Divine Service Ash Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Order of Divine Service
Introit and the Lenten Address
The Litany, p.279-283 Lutheran Worship
Readings:  Joel 2:12-19, 2 Peter 1:2-11, St. Matthew 6:1-21
Hymn “When over Sin I Sorrow” LW 367, TLH 152
Corporate Confession and Absolution, p.308-309 Lutheran Worship
Communion Hymns: “Not All the Blood of Beasts” LW 99, TLH 156
“Glory Be To Jesus” LW 98, TLH 158
“By Grace I’m Saved” LW 351, TLH 373
Departing Hymn “Now the Day is Over” LW 491, TLH 654

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).

Service Bulletin:  Ash-Wednesday-Divine-Service-for-Online-3-2-2022.pdf

Picture:  Judas from  Das Newe Testament Deuotzsch.  The image is from Martin Luther’s (1483-1546) September Testament.  Two men attempt to kill a bird on a pole. The first with a bow and arrow and the second by blowing a pellet out of a tube. This is an image of the term “judas bird” in which a bird acts as a trap for hunted birds. Woodcut designed by Lucas Cranach, the Elder (1472-1553), a close friend of Martin Luther. For information on licensing this image, please send an email, including a link to the image, to [email protected].  These images are made available by the generous contribution of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation.

Posted in Divine Service, Sermon, Services.