two: The Aaronic benediction bestows the blessing of life

Handout 1: Gospel-Reset-Class-Four-April-7-2019.pdf
Overhead 1: Creation-Search-Results.pdf

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 3: The Domino Effect

Denying the Scriptural doctrine of a Creator and His six-day creation will have a profound effect on the teachings of the rest of the Scripture.  In this class, we see walk through some of the Scriptural doctrines which are overturned when evolution is allowed to infect the Christian faith.

Handout 1: Gospel-Reset-class-Two-March-24-2019.pdf

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 2: Inspiration and a Young Earth

First, we finished up the one-page handout (from last week) which gave an overview of the book “Gospel Reset: Salvation made Relevant,” (2018).  The book proposes the church engage in pre-evangelism, demolishing the wrong foundation of evolution, and teach apologetics.  We will examine these proposals as the study progresses.  We noted that the book’s terms are sometimes vague or not what we think.  I have often use the term pre-evangelism to refer to those gimmicks, which are used to get people to come to church.  He uses the term pre-evangelism for the teaching of the law which comes before (pre-) the Gospel (Evangel).

Second, we answered two questions.  1.  Does the Holy Scriptures teach a young earth, literal six-day creation?  and 2. Is God’s Word inerrant and truthful in every point (history, etc.)?  The answer to both of these questions is yes.  The book of Genesis (1:1-2:3) teaches the creation of the world in six normal days, followed by a rest day.  Holy Scripture is the sole source from which all doctrine is drawn. Not just in “spiritual” things, but whenever the Scripture speaks it is correct.

Note: The first three minutes are an introduction to our website Trinityh.org

Handout 1: Gospel-Reset-Overview.pdf
Handout 2: Gospel-Reset-class-Two-March-24-2019.pdf
Screenshots of our website: Web-site-pages.pdf

Gospel Reset Bible Class, Pt. 1: Introduction

Secular humanism teaches a progressive philosophy of life using only human reason and free inquiry. By that definition, God, religious dogma, and the supernatural are rejected while naturalism and a commitment to science is embraced in determining ethics and self-fulfillment. The adherence to the theory of evolution is one example of how the secularization of culture has become a problem in the church and in the church’s proclamation of the Gospel for those outside the church. The book “Gospel Reset: Salvation made Relevant,” (2018) written by Ken Ham presents a case for beginning with the Creator and the Genesis account of creation, which teaches the reality of sin and death, before presenting the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.

This study will examine the premises and conclusions of the book “Gospel Reset.” It will also use the topics addressed as a springboard to speak about related doctrines and practices.

Handout 1: Gospel-Reset-Overview.pdf