Creation/Evolution Bible Study

The Bible is not a science book, nor is it designed with the purpose of presenting to us scientific principles, nevertheless, where the Bible speaks of creation it always tells the truth. The Triune God created the world in six normal days as described by Genesis, chapter one.  Both theistic evolution and atheistic evolution deny the inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures and the truth of the doctrines it presents. Even more importantly, evolution negates the need for Christ’s atonement for sin.

Handout: Creation-Evolution-July-29-2018.pdf
Answers to the Line of the Promise Handout: Answers-Line-of-Promise-July-29-2018.pdf

Wednesday Ember Day Sermon – 12/14/16

This year’s ember day sermons are based on the Apostles’ Creed.  This first sermon is on the First Article of the Apostles’ Creed and is entitled, “The Creator And The Created.”   (Note: Based on Luther’s Sermons on the Catechism, 1528 — See pages 162-169 of Luther’s Works, volume 51)

“The material in the Large Catechism originated as sermons by Martin Luther on the basic texts of Christian teaching.  Already in the Middle Ages, some regional synods in Germany had called for regular preaching on the “catechism” (usually defined as the Ten Commandment, Apostles’ Creed, Lord’s Prayer and, sometimes, the Ave Maria).  The Ember Days, four time of fasting spread throughout the church year {The Wednesday, Friday and Saturday after 1st Sunday in Lent, Pentecost, Holy Cross Day(Sep 14), and St. Lucia’s Day(Dec 13)}, were often designated for this purpose.  Even before the Reformation, Wittenberg’s city church, St. Mary’s also seems to have followed this practice.  Luther himself preached on various portions of the catechism as early as 1518”  (The Book of Concord, Kolb, preface to Large Catechism, p.377)