Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 36: Freedom by Faith

Class #36:  “For Christ has set us free, not for a political freedom or a freedom of the flesh but for a theological or spiritual freedom, that is, to make our conscience free and joyful, unafraid of the wrath to come.  This is the most genuine freedom; it is immeasurable” (LW, Vol. 27, p.4).

1 John 1:6-10 speaks of our Christian freedom from sin.  Believers do not walk in darkness.  Yet, it is not that we are sin-free.  We continually confess our sin and He continually forgives and cleanses us.  We say, “No,” to our own sinful nature and fight against it.  The Gospel promises freedom from sin, law, death, wrath, and the devil.  Through faith in Christ, I do not fear death, as I have the promise of eternal life.  Christ has taken the wrathful curse so that the devil’s accusations are not true.  I am not going to hell for my sins, I am forgiven.

“Therefore one’s spirit must be trained, so that when it becomes conscious of the accusation of the Law, the terrors of sin, the horror of death and the wrath of God, it will banish these sorrowful scenes from its sight and will replace them with the freedom of Christ, the forgiveness of sins, righteousness, life, and the eternal mercy of God” (LW, Vol. 27, p.5)

Overhead: Galatians Class 36 Overhead
Handout: Freedom Study 2 in the Conscience

Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 23: In Christ, No Curse

Class #23:  When St. Paul teaches “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us” (Gal 3;13), he is uniting the fulfillment of the Law and the promise of the Gospel in one Person, Jesus.  Our Savior, who had led a perfect life of keeping the law, was made to be sin (2 Cor 5:21) and a curse, when the Lord “laid on Him the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6).  His purpose was that we might receive the blessing of Abraham and the promise of the Spirit by means of faith in the promised forgiveness.  “That is, the law condemns all men, but by undergoing the punishment of sin and becoming a sacrifice for us, the sinless Christ took away the right of the law to accuse and condemn those who believe in him, because he himself is their propitiation, for whose sake they are now accounted righteous” (Ap. IV 179).  Through faith in Christ, people are justified, as well as freed and liberated from the curse of the law.

Overhead: Galatians Class 23 Overhead
Handout: Lutheran Confessions Curse of the Law

Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 21: The Curse of the Law

Class #21:  Galatians 3:10 teaches that those who seek to be justified by the law are under the curse of the law.  St. Paul cites Deuteronomy 27:26, which leaves no loopholes from which we could escape from that curse.  The curse is the divine verdict/pronouncement of wrath, death and destruction by God against lawbreakers.  The curse which rests upon those who rely on works of the law is meant to contrast with the justified children of Abraham who rely on the promise of salvation in Jesus Christ through faith alone.

Overhead: Galatians Class 21 Overhead
Handouts: Page 2 of Galatians Bible Study Chapter 3 6-9